Author Topic: Force Feedback  (Read 249 times)

Offline ccvi

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Force Feedback
« on: May 25, 2003, 02:55:57 PM »
I have tried asking this some time ago...

thought I was the only one with force feedback problems. Well, I have found others with same/similar problems now :) (feel free to add your experience about that problem here :) ).

I'm using a Logitech Strike Force, running under WindowsXP.

The forces I would like to feel are those on the rudders. Therefore I enabled Trim (100%) and disabled guns, weapons, buffeting, damage and stall (or set them to 20%).

During a flight I feel the following:
OTR (0 mph): almost zero forces on the elevator, undefined (usually whatever they were during the previous flight) force on ailerons
during flight: elevator feels ok, aileron forces seem to change only sometimes and to strange values (even when relatively slow to the maximum possible force I've ever felt on that stick).
after landing OTR (0 mph): elevator back to almost zero, aileron forces stuck at what they last changed to during flight - and that can be any possible value.

Advice needed - or bugfix :)

Offline ccvi

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Force Feedback
« Reply #1 on: May 29, 2003, 07:27:35 AM »
HTC, do you even have a Logitech FF stick for testing?

PS: If you want, I can send you my stick (postage is about 30 bucks...)
« Last Edit: May 29, 2003, 10:54:13 AM by ccvi »

Offline ccvi

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Force Feedback
« Reply #2 on: July 09, 2003, 01:55:36 PM »
Yesterday I met someone in the MA with exactly the same problem :)

(WitchZ(?), please post here)