Author Topic: Book Of Dweeb, chapter 1, paragraph 1, from the apostle JEDI...  (Read 1146 times)

Hedu JG26

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Book Of Dweeb, chapter 1, paragraph 1, from the apostle JEDI...
« on: December 08, 2000, 04:08:00 PM »
Chapter One...In the beginning, there was Air Warrior, and it was good, and many partook therof, and became Dweebs, and were smiteth repeatedly from on high by the Gods, and were vulcheth by the other Dweebs, and were feared by the C-lander Runstangs.  But after a time, the Dweebs learned to take flight from the uncapped field, and to have ignoreth the false books of wisdom which sayeth, "Thou shouldest fly the P-38, thou newbies," for all who have tried knoweth that the Air Warrior Godsteed named Lightning is not the province of the mere Dweeb.

Chapter One/paragraph two.....
So the Dweebs learned the mythic Spitfire, and went round and round, and thus was born the Loop Warrior, and there was much killing and rejoicing, for the Dweebs believed that now they were not Dweebish any longer, but were now Vets.  But yet the voice of DoK was heard from on high....and it sayeth. "Nay, Dweebs art thou still."  
And thus was the Dweebfire born.

There is more, much more.  Would anyone care to get a posting form the Book of Dweeb everyince in a while?

Hedu, JG26, Warbirds and beyond.


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Book Of Dweeb, chapter 1, paragraph 1, from the apostle JEDI...
« Reply #1 on: December 08, 2000, 04:45:00 PM »
LOL, and YES!

That's some pretty funny stuff.


Offline Duckwing6

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Book Of Dweeb, chapter 1, paragraph 1, from the apostle JEDI...
« Reply #2 on: December 08, 2000, 05:15:00 PM »
Luv'ed them on the AW BBs back then PLEEEEEASE  keep on posting !


Offline Westy

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Book Of Dweeb, chapter 1, paragraph 1, from the apostle JEDI...
« Reply #3 on: December 08, 2000, 06:18:00 PM »
Bring it on!!   I'm looking for the "Book of MacDweeb" that the Smoking Wrecks had too.


Offline Ripsnort

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Book Of Dweeb, chapter 1, paragraph 1, from the apostle JEDI...
« Reply #4 on: December 08, 2000, 06:23:00 PM »
Been there, read that...does this mean you're opening a AH account?  

Hedu JG26

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Book Of Dweeb, chapter 1, paragraph 1, from the apostle JEDI...
« Reply #5 on: December 08, 2000, 06:27:00 PM »
Why yes, Rip, I will be opening an account after the first of the year.  Please have a 109E ready by then.

Hedu, JG26, Warbirds and beyond.

Offline milnko

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Book Of Dweeb, chapter 1, paragraph 1, from the apostle JEDI...
« Reply #6 on: December 10, 2000, 04:37:00 AM »
Remember this thread?

"Find your enemy and shoot him down - everything else is unimportant"
-WW1 German ACE Manfred Freiherr von Richthofen



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Book Of Dweeb, chapter 1, paragraph 1, from the apostle JEDI...
« Reply #7 on: December 10, 2000, 05:34:00 AM »
HAHAHAH!  MY GOD! your god...uhh   LOL!!!!!

Offline Westy

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Book Of Dweeb, chapter 1, paragraph 1, from the apostle JEDI...
« Reply #8 on: December 10, 2000, 09:52:00 AM »
 Thanks Milenko!!! I had forgotten about that  )

 Warning! Topic Tangent!

 I am facinated and deeply interested in the community of online WWII aricombat-flight sims. Not all. AW, WB's and now AH. FA-II I never did and AW3 grew too damned big to keep up with. But I was an AW before AH and I compiled a sh&t load of it's history; via web page info, old scenario files, usenet,  first, second and even third hand stories. A good chunk of the old Genie BBS forumns. I even got the Tao of Dok!  
 Anyway. I've been readin "WB's the Story so Far" this week. It's a nice segue to AW, has alot to say about a very diverse and rich community WB's had all on it's own and it also fills the story of WWII aircombat-flight sim advancement for the past few years.
 Makes me really aware of just how similar AH and WB's really is. And I developed a deeper respect for the folks there at HTC for the nads to try and make a living at what they are doing. Considering the fickleness of the customers they attract.  

 My point, after being a wall-o-text, is that WE have a grand opportunty to capture and record our own history as it's being made. I just wish there was a way to re-review this ubb board a bit better. NNTP is so "effing" better :|


Offline Spitboy

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Book Of Dweeb, chapter 1, paragraph 1, from the apostle JEDI...
« Reply #9 on: December 10, 2000, 10:51:00 PM »
Heh, Westy, didn't think anyone remembered that   PS: It gets good in Book Three

Spitboy -SW-

[This message has been edited by Spitboy (edited 12-10-2000).]

Offline Westy

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Book Of Dweeb, chapter 1, paragraph 1, from the apostle JEDI...
« Reply #10 on: December 11, 2000, 08:45:00 AM »
Thanks Spitboy!!  In all honesty the Book of MacDweeb is the funniest of the lot.


Offline Nash

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Book Of Dweeb, chapter 1, paragraph 1, from the apostle JEDI...
« Reply #11 on: December 11, 2000, 11:04:00 AM »
If anyone could dig up and post the story having to do with AW players being like monkeys/gorillas climbing up the Empire State Building I would be soooooo grateful.  Anyone remember that? I thought it was effing brilliant!

Spitboy - I think you make mention of it with "The Doctrine of MoNanas".... sounds like the same thing.

I've been looking for this thing for ages...

Ooops.... nevermind. I found it.

[This message has been edited by Nash (edited 12-11-2000).]

Offline jedi

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Book Of Dweeb, chapter 1, paragraph 1, from the apostle JEDI...
« Reply #12 on: December 11, 2000, 04:07:00 PM »
Hehe I forgotteth to snaggeth all the epistles from the "Book of Latter Day Dweebs" over here    Have to download em tonite and add em to the Dead Dweeb Scrolls which resideth on the Holy Celeron of Antioch.    


P.S. can't believe none of the erstwhile prophets over here hasn't scribeth the tome of the Ostwind Dweebs, or the CHog Dweebs, or the Dweebs of St George.  Not just for Warbirdweebs it ist...

I would oblige, but long have I been absent from the skies of HTC, and yea, my vision hath become cloudeth over on all things Hitechish, and yet do I questeth after the Holy $9.95 Unlimited "Trial Membership."  Surely it was but an oversight that I was not includeth?  

[This message has been edited by jedi (edited 12-11-2000).]