Author Topic: what about subs  (Read 221 times)

Offline yb11

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what about subs
« on: June 24, 2003, 05:15:31 PM »
a sub wood be cool with the cv like the pt boats what do you think jest a thout

Offline brady

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what about subs
« Reply #1 on: June 24, 2003, 05:29:26 PM »
It's been brought up before, even by HTC, but I think making it a reality might be kinda hard, withought a lot of other things being added. Even adding midget sub's that you could spawn like PT's would be hard to make work, firstly their very slow under water, much slower than the PT's and they have a real hard time overtaking a Fleat, so a sub would be painfully slow so so it would be inpractile to use mostly. Sub;s surface spead in WW2 was also slower than the Fleats spead by at least 10 Knot's so they would be incapable of over taking.

 Howeaver "if", Convoys were added that could be interdicted by sub's and those convoys could have some means to defend themself's, either by manable guns, and by spawnable PC's aka sub chasers then this may well be a viable way of adding sub's.

    To elaberate on this idea, each country would have various Convoy rout's that would be some what predictable and each convoy would have XX number of ship's in it these ships would be able to be sunk and rebuild kinda like hanger's do on a field. the convoy routs would not be player controled. Howeaver player's could go to the convoy just like they do a base they would be on the map. Once at the convoy the player could go to the hanger and man a Gun like one curently does on TF's. Or he could spawn a PT or a PC (aka sub chaser). The sub chaser would have sonar and Depth charges and a couple gun's. this would alow player's to hunt sub's.

 The Sub's would spawn to the area from the enemy side into know enemy convoy rout's.

  This is simply a workable idea, one that would require much work by HTC to implement.
« Last Edit: June 24, 2003, 05:40:02 PM by brady »

Offline acetnt

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what about subs
« Reply #2 on: June 25, 2003, 09:42:27 AM »
On the SimHQ march interview Hitech indicated that subs were not on the immediate priority list but that they may consider them in the future

Offline Sabre

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what about subs
« Reply #3 on: June 25, 2003, 10:14:20 AM »
From my interview with Dale at the 2001 AH Con (published on "The Wargamer" website)...

HITECH: Naval aspects?  The biggest change I will be doing will be submarines in the next year.

SABRE: Wow! That is exciting!

HITECH: Submarines will basically use a fleet-type positioning system with the ability that, when the fleet of submarines, the wolfpack or whatever arrives [at the waypoint], you’ll be able to do the detailed control of it.  You’ll get to aim the torpedo.  You get to do all the fun stuff on the submarine; but the fact of the matter is, for a submarine to travel thirty miles at night is an immense amount of time.  Nobody wants to spend that amount of time controlling a submarine.  So what you’ll do is you’ll set down a waypoint [on the map] for the submarines, to get them into position to intercept a fleet, where you think they’re coming in.  As they come into range, suddenly you get to jump into the simulation, the detailed fun part of the submarine element.  That’s how the submarines will work.

On ground warfare, what I envision at some point is a first-person shooter run as a secondary item to base capture.  What I’m sort of envisioning in the end is something that would run along the lines of a C-47 dropping a spawn point at the [enemy base’s] map room.  The map room now is expanded to a full, underground bunker-warfare, first-person shooter.  The defender always gets to spawn in the bunker.  The attackers, now for the next thirty minutes, they can spawn people in the bunker, and there’s this big, first-person shooter war happening underground to do an actual [base] capture.

SABRE: So your going to take it basically all the way down to the individual with a rifle and some hand grenades?

HITECH: Absolutely!

In my interview with him last year, he said that AHII had pushed this stuff back, and that the 1st Person Shooter stuff would probably be next major task, then subs.
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