Author Topic: Crazy Idea - O'Club.. Poker.. getting paid..  (Read 533 times)

Offline Kweassa

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Crazy Idea - O'Club.. Poker.. getting paid..
« on: March 14, 2003, 09:12:40 PM »
Among the things the  'avatar' can do.. how about if the pilot avatar gets paid, and has his own account?

 With that money, if the pilot gets transferred around into many bases and theaters.. maybe he can save some money and get a nice souvenir.. like in gift shops? :D Just like the way some veterans have they're little souvenirs from Africa.. or Russia! :)


 How about some mini-games? Like those can be done in O'Clubs? :D How about some poker? Or maybe black-jack?? I'm not thinking of a casino or something.. maybe just one of those humble table pokers between some pilot ;) ! Or craps and dices..?? Use some of your money to do light gambling fun? ;)


 Basically, how about the pilot gets paid, and gets to do some things with the money he earns? Doing almost everything the real guys did, except go to titty-bars :D?

Offline Pei

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Crazy Idea - O'Club.. Poker.. getting paid..
« Reply #1 on: March 14, 2003, 09:23:31 PM »
Great idea!

Can there also be ladies of *ahem* easy virtue and trips to the doc afttewards? :)

Offline Midnight

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Crazy Idea - O'Club.. Poker.. getting paid..
« Reply #2 on: March 14, 2003, 11:35:46 PM »

Actually not a bad idea. A simple card game interface to play poker / backjack would give players something to do while waiting for a mission to get going.

Offline Arlo

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Crazy Idea - O'Club.. Poker.. getting paid..
« Reply #3 on: March 15, 2003, 01:11:35 AM »
Aye, some recreation sounds nice. Or if the squadron feels it needs the time to be "more productive":

 A filmroom/briefing room where flight/group leaders and squadron/wing C.O.s can show films of the target or training films featuring matchups between axis and allied aircraft. Players download the film to their machine, when they all have it loaded, the mission briefer turns on the film and can play narrarator on vox. If the film could be modified to black and white with some squigglies and scratches .... so much the better.

Offline Esme

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Crazy Idea - O'Club.. Poker.. getting paid..
« Reply #4 on: March 15, 2003, 05:23:46 AM »
The ability to be able to share maps with squad members would be an EXCELLENT idea, especially for us bomber specialists. If flying with newbies it'd kill the "what are we flying, where from, what's our target/loadout/radiochannels" kind of stuff a great deal. Which is the main cause of grey hairs in Bomber unit CO's, trust me!

What would be even nicer would be the added ability to actually create maps that others can see whilst in the tower.  A simple mapping tool. If the tool were still usable for oneself (but NOT sharable with othes) once airborne, then voila! You have a Navigators table.

Btw we NEED the ability to have at least 3 people flying as partof the same crew in bombers (if the bomber had at least 3 crew, of course),so that  the jobs of pilot, gunner, navigator and bombardier can all be filled (bombardier job can be filled by pilot or navigator when required) by humans.

Also, barring radical alternatives to the current system (as per another thread elsewhere) we NEED AI gunnery so that bombers are NEVER unrealistically defenceless.  If a human gunner is present they can override the AI, sure, but  AI Otto would be far more realistic than what we currently have, IMO.

As for stuff like entertainment whilst waiting for missions, I'd like to be able to tune a radio station or two.  I like not only those stirring military songs of the Wehrmacht and the good popular songs that instill cher in our troops,but also (don;t tell the guys in the black uniforms!) I'm quite partial to Allied "Shrage Musik" (jazz) too... ;-)


Offline devious

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Crazy Idea - O'Club.. Poker.. getting paid..
« Reply #5 on: March 15, 2003, 05:17:52 PM »
One word:


Offline Chairboy

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Crazy Idea - O'Club.. Poker.. getting paid..
« Reply #6 on: March 15, 2003, 06:44:45 PM »
This is not The Sims

Thank you, that is all.

"When fascism comes to America it will be wrapped in the flag and carrying a cross." - Sinclair Lewis

Offline Arlo

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Crazy Idea - O'Club.. Poker.. getting paid..
« Reply #7 on: March 15, 2003, 07:23:12 PM »
Hehe ...

 Drive into London ... see a show ... get drunk at the pub ... get laid.

 But as far as the game is concerned ......

Offline 1Duke1

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Crazy Idea - O'Club.. Poker.. getting paid..
« Reply #8 on: March 16, 2003, 01:24:40 AM »
Virtual beer.......Now that's the ticket!!!!!:D

Offline Machine

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Crazy Idea - O'Club.. Poker.. getting paid..
« Reply #9 on: March 16, 2003, 03:52:29 AM »
Originally posted by Midnight

Actually not a bad idea. A simple card game interface to play poker / backjack would give players something to do while waiting for a mission to get going.

I got a better ideal for you midnight.  Tell the guys that are flying under you what changes are needed to be made, before they take off.  The way I see it you don't have time to play poker or blackjack.


Offline Midnight

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Crazy Idea - O'Club.. Poker.. getting paid..
« Reply #10 on: March 17, 2003, 11:14:58 AM »
Originally posted by Machine
I got a better ideal for you midnight.  Tell the guys that are flying under you what changes are needed to be made, before they take off.  The way I see it you don't have time to play poker or blackjack.



I'll ask you to edit your post and remove the link to that image. Your poor attitude regarding the fuel selection for Friday Night squad operations is now becoming childish and annoying.

I appologize that your Mossie group did not get the fuel loadout revision for that mission. Your original fuel was specified for 50% and it was determined pre-flight that 75% would be a better choice. You must have gotten in too late for that message.

The flight plan was sound, and the mossies were able to achive the target. Even your mossies made it to within 5 miles of the recovery airfield.

That being said, the entire blame for your fuel situation is not entirely my fault. As CO of your squad, you could very well have monitored your fuel consumption and instructed your pilots to reduce MAN and RPM settings on the ride home. In serious fuel critical situations, you could have even climbed to higher altitude to give yourself enough to glide home.

Falling short by 5 miles and then making the statements you made post mission and now in here is a major over-reaction, especially considering your Email reply to the orders, which stated

Originally Emailed to Midnight by Machine
Not a problem, I can do what ever it takes and I'll not whine if I get shot down!  LOL  Like some people I know.

Thank you for your consideration on this matter.


Midnight - CO
412th FS "Braunco Mustangs"

Offline Machine

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Crazy Idea - O'Club.. Poker.. getting paid..
« Reply #11 on: March 17, 2003, 01:44:48 PM »
Originally posted by Midnight

Your original fuel was specified for 50% and it was determined pre-flight that 75% would be a better choice. You must have gotten in too late for that message.

The flight plan was sound, and the mossies were able to achive the target. Even your mossies made it to within 5 miles of the recovery airfield.


Midnight - CO
412th FS "Braunco Mustangs"

Too Funny, I remember  someone saying something like the truth stings!  

But, I think the photo is right on the money!  I was in there in plenty of time and requested that you give me the Radio Channel so I could listen in on what was going on.  The Reply I got was:
" Machine, Can you hold on a minute I'm busy giving out orders!"
I think another squad got the change, but mine didn't as you wanted me to wait.

You also told me that you didn't have the time to tell my squad to change the fuel load out.  Let me see.  " Change your fuel load out to 75%"  I timed that and it only took 5 secs 10 if you take your time.  A whole squad ran out of gas because of your poor planning.

Just because I said I would do what ever it took to get the job done, doesn't mean I am willing to perform suicide missions because of piss poor planning on your part.

Next time, I'll take what ever I think I need and do what ever I think is best for my squad to get the job done.  You won't have to worry if you have time to tell me you need to make a change.

Or any other of your excuses for poor planning.

Offline sling322

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Crazy Idea - O'Club.. Poker.. getting paid..
« Reply #12 on: March 17, 2003, 02:25:58 PM »
Ok guys...if you wanna do this, do it privately or at least start your own thread in the appropriate place.

Offline Midnight

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Crazy Idea - O'Club.. Poker.. getting paid..
« Reply #13 on: March 17, 2003, 02:35:08 PM »

I'll get back to this later. Until then, keep stewing. It makes me laugh to see you fabricate events and quotes
« Last Edit: March 17, 2003, 03:05:56 PM by Midnight »

Offline Machine

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Crazy Idea - O'Club.. Poker.. getting paid..
« Reply #14 on: March 17, 2003, 03:47:50 PM »
Originally posted by Midnight

you fabricate events and quotes

It does?  Hummm, just more of your professional view shining through!  Just look at your post, it was taken right from your post!

But, I guess you don't have enough time to see that!  Besides, it was a joke to begin with.  But, you can't take a joke!  LOL

Also, I didn't even mention that you couldn't even send the email to me with the orders in it until I requested them.  This has happened twice now.  Two Frames and No orders until I request them.  BTW:  I didn't bother to include any of your emails in here, I figured that they were personal between me and you.  But if you insist to include them, I will start posting your emails to me in  here too.  That will provide a good laugh for everyone.

« Last Edit: March 17, 2003, 03:51:46 PM by Machine »