Author Topic: Have Mercy?  (Read 326 times)


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Have Mercy?
« Reply #15 on: October 19, 2000, 09:41:00 PM »
A few times I have shot people in their chutes. Usually after they do something dweebish. Like sending the time to climb after a buff. But not catching him before he drops his bombs. About the time I get alt and start to close on them, they bail. I'm not going away with out shooting something.

Of course I won't go on the radio afterwards. I'd rather be thought a dweeb than remove all doubt.  

Offline Kats

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« Reply #16 on: October 19, 2000, 10:16:00 PM »
Man do I ever get pissed when someone shoots my chute!!!!!!!!!!!  

Anyhow, I don't think people should take the emotions too personally - I think that is what makes the game.

If we were all were a bunch of Mary Poppins on-line, something would be very wrong.  

I think the high strung emotions are directly related to the quality and immersion of the game.

Offline hazed-

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« Reply #17 on: October 19, 2000, 11:32:00 PM »
mercy is good...please show me as much as possible and dont shoot me at all  


Offline tshred

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« Reply #18 on: October 20, 2000, 07:17:00 AM »
Occasionally I shoot people down when ditching, but 9 out of 10 times I let them try. I try not to shoot chutes as well, but sometimes I've been known to out of frustration.

I hate the 'vulchers' as well. People who jump in to finish the already doomed badguy.

But what really pisses me off is my fellow Knights! The ones who see you 1v1 with the enemy and don't take time to assess the situation and jump right into the fight. I try not to 'gangbang' the enemy. If I see a fellow country man engaged and he is at the advantage, I circle above and wait to zoom in and clear his tail if need be, or to warn him about and/or engage other enemies that might be coming into the fight. He might be having the time of his life with this 'bogie' and not want me interfering with his fun. I also hate seeing 3 or more cons chasing anyone, especially me  .

Just yesterday I was engaged with a Rook 109 in my P38. I had the alt advantage and was booming and zooming him, trying to line up a good shot. He was very skilled, and successfully countered my attacks for quite some time. We were near an enemy field but he refused to run for the ack for cover <S>. After about 3-5 mins of this, we ended up lower and lower, down to about 2k. I was watching his reactions, and adjusting my moves for his counters, closing the gap and about to finally get a good shot when out of nowhere a fellow Knight in his 205 showed up to 'join the fun'. I kept my mouth shut and called out to the Rook pilot on channel 1 that I was 'out of the fight' because there is nothing I hate more myself than somebody else who comes in and spoils a good fight, no matter if I have the advantage or not, or wether it be another enemy or friendly.

Why the hell don't you "Boneheads" circle above and watch for hi enemies inbd and keep your fellow country mates 6 clear if he/she gets in trouble? Why do you have to 'swoop' in and take a shot? Most of you would have died in the war, and rightfully so.

That's what pisses me off  


Offline cp

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« Reply #19 on: October 20, 2000, 08:17:00 AM »
Here's a nice little story I came across a few weeks ago..


Confucius say man who walk sideways through airport is going to Bangkok.

Offline Westy

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« Reply #20 on: October 20, 2000, 08:26:00 AM »
 I shoot a chute if all the cons are gone and that's the only target remaiing. I'll shoot a chute of they're 'hangin' about a but too long and could be reporting back to thier buds what we might be doing or heading. And I'll ALWAYS try to finish the job and not let a plane go for the ditch. I want the message that I nailed you.  Save the chivalry for Waldo Pepper.

Offline Kieren

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« Reply #21 on: October 20, 2000, 08:34:00 AM »
I'm with Tshred here, and it is exactly what I do. Of course I have been yelled at by guys that were shot down because the situation reversed on them, but...  

I won't spoil a good fight between two guys unless called.

Offline Minotaur

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« Reply #22 on: October 20, 2000, 01:27:00 PM »

I now find myself in yet another dilemma.   I guess posting up a thread like this, it gets read.    

So yesterday in the MA, a player just kind of goes a little out of his/her way to provoke me on channel 1.  

This was after I had managed to auger (yet again  ) in a plane I was not very familiar with. The taunting line was like "I must be a great pilot for making you auger".  Announced multiple times on channel 1.

This other person was flying in a chog.

Man was it hard, I really really really hate chog's and consider most who fly them to be only "hide behind my guns chog dweebs"........  

After only a minimum of banter on my part, proudly I managed to actually pull it off -->  .squelch XXXXXX

To be honest, I had more fun the rest of the evening, and kind of sort of had the feeling I got "One UP"!

Duck and Run!  

The Wrecking Crew

"Anyway, more golf..."

Offline Ripsnort

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« Reply #23 on: October 20, 2000, 01:47:00 PM »
Mino:"hide behind my guns chog Dweebs"........

Funny, I feel that way about Nikis, except they're superior to the Chog by a long shot, but I'm not about to critisize someone for flying something that they're good in.

[This message has been edited by Ripsnort (edited 10-20-2000).]

Offline jihad

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« Reply #24 on: October 20, 2000, 01:52:00 PM »
 *NO* MERCY for dweebC or niki drivers,I`ll go for the chute kill regardless if it means their buddys might get the kill on me.

Offline miko2d

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« Reply #25 on: October 20, 2000, 02:05:00 PM »
 you are confusing the Main Arena with some kind of realistic environment while it is not even suppose to be that.
 In a special event or scenario you would not follow a wounded enemy if it caused you to leave formation and risk the main objective.
 You would not go chasing chutes and wasting fuel or ammo.
 At the same time returning to base from a sortie you would kill any damaged or ditching enemy plane because that adds points to your side and removes an enemy pilot from the game - just like in real life.