Originally posted by Imsneaky
Your forums aren't as busy as WWIIOL's though. It is nothing to make a post on a thread then have tolook for it on page 2, 10 minutes later.
Just because it's not happening today doesn't mean it doesn't happen here too, Sneaky. These forums have gotten a little cold at the moment while we wait for AH2 to be released and don't have a war to talk about. But posts disappear pretty quickly when there's something worth talking about.
Now I admit, I have no idea what the WW2OL boards are like, because the game holds no interest for me so I haven't bothered to look. There's a chance that you're right and there are 15,000 monkeys with typewriters going at it all day every day there. But somehow I don't think the boards are as different as you'd like to believe. There may be different people in each, but the same events in the same world can only be talked about so many different ways. And if there's one thing I've learned from reading this BBS, it's that people love to talk, even when no one feels like listening to them. Which is probably what I'm doing right now, so I'll stop here.