Who do I pay my $220 to get the vicious miltary Junta ousted from Myanmar (Burma)?
Or get the Indonesian Miltary out of Aceh?
Is this, like, a new value added service to NATO I wasn't aware of?
FFS $220 Value for money phhhhhhhhhhhhhh not much of a show, bit of a foregone conclusion really. Opponent was lacklustre and impotent - more of an ego boosting match to raise the stakes forth next bout, not really a fight so much as a PANTOMIME.
Overall maybe 4/10 for achieving objectives, 1/10 for media management, 9/10 for preemptive triumphalism, 7/10 for liberating Iraq from 'vicious gangs of Keep Left signs'.
I understand (from friends who were in Basra on day 2) that not only did they have snipers and RPG positions to deal with, but hundreds of very offensive road signs that were dutifully riddled with bullets.
But $220 is not much to pay to send a hated leader into hiding, kill a whole load of folks, not find any WMD and fan the flames of fundamentalist freedom fighters in every far flung facility.
And now Tony Blair and George Bush have been nominated for the Nobel Peace Prize by a Norwegian Member of Parliament...
Well, I guess Henry Kissinger was also a recipient, so anything goes.