Author Topic: Navigation view and comunictaion  (Read 120 times)


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Navigation view and comunictaion
« on: August 19, 1999, 04:21:00 PM »
Here are a few random ideas I have...

The GPS/Moving map in WB is a bit unrealistic for the time period.

I think a "lap view" would be cool.  This view would be "down into the cockpit" and would include the aircraft instrument panel and a map-board on the pilots lap, with a map and a stopwatch.  The map could have several "pages" for mission objectives, or waypoints, or recon photos of the target or, you get the idea.

This would allow IFR (in the clouds) flight as well  


As far as communication goes,

Voice comm integrated into the game?  Listen on multiple channels, transmit on one?  

(The RW solution in WB works but integration would be better.)

Voice communication adds a lot to the "realism" of the game.


The bases in WB have "sims", you know simulated folks to man the ack-ack when the bad-guys show up.

Why can't they make radio calls?  They could announce on the country channel that there are nme planes sighted, or the field under attack, or runway damaged or,... you get the idea.

joemac out.

[This message has been edited by joemac (edited 08-19-1999).]