Author Topic: AH Film Viewer  (Read 301 times)

Offline Gianlupo

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AH Film Viewer
« on: May 08, 2003, 03:34:39 AM »
I'm having an annoying problem with the Film Viewer I've never heard of, seeking in the BB: when I start the program ( I'm talking of the stand-alone viewer, not the built-in one)and load a movie, it correctly opens it, but it shows the movie only in the upper left corner of the viewing window, in reduced size! It has always worked this way, since I first installed AH, and I can't understand why this is happening: plus, it seems I'm the only one to have this problem!

I have a PIII 1 Ghz, MB Gigabyte and videocard ATI Rage All in wonder.

Please, help me!!!
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Offline Tabasco

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AH Film Viewer
« Reply #1 on: May 08, 2003, 11:37:06 AM »
I don't know if this would have something to do with it but...

Do you run the game at a lower resolution than what you have set for Windows?  In other words, do you run the game at 800x600 but have your Windows display at 1024x768 (or higher)?  I'm at my work computer so I can't test the theory right now.

And if you do have Windows set at 1024x768, what would happen if you lowered that to 800x600 and tried the film viewer?

Offline Gianlupo

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AH Film Viewer
« Reply #2 on: May 08, 2003, 03:02:20 PM »
The matter is getting more and more misterious... I've always run AH at the same Windows resolution (1024x768), but when I read your post, Tabasco, I tried to lower Windows res and the Film viewer showed the movie in a wider area into the viewing window than before( but not yet in the whole window, neither in 640x480). So, maybe resolution has something to do with my problem, but in a way that I can't figure out: is there a way to change Film Viewer res? Who knows!!!(in fact, it should be the same of the game!) Perhaps this other detail may help to find a reason to this weird behaviour of the FV: when I start the program, in the viewing window there's a sort of "static discharge", as in TV when it can't catch network signal; then the image of the tower appears, as described in my first post.  

Anyway, thanks for your help Tabasco. If you have (or anyone else has) some other ideas, please let me know.

P.S. To specify my first post, my Motherboard is a Gigabyte GA-6VX7-1394 and the videocard is shown by Windows as ATI Rage Fury Pro/Xpert 2000 Pro
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Offline Tabasco

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AH Film Viewer
« Reply #3 on: May 08, 2003, 04:49:50 PM »
I run Windows and AH in 1024x768, so I tried raising the Win resolution one notch and opened the FV, and the film portion was still the proper size.  The only other things I could suggest would be deleting video7.cfg (in the Settings folder), which will cause it to prompt you for video settings next time you open the game, and also make sure you're running DirectX 8.1 or 9.

As for the "static" you see when opening the FV, I get that too for a split second.  It does almost seem as if it's "tuning in".

Offline mia389

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AH Film Viewer
« Reply #4 on: May 09, 2003, 02:23:09 AM »
Yes windows reselution effects the viewer. You will notice too that it can cuts options if set to wrong reselution. Ones Im thinking of are the icon box cant be seen if in wrong reselution

Offline Gianlupo

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AH Film Viewer
« Reply #5 on: May 09, 2003, 07:34:06 PM »
I've already had Dx 8.1, unfortunately: anyway, I upgraded to 9.0, but the problem is still there. Maybe someone at HTC could help... :rolleyes:  however, thank you again, Tabasco! ;)

Mia389, I've noticed that thing: option buttons are eaten away at lower resolution, so it's almost useless to run the FV at 640x480  :( .Anyway, thanks for the info.:)
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