...personally I think taking ones self out of their respective comfort zones in any aspect of life is the key to getting ahead but thats a philosophical aspect.
I just got laid off a job i held for many many years.. in a company i had a large part in creating..
i guess that would mean i've been taken outta my 'comfort zone'.
since i'm not likely at age 50 to get another job that could keep me as 'comfortable' as i was, and since this layoff means virtual financial total destruction of my life it could be tendered that the 'philosophical aspect' amounts to the owner gets to keep the beautiful plane with the hanger in the hamptons, the house by the country club, the miata, the perks, the vehicles, the assets and the prestige created by somebdy elses hard work while all i get is 26 weeks of unemployment checks.
rip, it's easy to sit in yer comfy house with the carpeted garage and wax philosophical on trickle down economics for the little people but lemme tell yah something real here..
getting kicked out on the street is not a key to getting ahead, its key to getting run over by thoughtless blind tulips that think it's no big deal when its somebody elses life that get tossed in the crapper.
that is all. you may return to your glib dissertations on 'comfort zones'.