Actually the question is directed to me as Squad Ops Team lead. And the answer is yes. The next sunday Squad Ops is slated for 6/1, 6/8, and 6/15. The admin CM will be Grayarea and the setup CM will be Skyman.
However, I am overhauling things a bit. I took a look at the objectives and setup for the last 2 Squad Ops that the CMs sent out and then took and visited several of those frames to see what was going on with the players.
I am in the middle of creating several documents. The first is a template for creating / writing very clear objective orders with no ambiguity. It will tell each CiC for each side the rules, special rules, the minimum and maximum to field for each Airplane / GV (have to field the minimum and can't go over the maximum), etc., etc.
The next document will be a re-issuance of the players and CiC responsibilities. Touching on what behavior is considered uncivil and unacceptable, how to register complaints, when orders must be sent out (can't leave it till the day of), finding a replacement CiC if person can't make it, making sure to rotate people through plane types so no one squad gets stuck bombing or GVs or old plane type the whole run, etc.
Building a communications center, database driven, where all squads will create a new profile with 3 contact people's email. Then the CMs will be able to indicate which side the squad is on for an event resulting in an allied contact page and axis contact page with a link to email all those squads on the page, email individuals in the squads, etc.
So I have a lot of work to do .. but yes, Sunday Squad Ops should be starting in 3 weeks (this week last frame of Guadacanal, next week Memorial Weekend in the U.S., third weekend we start).