Author Topic: CV Whining  (Read 430 times)

Offline barfo

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CV Whining
« on: April 09, 2003, 02:19:02 PM »

I've seen many messages pop up during game play in capital letters saying something like:


Followed by more messages like:


Here's my reply to those people:

TFB. I paid to play in this big "sandbox" and if someone else wants to control a resource for over an hour while everyone else has to wait in order to satisfy this one person's sneak-mission, TFB, dude.

If someone wants to tie up a task force then make sure that you can exclude people from your carrier mission. Since you can't exclude people from the carrier, STOP YOUR WHINING!!! You're not MY commander and I will take-off from, shoot the big guns, on the cruisers if I feel like it.

If someone launches a carrier mission and invites me on the mission, you can bet that I'll respect and obey the group in order to accomplish the mission. But it doesn't give this commander the right to tell everyone in the arena what to do or not do. People are paying to play. This is a GAME. People want to have fun. Let them have fun and quit whining about it.

Bottom line: You can try to sneak a carrier into enemy territory but you have no right to expect everyone to hold off from using a resource if they feel it's in the interest of having fun or helping them accomplish thier mission.

(putting on my kevilar jacket, let the flames flow),


Offline BenDover

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« Reply #1 on: April 09, 2003, 05:40:59 PM »
thats dumb,

to my knowledge, kevlar isn't flame retardent;) :p :rolleyes:

Offline empty

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« Reply #2 on: April 09, 2003, 08:36:35 PM »
That response is met all my expectations.  Same kind of guy that would rather hang out waiting for that next vulch kill rather than killing the last town building with troops at the field.

Fortunately, the Bishops I fly with seem to have a much stronger team approach.  These guys constantly sacrafice their personal agendas to help the team be succesful.

The occasional new guy goofs you up from time to time, but once you explain how things work, they don't seem to have a problem.

Offline Frost

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« Reply #3 on: April 09, 2003, 10:59:59 PM »
If you want to be ignorant enough to give away a CV's position before it's close enough to be effective, then so be it.  Just don't expect people to keep their mouths shut while you are sacrificing a country asset.  If you want to play lone wolf and do whatever you please, that's fine.  But try to find a way to do it that doesn't affect so many of your teammates.  Normally there is quite a few people waiting until the CV is close enough to be effective before they launch or start blasting the big guns.  CVs are pretty easy to sink especially when they are aways out from the base and no fighters are streaming in from the CV.

If you want to do your own thing then find a way to do it that doesn't sacrifice your country's best interests and numerous other people's fun.

Offline streetstang

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CV Whining
« Reply #4 on: April 10, 2003, 09:44:30 AM »
I agree 100% with Frost.  Yes, you are right Barfo, you do pay to play this game and so do the many others who play as well. Why would you want to give away the posistion of  your CV to the NME just because you feel like taking off from it at that point. The game is meant to be enjoyed by all, and respect is a large part of that enjoyment. More times than most, the task group will travle for hours just to reach its point of attck, why give it up on the 11th hour. Just the other night we ran into somthing like this, im not going to tell you where our CV was headed but some one took contol of our cv that we were going to lauch from NOE. We simply asked him(nicely), please give up comand of the CV, told him what we were doing and he abliged. Thats the kind of stuff that makes this game worth 15 bucks a month. Not having some free bird not caring what the rest of his counrty thinks or is doing. Comon Barfo, be nice, play to have fun, and maybe make some friends in the process   <>

Offline streetstang

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« Reply #5 on: April 10, 2003, 09:45:20 AM »
I agree 100% with Frost.  Yes, you are right Barfo, you do pay to play this game and so do the many others who play as well. Why would you want to give away the posistion of  your CV to the NME just because you feel like taking off from it at that point. The game is meant to be enjoyed by all, and respect is a large part of that enjoyment. More times than most, the task group will travle for hours just to reach its point of attck, why give it up on the 11th hour. Just the other night we ran into somthing like this, im not going to tell you where our CV was headed but some one took contol of our cv that we were going to lauch from NOE. We simply asked him(nicely), please give up comand of the CV, told him what we were doing and he abliged. Thats the kind of stuff that makes this game worth 15 bucks a month. Not having some free bird not caring what the rest of his counrty thinks or is doing. Comon Barfo, be nice, play to have fun, and maybe make some friends in the process   <>

Offline jonnyb

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« Reply #6 on: April 10, 2003, 10:01:12 AM »
One of the things you could do to help out the cause is to remain under radar.  If I feel the need to take off from a carrier before the inevitable mission will start, I will do so, stay on the deck for a while, and move a good distance away from the task group.  This has the added bonus of confusing the enemy, making him think the task force is somewhere it's not.  For example, if a task group is steaming along a couple sectors away from a base, I'll roll and come in from the opposite direction right by the base.  Normally this won't elicit too big a response as there is only one or two of us doing it, but watching the ju88s roll the wrong way over the water is great...and it makes for easy pickings :).

Offline rshubert

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« Reply #7 on: April 10, 2003, 10:40:26 AM »
Barfo, you make a good point.  You are a paying member of the community.  However, the operative word here is "community".  We need to respect the rights of others, too.  

It seems to me that the biggest advantage of AH is the fact that we're not shooting down 'roboplanes', and that we interact with the other players.  I have seen some players that play nice, and others that won't.  Which type are you?

Offline barfo

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« Reply #8 on: April 10, 2003, 03:25:55 PM »
Originally posted by BenDover
thats dumb,


to my knowledge, kevlar isn't flame retardent;) :p :rolleyes:

You're right. How silly of me.

Offline barfo

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« Reply #9 on: April 10, 2003, 04:11:16 PM »
Originally posted by empty
That response is met all my expectations.  Same kind of guy that would rather hang out waiting for that next vulch kill rather than killing the last town building with troops at the field.

Not an accurate judgement. I *do* participate in missions and have captured quite a few bases since I first logged in a few months ago. I do spawn vulch  if there's an oppertunity (and am not ashamed of that at all). Look at my stats and you'll see that I've been involved in plenty of field captures. I'm usually the goon driver who has sacraficed much of my personal (rogue) time in order to serve the bigger cause. I have quite often sat and held a town or base with an an ostie and that's not a rogue-like behavior. I always call out alerts and respond to requests for help from others if I'm close enough. I have EVEN augered for others and have ignored the need to land kills in order to expedite the next attack wave.

You should be thankful that I brought my rant out here instead of you having to read my rants in capitol letters in the arena, as I've often had to endure from others.

Of course, it sounded like I will forever be a rogue player. Not so. I was upset okay? Now that I've cooled down, I admit it does seem like I intended to play as a rogue. But that will not happen.


Offline Kweassa

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« Reply #10 on: April 10, 2003, 04:13:51 PM »
Fortunately, the Bishops I fly with seem to have a much stronger team approach. These guys constantly sacrafice their personal agendas to help the team be succesful

 Oh yes. We all know how they make their 'team approach'.


 A certain migratory rodent comes into mind.

Offline barfo

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« Reply #11 on: April 10, 2003, 04:37:38 PM »
Originally posted by Frost
If you want to be ignorant enough to give away a CV's position before it's close enough to be effective, then so be it.  Just don't expect people to keep their mouths shut while you are sacrificing a country asset.  If you want to play lone wolf and do whatever you please, that's fine.  But try to find a way to do it that doesn't affect so many of your teammates.  Normally there is quite a few people waiting until the CV is close enough to be effective before they launch or start blasting the big guns.  CVs are pretty easy to sink especially when they are aways out from the base and no fighters are streaming in from the CV.

If you want to do your own thing then find a way to do it that doesn't sacrifice your country's best interests and numerous other people's fun.

Look, I don't disagree with anything you said. Everyone took my rant as a message saying that it's ok to be a selfish rogue with no regard for anyone else on the team. That's not what I meant. It's easy to accuse when you don't know anything.


Offline barfo

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« Reply #12 on: April 10, 2003, 04:53:35 PM »
Originally posted by rshubert
Barfo, you make a good point.  You are a paying member of the community.  However, the operative word here is "community".  We need to respect the rights of others, too.  

It seems to me that the biggest advantage of AH is the fact that we're not shooting down 'roboplanes', and that we interact with the other players.  I have seen some players that play nice, and others that won't.  Which type are you?

I'm the type that plays nice and am almost always nice unless someone is a jerk and then I might not be so nice. I don't get involved in the daily petty crap, but once in a while I need to vent too and this is the place to do it, not in the arena. When I vented, I had a lot of steam to get rid of and appearently, it spilled over onto those who weren't the cause of the problem.

Just the same. If someone in the arena is whining in capitol letters for over an hour to everyone who doesn't go help their defensive mission and then starts ordering people not to take off, I'm probably going to be the one person to spite this abusive person.

You know, I need to say one more thing: There's only been one occasion where I spoke to someone in an angry manner in the arena and that was after losing a battle to a warp-cheater. That was a few months ago and I don't often get caught up in these things while online. But we sure have to listen to it all day long from others.


Offline Frost

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« Reply #13 on: April 11, 2003, 12:16:14 AM »
Hey, we all need to rant sometimes.  Your rant did come off somewhat as you will do your own thing and be damned with what others think.  But your responses were calm and respectful and I think you explained yourself and your position clearly.  Most of us understand where your coming from with people "yelling" at others before they try "talking."  

No worries Barfo.  You sound like a good guy.  I'd fly with you anytime.


Offline ALF

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« Reply #14 on: April 11, 2003, 11:15:26 AM »
Originally posted by barfo

You should be thankful that I brought my rant out here instead of you having to read my rants in capitol letters in the arena, as I've often had to endure from others.


But I can squelch bozos in the MA :D

It certainly is your choice of what to do....just be aware that while the community is very forgiving of ignorance and mistakes, it is far harder to overcome being though of as a troublemaking rouge.  The funny thing is, the person that is though of as a dipwad, often fails to realize how frequently he dies because of it.   There a few select people that over the years, that I enjoy watching go down in flames and the hands of the enemy.  You would be surprised how much more enjoyable the game is when everyone works together.

One of AH strong points is its community.  It can be hard at times to do the right thing, and/or to not fly of in a rant and rave session....but its well worth it.....and most people will forgive the occasional frustrational outburst...I hope:eek: