Originally posted by Shane
what i miss most from AW was the fact that seals and lamers pretty much got clubbed and edjumacated to become better players.
I think some of that has to do with the widespread abuse of the LA-7 as a do-everything fighter. If a new guy gets in trouble in an LA-7, he can always run away before any maneuvering gets into play. I've seen a lot of players use the LA-7 to do airfield strikes, simply because they know they can do a token bomb drop on a VH or city, then de-ack the field and vulch it until they either run out of gas or ammo or both. If they encounter a defensive fighter CAP, they simply drop the eggs and run. No fancy ACM there.
In the days of AW, the dweeb ride was the Spitfire, which could be caught by the Mustang and the 190. Players in the Spitfire were forced to learn how to dogfight, because running really wasn't an option.