Author Topic: How many of you use padlock now that we have it?  (Read 1206 times)

Offline RightF00T

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How many of you use padlock now that we have it?
« Reply #30 on: June 20, 2003, 02:39:46 PM »
Oh god forbid someone use Combat Trim!  Just curious wipass..are you joking or do you actually think HTC would put in a feature that would give one and unfair advantage over others?

Offline Jackal1

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How many of you use padlock now that we have it?
« Reply #31 on: June 20, 2003, 04:43:03 PM »
Padlock??? Eeeeeekk!!!!! I didn`t do it nor do I know anything about it. Officer I was just driving along, minding my own business when......................... ..............:D
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Offline udet

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How many of you use padlock now that we have it?
« Reply #32 on: June 20, 2003, 06:14:27 PM »
we have padlock?!?!?!?

Offline devious

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How many of you use padlock now that we have it?
« Reply #33 on: June 20, 2003, 06:53:00 PM »

click Setup on Clipboard, select Joy Stick.

In the next window, select "Select Joystick".

In the left hand column, find "View Yaw" and "View pitch" and map those to the mouse axis - select mouse in middle column, then Y-Axis and X-Axis respectively in the rightmost column. Click on "Save Input" to set.

Now in flight, hit pan view (F8 by default) , then right mousebutton and move the mouse.

You might want to invert the Y axis in the 1st dialogue.

Q: when I hit pan mode, my head spins back to up/back/right view. Can I get it to stay in the normal forward position ?

Offline _Schadenfreude_

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How many of you use padlock now that we have it?
« Reply #34 on: June 21, 2003, 03:13:10 AM »
Originally posted by devious

click Setup on Clipboard, select Joy Stick.

In the next window, select "Select Joystick".

In the left hand column, find "View Yaw" and "View pitch" and map those to the mouse axis - select mouse in middle column, then Y-Axis and X-Axis respectively in the rightmost column. Click on "Save Input" to set.

Now in flight, hit pan view (F8 by default) , then right mousebutton and move the mouse.

You might want to invert the Y axis in the 1st dialogue.

Q: when I hit pan mode, my head spins back to up/back/right view. Can I get it to stay in the normal forward position ?

Thnks much appreciated

Offline Seeker

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How many of you use padlock now that we have it?
« Reply #35 on: June 21, 2003, 03:43:54 AM »
Originally posted by devious
Q: when I hit pan mode, my head spins back to up/back/right view. Can I get it to stay in the normal forward position ?

Calibrate the mouse in AH.

Offline Revvin

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How many of you use padlock now that we have it?
« Reply #36 on: June 21, 2003, 05:01:32 AM »
Don't use the padlock feature, I've never found a padlock system in ANY sim that has not felt dis-orientating or ruined the immersion by feeling completely false. I don't care if someone uses padlock or not, they are not cheating if it's in the sim. I use my mousestick on my Cougar for view panning if I'm not using my TrackIR unit which makes things a hell of a lot more immersive. I really hope they will put dedicated support into AHII because it's simply awesome in IL-2:FB.

Offline Kweassa

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How many of you use padlock now that we have it?
« Reply #37 on: June 21, 2003, 07:08:26 AM »
The only instance I ever used padlock, was when in making AH movies :D Some versions ago, when AH Film Viewer was introduced, there was this nifty 'bug' that you can put padlock on a target, and then shift to no icons - then you'd get a padlock tracking of an enemy without those icons.

 That was pretty nifty for making natural looking shots from within the cockpit.

 However, recently, that bug feature seems to have disappeared.

 Ah well, no more padlock use for me.. ;)

Offline BUG_EAF322

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How many of you use padlock now that we have it?
« Reply #38 on: June 21, 2003, 08:49:07 AM »
I used to love padlock when i flew EAW.
After i learned without in AH i do not want to go back.

Hatswitches are faster and u can look easily from 6 to 12 so keeping SA is better without padlock.

Offline Beegerite

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How many of you use padlock now that we have it?
« Reply #39 on: June 21, 2003, 10:42:34 AM »
I'm assuming you're talking vs. other games and specifically excluding that illusive thing we call "the real world".  Having spent a substantial amount of time in the real skies, I prefer things to be modeled on that reality.  I'm happy to report that my present sim does that 100% modeling some things that I would never even have thought of e.g. when you're in an aircraft in the less than CAVU (ceiling and visivility unlimited) world, when you look away from an aircraft in another direction to scan for other aircraft and then return to the original target you will not see it initially.  Why?  Because the human eye needs some time to focus.  The icon will gradually fade in just like your real world eyeballs work.  Very nice and realistic.  The benefit I get from this is that unlike the CAVU sims which keep you in sight of the enemy if he can only focus the 18" between his orbs and the screen, I just like a real life pilot know that if I can change distance or aspect ratio fast enough I can become invisible to my enemy.  This can be used quite well in either offensive or defensive situations.  In offensive situations I can actually come in out of the sun and not be seen until it's too late and in defensie situations I can use it in conjunction with fog, haze and clouds to get the hell out of there while the getting's good.  I would hope that AH2 will be more realistic in this respect as it's become an extremely important part of what I consider to be essential in a sim.

von Beeg

Originally posted by Reschke
IMO its the best representation of tracking an aircraft that any game has ever attempted. Of course its not like the real thing but it is still better than anything else out there for "padlock".

Offline Beegerite

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How many of you use padlock now that we have it?
« Reply #40 on: June 21, 2003, 10:52:56 AM »
Yup, I think it was 1.4 and I also never used it but believe it was because it didn't work and it was poorly if at all documented.  I think it was one of them things they just threw out there and since the majority of people where already used to the "dancing thumb" method it was a non issue.  Tell you what, though.  I came to AH from Fighter Ace.  Now, there was a figgin padlock.  You locked in on somebody and next thing you knew you were looking at your floorboards or through the back of your head at your leather headrest.  Didn't matter who the hell was in front of you, your head was pointed straight back because that's where the bandit was.  It was the perfect padlock even if more often than not you would hear yourself scream in agony in the midst of the explotion as you slammed into a figgin mountain :D

My preferred method is the swiveling neck syndrome brought on by the dancing thumb.  Nothing beats seeing it all.

von Beeg

Originally posted by Saintaw
Wow talk about a leap back in time. When was this introduced? 1.4 ?
I've never used it myself either... if I learned one thing in this arena, is that if you keep tracking that ONE con, you'll be soon in the tower asking yourself "wtf!?"

Offline Beegerite

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How many of you use padlock now that we have it?
« Reply #41 on: June 21, 2003, 11:25:48 AM »
I apologize too for adding to the hijack.
As a former RL pilot with CFI and Instrument ratings, I've been driving myself nuts for over six years looking for the perfect Multiplayer Combat Simulator to feed my well educated tastes.  Conclusion: It does not exist in any of the commercial ventures.  I started in Fighter Ace, flying in the realistic 1.0 and 1.5 arena without tags.  I then became dissallusioned with their graphics and moved to AH where I spent about 2 years as a proud Rook.  Here I became dissalutioned with the extremely clear graphics murmuring to myself that there wasn't a patch of sky in the entire planet that looked like that.  I then moved to WarBirds where again I had the CAVU skies but the flight model was a little more realistic for my taste.  I then migrated to WW2OL where I've been hanging for about 6 months.  The aircraft graphics weren't what I was used to in AH and WB where you could actually see scratched paint on your panel but on the other hand, they had trees, rivers, bridges and towns and best of all I could sweep down in my 109 and actually strafe infantry and tanks moving across a road also from a RL flying perspective it looked better to me than any of the previous sims.  Then I got involved in the 1.09 Open Beta which is presently testing and in between testing a new 109 FM vs. the old I suddenly forgot all my RL training which gave me the basic parameters which I utilized to control aircraft in these sims.  Instead of using my knowledge of the fact that if you apply too much back pressure when the aircraft begins to shudder you will stall and spin, I just kept the stick pulled back into my virtual gut and guess what?  Nothing happened as I would have expected.  I really had to work hard at loosing controllability.  I did lose it but only after really doing things that were just unthinkably stupid and unrealistic.  Final Conclusion:  There are just too damn many aeronautical principles necessary to be programmed and thus a resultant astronomical expense to anyone wishing to truly program an accurate flight model.  The absolute best that anyone flying these sims can expect is an "illusion of combat flight"   The sim should make your brain think that it's flying in a combat environment.  It can't actually be a true representation of a real life FM.  Jeeezus, think about it?  Does anyone think that any of us dweebs could just jump into a real 109, crank her up and even move 2 feet without the torque effect causing your death?

Sorry, but anyone talking about FM or for that matter even using the word flying in here as opposed to playing is yanking their own chain.  I say enjoy the "look" and "fantasy" but forget about FM discussions.  They're irrelevant!

von Beeg
Originally posted by Reschke
Off thread topic and I apologize for this...but Schadenfreude they have been "saying" for a long time that they were making the flight model more realistic but the arcade crowd (which is larger) always screams and cries about that so they break it down to the lower end. In reality they have admitted way back in closed beta that they built the flight model to be arcadish then added in variables to make it "realistic". I have come to the realization that the former builders under M$/VR-1 now VR-1/Jaleco (same basic group) don't want to have a realistic game and if that suits them to have just a few people on the servers all the time then so be it it's there game.

My single voice was to start off in advanced/realistic mode and dumb it down once you have the flight model correct but of course my reasoning was drowned out and I eventually quit flying in beta. But I still have a sub for my oldest son (6.5 y/o) to fly there since he spins out all the time in AH.
« Last Edit: June 21, 2003, 11:38:26 AM by Beegerite »

Offline _Schadenfreude_

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How many of you use padlock now that we have it?
« Reply #42 on: June 21, 2003, 11:49:41 AM »
"Sorry, but anyone talking about FM or for that matter even using the word flying in here as opposed to playing is yanking their own chain. I say enjoy the "look" and "fantasy" but forget about FM discussions. They're irrelevant!"

There is a vast difference between a game that relaxes physics - ie no stalls and no spins, increased accelleration and guns that reach out 2000 feet with one that "tries" to give a small taste of realism to players.

No-one, apart from some spectacularly deluded souls think that playing an online computer game equips anyone to be a WW2 pilot.

Having said that one only has to look at the popularity of the flight sims that try to add realism IL2 & AH vs those that relax the physics and flight settings to make it "easier" to play.

Go and play FA for a month and watch the Tie fighters and then tell me that FM doesn't matter.

Offline Murdr

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Re: How many of you use padlock now that we have it?
« Reply #43 on: June 22, 2003, 04:50:05 AM »
Originally posted by Ouch

Do most of you use keys, padlock or some combination?

No.  Can you say tunnel vision?  With ah sounds and a good headset, I find it nearly impossible to completely lose a bogie.

Steve, Lefty.....Try a Saitek Cyborge 3d.  They are cheap now, and you can take the throttle lever and hand rest off and switch to the other side for left handers.  Plus you can adjust more watermelon than Ive ever bothered to mess with to make it comfortable, and fit your hand.

Offline AHGOD

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How many of you use padlock now that we have it?
« Reply #44 on: June 22, 2003, 12:51:28 PM »
Have never used it in my 190 :D  Actually I have never used it at all in AH.