Fair enough. As admin CM you could *hope* the B26s would make it back. You could also hope no children get bombed in Iraq.
but may I ask again, as admin CM and the supreme referee for this event, where were you? We don't start events without a commander for each side. Why is it that when it's clear the rules are screwed up and we need someone with authority, the only response in blue we get is "I'm not the Admin CM". Sort it out folks.
And whoever is the design CM screwed up. If you're making a bombing scenario, you want to ensure that a formation (and not just a single ship at full throttle) flying direct to the target can make the round trip well under the alotted time. If that round trip is over the alotted time, like it was for all bombers yesterday (go ahead and try it. 2.5 hours for the b26s and something like 3 hours for the b17s), you get a screwed up situation. If oyu make the round trip exactly the alotted time, the game becomes "let's see if the allied CO can figure out the one way in which this mission is possible."
I know the CMs are human and I hold them to unfair expectations (viz. some veneer of professionalism), but a well crafted and executed scenario is neither an easy nor a trivial matter. Do it right, and the praise is never enough. Do it wrong, and we end up fighting the CMs more than each other. And I'm sick of fighting CMs.