This war is undoubtedly the most well covered one to date. However, the content IS sanitized for US consumption. The lack of images of dead and dying people from all sides isn't a mistake, rather it's typical of our militarys control over the embedded reporters.
During Vietnam the reporters were able to get a lot of their images of dead and dying soldiers and citizens out to their news organizations much easier since the media for recording such images was film.
With the advances in electronic news gathering the previewing and forcing the distruction on questionable images has never been easier.
Is this happening now? I haven't any answers but the lack of those types of images tells me that, even though the embedded reporters have great access to the battlefield, their reporting IS regulated and the reporters are undoubtedly having to follow the guidelines set by the military. It is typical to place non disclosure constraints on news organizations when their presence is sanctioned and supported by the military.
This administration has some smart cookies in it, those who actualy had a hand in the war in SEA have learned about the power of the media and the ease to control it by making it appear that the embedded reporters have full access and the ability to report the news w/o government censorship....that isn't the case though.
Regarding the reporters's a war zone, they knew the risks, their loss is lamentable but in the end it was their decision to be there and their death was the result of that decision.