Originally posted by GRUNHERZ
Am you are pissed because you russains couldnr defeat two fanatical muslim enemies in years and years of conflicts. The united stats has defeated the taliban in a matter of weeks and now 12 days into the iraq war we have half the country and thiongs are going well.
GH, first of all, your comments towards posts from --am--, Miko and me makes it absolutely clear that your hatred towards Orthodox people is absolutely patologic.
You already asked me about Afghan war, and I answered. Very typical to ask and then don't bother reading answers. Afghan war was a complete success despite of your aid to bandits and terrorists. Probably you watched Rambo movies too much. Go take some sedative pills.
Originally posted by GRUNHERZ
So there, you russians suck and your barbaric way of fighting wars only leads to defeat.
Yes, we definetly suck, we should use new advanced Croatian/nazi techiques, tested and practiced in Srpska Krajna. Removing 350,000 people and drowning any effort to defend in blood is what YOU called a "nessessary measure".
Originally posted by GRUNHERZ
Russia today is a piece of garbage country that will need 200 years to recover from what you communists did to it in the past century.
Sure. If not bloody commies - you Croatian assistants could be under a warm breast of your nazi teachers, that you have shown many times you adore so much.
Keep on, herr Stutmbahnfuhrer.