You have a small and very narrow view of the USA and the world, this is what your country has done to you with a limited education and very slanted views.
Your hate and disregard to us is noted and very clear.
I feel sorry for you and your beliefs but your mind is made up and as cold and solid as the statues of your old and forgotten leaders.
If you have the strength to re visit this board when Iraq is free and the truth is shown, I will then have some respect for you.
We bleed not for oil or money but for a just cause, We believe "all men our created equal and have the right to be free" not just Americans.
Your country is slowly moving toward a free society and we are pleased for your success in this matter.
The reasons for your country’s disapproval of our actions are well known and we feel sorry for the economic loses you will suffer. But when you sleep with the Devil you will get burned.
It is well documented of the evil of Saddom and your constant demand for proof means you are either ignorant of just playing with the emotions of many on this board.
I would like to spent some time with you, have some drinks and go fishing. I think we may have much in common, just a Gulf of life’s experiences separating us.
I wish you luck in life and hope you spend some time searching for why we are who we are, we really are not bad just devoted to seeing freedom ring.