Jagdgeshwader 3 "Udet" (JG3) has squad nightes every Tuesday and Thursday at 10est, and a practice/training session Sunday night at 9est. We've got a fair number of active members right now, and there seems to be one of us on a lot of the time during the day.
We only fly German Metal, though, on squad nights. You're free to fly whatever you want any other time- but on Squad Nights is for the Father country.
We don't have too many stipulations, but we do ask that you be a serious pilot and willing to try. You may not be the best at Jabo, but we've got a fair number of people who are pretty darn good and they're more than willing to take you up and help you until you've got it. Same thing goes with flying in general, learnin' to Boom and Zoom.. . Ground Vehicle stuff, Boats, even landing! Another thing we try to do is respect all the pilots in the arena both in vox and text. Last thing? Just have fun. We're damned good at that!
If you're interested, just show up on a Squad Night and let us know, and we'll get you flying with us so you can see how we do things- we've also got a great webpage up and running that's got a lot more info on it!
JG-3 Udet And if you log in and see anyone on, feel free to ask as many questions as you want- for the most part we all know what we're talking about and are willing to spend a bit of time with ya.
Hope that helps.