yup,,you are right tw9,,i hit plenty of ground targets after getting use to guessing,,but why should we have to guess?,,,,dive bombing suposta be the most accurate way to deliver bombs in ww2,,,but in aces high the level bomb site out does diveboming for accuarcy,,its backwords,,lol
sure with pratice we all got use to not having a site,,,but does than mean it should be left out?,,its allmost like saying,,you dont need a gun site for your guns after you get use to it,,its fine,,,hehe would you all be happy if aces high had no gun or bomb site and expected you to just guess?
all im saying is,,it was on most planes and its a viable ww2 site,,and would be nice to see it in here too,,i beleve most othere ww2 sims have a divebomb site,,im just wondering if aces high plans to stick one in,,that all
{not making a argument} just seeing what pyro or any of aces high staff have to say about divebomb site,,if they respond:)