Author Topic: How gangbanging shapes the MA.  (Read 632 times)

Offline Gie

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How gangbanging shapes the MA.
« Reply #45 on: November 20, 2001, 04:26:00 AM »
Yes, Seeker, in my FE is too slow to follow turnfighters too.
Usually it looks in this way : I am at Spit6 ,  D=1.0 , i see him rolling and i *know* he will turn , but as soon i see him starting a turn and i try to lead him, *suddenly* his plane jumps and I see him in my (usually) left view, in opposite side of circle ...
 Only way to kill Spit/nik is to B&Z , B&Z , B&Z , B&Z , B&Z , B&Z , B&Z , B&Z , B&Z , B&Z , B&Z , B&Z  untill he gets very slow.
But usually in the process someone else comes in and steal kill or kills you.

Offline DamnedBuzzard

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How gangbanging shapes the MA.
« Reply #46 on: November 20, 2001, 10:16:00 AM »
I must be doin something wrong. I find 1v1's all th time. Against Spit's ,LA's, 190's, 109's you name it. Sure I get gangbanged from time to time and I gang bang some myself.

Changing the map wouldn't change anything either unless there was some sort of host control that only allowed 2 planes per sector....and wouldn't that be fun.

This game, just like AW or any other MMOG is what you make of it. In a word, it's the people. You can find 1v1's . Sometimes it'll stay 1v1 and sometimes the other guy is on the radio squealin for help the minute he spots yer dot. That's just the way it is, it's people.

The problem, if indeed it is a problem, is the guy who bounces an enemy within sight of that enemies friends and expects them to stay out while he BnZ's thier countryman. Again, that's "people". It's also one of the classic definitions of insanity i.e. , Repeating the same action and expecting different results.

If I was gonna squeak about anything it would be about people who want to change a great game to suit there personal bias rather than changing thier personal behavior to suit the game.

Offline lazs1

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How gangbanging shapes the MA.
« Reply #47 on: November 21, 2001, 08:13:00 AM »
Yep... urchin is not...wrong.  He isn't right but he's not wrong either.

The way the arena is laid out with the farther fields and the ability to pork fighter operations with the added bonus of later and faster and idiotic perk planes is the cause of the gangbanging.

Slower planes that turn well (usually earlier) are stuck staying near a friendly base (swarming) because they won't be able to make it back otherwise.  "missions" are nothing but planned gangbangs.   Late war planes B&Z any survivors of fights.

The furball is the last vestige of fun.   Find a furball between two close fields and you have a chance at some parity of fights and, if desired, you are close enough to home to maybe survive.

choose to venture out to farther fields on your own or with a friend or two and you are either wasting your time or setting yourself up for a gangbang.

Offline Glasses

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How gangbanging shapes the MA.
« Reply #48 on: November 21, 2001, 09:23:00 AM »
Urchin after many months of being here you have to learn as I did don't go lo don't stay slow.  Get the best, fastest plane around, so when the situation does not suit your style of fighting, get out of dodge.

 I was happily flying over A60 last night at 35k ft and I stayed there  was engaged by some Tempests I hit wep and I was out of there came back damaged one then dove in got a B17 head on then a B26 took a while to shoot it down , Fariz came in his Yak I went straight and level MW50 buh bye yakkie and bought some time from their offensive by taking down both buffs. Simple, now that I get an understading of the arena it looks like more and more Late WW2 and more like August to March of last year of hostilities. Don't get lo or you'll get bounced never go into a fight with less than 200mph or you'll soon have some guy on your 6 who you couldn't out accel simple as that. They want to alt monkey you, you out alt monkey them, they go hi in a pony, you go hi in Ta152, and go Pony plinking with Minengeschoss.

Offline Midnight

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How gangbanging shapes the MA.
« Reply #49 on: November 21, 2001, 12:22:00 PM »

You post assumes that there is always a gang-bang. If that were the case, the side with 3-4 planes vs. your lone spit would not need the uber rides, would they? That is unless they were going to be gangbanged themselves only moments after shooting down your lone spit.

But then, that would be the "other" side doing the gang-banging now, wouldn't it?

Hmm.. I guess every side takes turns being gang-banged.. sorry

Offline 38isPorked

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How gangbanging shapes the MA.
« Reply #50 on: November 21, 2001, 12:52:00 PM »
I care less about a spit. 2 spits I start to take notice. 3 spits I begin to sweat. 4 spits and I begin to look for a way to "get the hell outta heah!". 5 spits I begin to HO like if there was no tomorrow (probably wont be). 6 + spits, I am in the AH MA.

And all is well.

Would like to see their fantasy 50 cal loadout removed. Having a plane that can out-anything except max speed you with long range guns and short range hizookas... and having an 8:1 ratio of spits vs. rest of planeset airborne in the MA is something im getting tired of.

My heart jumps in joy when I see the jug, the 109 or the 190 in the midst of spits... kinda like what a dog feels when you give it a meaty bone for a meal instead of its lifelong serving of Alpo/Purina.

Offline humble

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How gangbanging shapes the MA.
« Reply #51 on: November 21, 2001, 01:33:00 PM »
I always seem to work in a great 1 vs 1 during most "binge" sessions...mostly I do end up on the wrong end of a 1-2,3,4,5  :)...but as the saying goes a bogie on your 6 (or a bunch of em) is better than no bogie at all.

As to the planes themself's...there all dangerous if your on the wrong end :). As a loner the AH world is certainly getting tougher. I can usually hold my own for a bit in any ride I happen to be in ( I fly em all poorly :) but succumb to the 3rd or 4th con in. Of course once in a while you run into a buzzsaw and just get waxed...I think brook (from AW dos) said it best..."under the gods, but above the unwashed masses" or something to that effect.


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