Author Topic: What has happened to AH?  (Read 5127 times)

Offline Shane

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What has happened to AH?
« Reply #60 on: June 08, 2003, 02:22:48 PM »
Originally posted by Arlo
Since when in hades is making sure you stay in your opponent's gun range at all times part of "proper e management and use?" That's bout as goofy as anything you could "teach" someone. And 1 to 2k (or hell, even 3k) out from you isn't five miles. And yeah, there's plenty of whiners confusin' the two. Which more than likely accounts for the "sudden increase" in players who "don't wanna fight." :rolleyes:

A whine is a whine is a whine. It's easy to identitfy. They all break down to "You didn't let me kill you, no fair." :D

arlo, your "observations" would carry a little more weight if you spent more than 20 mins in the MA each month for the past 2 months and a mere 16-20 hrs in the two months before that.
Surrounded by suck and underwhelmed with mediocrity.
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Offline Arlo

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What has happened to AH?
« Reply #61 on: June 08, 2003, 02:28:49 PM »
Wow ... a stat whine.

"You guys can't call me a whiner! Your stats aren't good enough!"

rofl :D

Offline Arlo

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What has happened to AH?
« Reply #62 on: June 08, 2003, 02:33:31 PM »
Originally posted by Shane
arlo, your "observations" would carry a little more weight if you spent more than 20 mins in the MA each month for the past 2 months and a mere 16-20 hrs in the two months before that.

Yeah ... you don't come to whine in the CT as much as you used to. Probably because I never pass up an opportunity to bust yer balls about it when you do. But, you needn't fear. There are others willing to take your place. :D

Offline BlkKnit

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What has happened to AH?
« Reply #63 on: June 08, 2003, 02:42:17 PM »
Blknit KD .6 kills per hour 3

yep, guess what, I suck.  Its not that I am really avoiding fights, I just dont go into heavy furballs.  Its hard to rack up kills when yer dead.

I can of course improve my K/D ratio but then my kills per hour would be even less.

Now, to be honest I have run away...usually because I am low of fuel or ammo and facing a horde (or potential horde).  I'll try mixing it up if I am not completely outnumbered (say more than 3 to 1).  I also will make a jabo run, but less these days than I used to.  I am not very good, but I wonder why this matters, or why I was included.....was I just on the worst 3 list?  I certainly have not been mouthing off.  (except with the joke at the beginning)

Now, I understand that certain folks feel a certain superiority over others because they can do things in this game that I cannot even fathom.  I will never understand the sneering mindset of those who look at my piss poor stats and then consider me to be somehow a lesser person.  And to think, I used to have some respect for you..... OK I still do :p

BTW how good would your stats be if you didn't have me to shoot down regularly.:)

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Offline Ack-Ack

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What has happened to AH?
« Reply #64 on: June 08, 2003, 02:47:54 PM »
Originally posted by Gixer

Sometime let me get my landing grear up and I'll try some of that ACM stuff with ya...

If I didn't let you raise your flaps, what makes you think I'm going to let you raise the gears so you can do that fancy boy ACM thinga-mijigy?

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Offline Ack-Ack

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What has happened to AH?
« Reply #65 on: June 08, 2003, 02:56:49 PM »
Originally posted by dracon
OK ack-ack,

I think I do get it.  Once I Boom I can then Zoom duh!  Unless of course I have picked up a "wag" (tail).  I will now extend (run) as far as needed to: lose him, make him become disinterested, BORED, or anything else that removes him from my "6".  I now Zoom to pickup "Alt" and "E" and re-engage the fight on MY terms.
IMHO Urchins post is no more than a disguised whine against BnZers.
I don't fly a lot but I'm up most nights for an hour +.  I don't always fly the Pony.  I like to do what I call Spit-Balling.  FurBalling in a Spit, or Field Defense Mode.  I like JABO, Cv Ops, C47 Ops, etc, etc.  Point is I just don't see what Urchin sees.  I find plenty of fights.  I lose more than I win.  Hehehehe I know WHAT to Do I just don't always Do it!

Oh well, here, have a cool URL:


Don't confuse your timid mouse like BnZ tactics with any sort of real ones.  BnZ is not about making one pass and then running away from danger like a sheep running away from JOC.  BnZ is not a passive sort of attack, it's an aggressive tactic when done correctly.  All you are doing when you run is giving the enemy a chance to even things out so when you feel brave enough to make another pass on him, the enemy has equalized things or at the least put him self in a spot where he's not at that much of a disadvantage.

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Offline Batz

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What has happened to AH?
« Reply #66 on: June 08, 2003, 03:06:10 PM »

yep, guess what, I suck. Its not that I am really avoiding fights, I just dont go into heavy furballs. Its hard to rack up kills when yer dead.

I can of course improve my K/D ratio but then my kills per hour would be even less.

Now, to be honest I have run away...usually because I am low of fuel or ammo and facing a horde (or potential horde). I'll try mixing it up if I am not completely outnumbered (say more than 3 to 1). I also will make a jabo run, but less these days than I used to. I am not very good, but I wonder why this matters, or why I was included.....was I just on the worst 3 list? I certainly have not been mouthing off. (except with the joke at the beginning)

Now, I understand that certain folks feel a certain superiority over others because they can do things in this game that I cannot even fathom. I will never understand the sneering mindset of those who look at my piss poor stats and then consider me to be somehow a lesser person. And to think, I used to have some respect for you..... OK I still do  

BTW how good would your stats be if you didn't have me to shoot down regularly.

Dont missunderstand my point. I dont care about rank or stats or any of that as a show of "skillz". I am not that good myself.

My point was that some people like the action more then anything else. When Urchin pointed out that theres runners some folks put a defense that he just wants evreyone to turn fight and that some folks were "smart" for flying that way. Well if we look at stats just as a way to get an idea of fighting  style it would seem that those arguing against Urchins point are some of those that "run". And on top of that running hasnt helped them :p

I dont think anyone really cares how anyone else flies. Except when it impacts their fun level. For some folks the endless running is really boring and they see that this has changed since early AH. For some folks the endless furball, get killed, re-up, is boring. There are extremes on both ends. What Urchin mentioned is flying lo in a larger number of enemy and the best he got was a half assed gun pass and a 2 sector "extend".

If you have fun go for it. But I think the general lack of aggression overall makes for a boring arena. You can fight in any fashion thats comfortable to you. The idea that theres only 2 ways to fly is just wrong. Theres more then Bore and ZZZZZZZZZZ and T'n'B.

look at tardlo he will make as much noise as he can to justify his lameness.

Offline Ack-Ack

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What has happened to AH?
« Reply #67 on: June 08, 2003, 03:06:29 PM »
Originally posted by lazs2
kweasa has got it I think.  the arena is a combo of early, mid and late war planes.  This causes the major part of the problem.  the different era planes require different tactics... each era is viewed as dweeby by the other since they are opossite.  We need "areas' within the arena for early, mid and late war.

The next part is the fact that there is a huge influx uf new players... New players are good but... a lot of them fear virtual death and humiliation.. some may have "been good' in another sim and now are afraid to get killed in the learning curve so they fall back on the safest tactics.  course... they won't ever learn much that way...  the other new guys are.... new.. they are just following what they percieve as the way things work.  some of the older players that never were any good at AC champion timid gangvbanging too.

the last and most important is... the new huge maps and field capture...  Spread out the action and you not only dilute it but exagerate the problems outlined in the first two paragraphs.   Fields are too far apart and there aren't enough/tough enough CV's...  put the fields about 10% closer and everyone will have a good fight... In pizza the fields can be allmst 2 sectors away!  add the fact that they mayu be useless because of gamey fuel porking.... well... loook at the mess.

Planes have nothing to do with it since they only do what the pilot says.  I've seen this type of behavior from people flying all sorts of planes.  Last night I had a P-47D-11 and then a Zeke try to do the same thing, with an advantage in altitude, they both tried to BnZ and when their first pass failed they extended away from the fight.  All it did was buy them a few more minutes of flying but had they been more aggressive I would have been toast.  After the kills and I saw who they were, I was surprised to see that they were "vets" with more time in AH then I do.

Like I've said before, to me it's more indicative of a lack of any formal training program than a problem with any one plane.

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Offline Ack-Ack

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What has happened to AH?
« Reply #68 on: June 08, 2003, 03:12:10 PM »
Originally posted by BlkKnit
Formal training...that would be cool, but, IMO, squads should do that to a certain degree.  I know not everyone is in a squad, and that squads dont always have time or even the personnel to do this, but it was kinda what i was hoping for when i joined MAW.  There is always discussion of "training nights", but I have yet to make it to one (or anyone else, that I have noticed), time is hard to find for that stuff, and I am not laying blame there, its as much my fault as it is my squadies (more mine actually).

You are right as well, some of the blame has to fall on some of the squads to a certain degree.  One of the reasons why the 479th makes such a great squadron is that we do take the time to train those squadron that need the help and even have squadron training officers.  I've noticed that a lot of the older squadrons do this as well, usually the ones with either an AW or WB backround.

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Offline Ack-Ack

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Re: Some good points have been made...
« Reply #69 on: June 08, 2003, 03:16:20 PM »
Originally posted by rshubert

But please don't call me a no-cojones coward when I leave a fight I am at a serious disadvantage in.  On the one hand, typical "furballer" attitude is that the newbies are all suicide dweebs.  Speaking out of the other side of their mouth, they say that newbies trying to survive are cowards.

Which one is it?:p

No one is talking about pilots that find themselves at a disadvantage, it's the ones you find either at an equal state as you are at an advantage over you that we're talking about.

"If Jesus came back as an airplane, he would be a P-38." - WW2 P-38 pilot
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Offline Arlo

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What has happened to AH?
« Reply #70 on: June 08, 2003, 03:18:53 PM »
Originally posted by Batz
Dont missunderstand my point. I dont care about rank or stats or any of that as a show of "skillz".

Yeah ... he's just usin' `em to "prove a point."
[/size] ;)

look at tardlo he will make as much noise as he can to justify his lameness.

(Shakes head) *chuckle*

Yeah .. that's what I'm doin'. :rolleyes: .... ya whiner!

"Sniffle! I'm bored and you guys don't fly the way I want you to so I'm gonna cry for ten minutes on ch1 then log because I think you care. And tommorrow night I'm gonna do it again you lamerz!"

Hey .... here's a hug and a hanky if it'll make you feel better about lil `ol me and everyone "like me." Ya whiner. :D

Offline Arlo

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Re: Re: Some good points have been made...
« Reply #71 on: June 08, 2003, 03:25:52 PM »
Originally posted by Ack-Ack
No one is talking about pilots that find themselves at a disadvantage, it's the ones you find either at an equal state as you are at an advantage over you that we're talking about.


I understand the claim. And yes, it happens. But there's whiners that'll claim it happens when it actually is a case of disengaging from a disadvantaged state or RTBing damaged or wounded just for an excuse to whine. Hell, there really isn't reason to whine even when it's a case as you stated. Woe-tan can't figure that out ... although I still enjoy hammering it at his forehead. ;)

Whining is just whining.

"No use whining `bout it. No complaints." :D
« Last Edit: June 08, 2003, 03:30:20 PM by Arlo »

Offline ccvi

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What has happened to AH?
« Reply #72 on: June 08, 2003, 03:27:07 PM »
Batz, everyone knows your mathematical capabilites.

Originally posted by Batz
Its one thing to prefer a style of fighting that best suits your skill level but when you look at the stats and see that your style hasnt helped ya 1 bit you wonder why someone would stick with it.

If you notice that you're getting killed every time you get into a fight without a huge advantage, why not change tactics and just run away? Did you compare the stats of the same player - one tour running and on another tour staying to die? You can't, because the data isn't there. Thus your point is useless.

Because it comes down to the fact that some folks are just afraid to be killed be another player. They would rather fly into the ground chasing those pesky fuel tanks or hangers. I mean they are getting killed some how.

Even if you fly into buildings or even the ground most times another player gets kill credit anyhow. Stating players are afraid to die but kill themselves is contradiction large enough not to explain running.
Hint: The fun in this game comes from blowing stuff up, no matter if it's a2a, a2g or whatever. Therefore hitting buildings can be more fun than beeing shot down a2a.

Kill per hour is the best way to get and idea of someones fighting style.

K/hour is a good way to get an idea of how many kills someone gets per hour. Nothing more.

Kills per hour does not say anything about the number of enemy aircraft per hour you fight with (without running). For that you need to add the number of deaths per hour. For example someone with 3 kills per hour and a K/D of .5 would die 6 times per hour and see a total of 9 fights/hour.

Kills per hour can be affected by the plane you fly. Flying slower planes can mean it takes longer to get to the fight.

That's actually correct. But it's effect isn't nearly as big as the effect of the time required to get the fight if instead of getting 12 kills per hour beeing killed 12 times per hour - wich each requires a new way to the fight.

Offline BlkKnit

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« Reply #73 on: June 08, 2003, 03:49:06 PM »
LOL. I've tried it stats still look the same :(

Sorry, Batz, been a bit down on myself for not improving, and guess i took it wrong.  I actually seem to be getting worse!:eek:
I get annoyed for letting someone shoot me down, then I do even worse, start pressing to get e kill no matter what....and die again, being stupid.

I have been there, chasing and being chased.  

Ya know though, a possible point on this:
I tend to try flying where there are not so many of my countrymen, somewhere that is getting some small enemy attention, but not being nailed by endless hordes of jabos.  This is another reason for low kills per hour.  Must be true for others too, as I tend to see the same folks on the "edges".

I tend to want improved K/D for myself, than kills per hour, but that would be good too, heh.

BTW are those stats for current tour?  didn't realize they were that bad.  ;) actually kills / hour are up a bit!  K/D is terrible.

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Offline ccvi

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What has happened to AH?
« Reply #74 on: June 08, 2003, 03:57:20 PM »
You might not know, but there actually have to be players with a K/D < 1.0, otherwise noone would have a K/D > 1.0 either...