Originally posted by swoopy
5 min is all i can manage. Wheres best to do it i use beach front
I use a runway at the airport.
Originally posted by Chaos68
how do you do a wheelie?
i would think the airport would be good to pop wheelies?
I bought the sunshine car dealership where do i find the list of cars to buy?
Wheelie like this: get a PCX600 or the dirt bike, choppers aint much good at this. On a bike you can lean forwards and backwards with NUMPAD 6 and 9. Hit 6 (I think) to lean backwards and tap the throttle to keep the front wheel in the air. You can also get more speed out of a bike by tapping 9 continuously so you crouch over the tank and get out of the wind.
At Sunshine Autos drive down the ramp at the right hand side of the building. At the bottom of the ramp there's 3 garages for storing stuff, on your left is a spray and pay and on your right you'll see the map for the street races. Keep looking right and there's another white board on the wall with the cars list.