Originally posted by Badger
.... great entertainment product. It goes to show that a game doesn't have to be loaded with tons of eye candy or other bells and whistles to be highly enjoyable. This thing even runs well on my 700 Mhz laptop. Really looking forward their CMAK desert setting add-on to be released in the Fall.
Heh, you're talking as if CMBB looks like crap! It's one of the best looking wargames out there, especially with mods. If you want a wargame devoid of eyecandy (but still be a blast to play), play TacOps.
CMBB is a motherbeautiful wargame, run it at 4x FSAA with some of the more popular mods, and it feels like you're there on the battlefield (after the obligatory half a case of beer). It's one of the best (if not the best) wargame released in years. It's a shame they focused on the Russian front, it's not a front I can really relate to.
And is CMAK going to be an addon? I thought it was going to be a whole new seperate release? I'd be pretty nice if it were an addon...