Author Topic: whats your favorite joke to play on coworkers  (Read 575 times)

Offline bigsky

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whats your favorite joke to play on coworkers
« on: June 30, 2003, 11:02:56 PM »
my favorite was a joke was one they played on new guys at this company i worked for. the company built barns and other large commercial buildings. it had a high turnover rate, hire twelve guys to get three that stay, so nobody cared too much about there feelings, they were mostly just college boys and convics on work release. so the setup, the boss or a crew forman would be mean to the new guy and treat him kinda bad. then one of the old hands (like me) would play the good guy and gain his trust by being nice. then the good guy would say "the boss is all right, you just have to get to know him better". "why dont you strike up a conversation with him, go ask him how his sisters swimming lessons are going". then he would go ask the boss how his sisters swimming lessons are going. then the boss would give him an evil look and say "MY SISTER DROWNED!". the looks on those poor suckers faces as they looked at the crew laughing at them was priceless.:D
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whats your favorite joke to play on coworkers
« Reply #1 on: June 30, 2003, 11:53:06 PM »
I used to work at a place where we would "lose" a guys timecard the day before they were turned in. Saw a lot of guys get screwed out of overtime cause they could not prove they worked over, but they were jerks. Usually after the 2nd or 3rd time they would quit.
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Offline Sandman

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whats your favorite joke to play on coworkers
« Reply #2 on: July 01, 2003, 12:13:04 AM »
Years ago, when we all had Macs, I put an alias to the "Shutdown" DA into a coworker's "Startup Items" folder. Too funny. He almost reinstalled his system before I got someone to "fix" it for him.

Offline hblair

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whats your favorite joke to play on coworkers
« Reply #3 on: July 01, 2003, 12:18:16 AM »
A few years ago I lived out in the country and we had the possums that would come up every night to my back door and sniff around the trash can. It got to the point that they would turn it over and make a mess. I'd go out there and they wouldn't even leave. They were getting pretty bold.

One of our employees was getting pretty bold at that time too. Stupid kid greased the door handle on my truck one day. Guess he thought it was a practical joke. It wasn't even funny.

Well, one night I boxed up the two possums in some television box I had laying around. They didn't go willingly. Possums are kinda like racoons. They make this hideous sound and show ya all their teeth when cornered. :) I taped the box up real good so the fellas wouldn't be trying to escape and took it to work. I put the box in the bothersome employees truck and told him I had an extra television from home that I didn't need so I put it in his truck.
Well, quitting time comes and he just couldn't hold back his excitement. He had to check out the "tv" out in the parking lot. He got the box open and the two possums lunged at him with agawdawful ferocious snarl, nasty teeth and all. The reaction from this guy was storybook. Oh the reaction. He honestly thought his life was over there for a few seconds. ;)

What a neat gag. :cool:

Offline -tronski-

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whats your favorite joke to play on coworkers
« Reply #4 on: July 01, 2003, 12:20:00 AM »
Had a guy jump outa a Hum box once, almost gave the poor victim a heart attack.

We used to torment the poor bloody chinese cleaner by hanging his brooms from the hanger roof with a forklift.

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Offline AKIron

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whats your favorite joke to play on coworkers
« Reply #5 on: July 01, 2003, 12:22:24 AM »
I did a screen capture of a coworkers windows desktop and made it his background. Then I turned off all the icons and drug his "start" bar down. He reset the computer 3 times before I told him what I'd done.
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Offline Octavius

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whats your favorite joke to play on coworkers
« Reply #6 on: July 01, 2003, 12:39:18 AM »
Originally posted by AKIron
I did a screen capture of a coworkers windows desktop and made it his background. Then I turned off all the icons and drug his "start" bar down. He reset the computer 3 times before I told him what I'd done.

LOL!  I'm going to have some fun tomorrow :D
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Offline Drunky

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whats your favorite joke to play on coworkers
« Reply #7 on: July 01, 2003, 12:58:29 AM »
I shot a guy once....he didn't think it was funny....go figure
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Offline Maniac

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whats your favorite joke to play on coworkers
« Reply #8 on: July 01, 2003, 02:27:41 AM »
I got an co worker to belive i loved her :D
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whats your favorite joke to play on coworkers
« Reply #9 on: July 01, 2003, 02:28:31 AM »
we had a boss at the first shop I worked at,  he was pretty much a dick-head.  he would stab anybody in the back just to get himself the slightest bit ahead.  on top of that he was a big coker.  he'd 'fall in the bag' for weeks at a time making him very unstable to work for.

so anyway, one night a bunch of us are out in the lot (3am, 12-hour days) after work having a beer or soda before the drive home.  so I look down in the ground and there is a piece of 3/16" braided cotton cord.  it had been laying in the gravel lot for a while,  soaking wet, half frozen, and covered in oil.  so I got to looking at this thing while I was waiting for my ride and it looked a lot like a spark-plug wire.

this boss drove an old POS 60 something dodge and we popped the hood, pulled his coil-wire, took the ends off it and replaced it with the cord.  after wiping it with a rag and putting the caps off the wire on it, the cord looked just like a coil wire.

so we sit back and wait. he comes out about 30 minutes later and goes to start the car.  we figure on about 20 minutes of letting him trouble-shoot it then give him back the wire.

so he comes out and the damn thing fires on the first crank and he drives off before we can catch him.  near as we can figure it was just wet enough to conduct current.

so now we realized this might not be as funny when it dries out. so we throw away the wire and swear everyone to secrecy.

the next day he was pretty pissed, the wire made it about 1/4 of the way to his house (25 miles out of town) before it dried out leaving him stranded.  he didn't get much sleep and it was obvious, with the cord completely dry, what the problem was but he never did figure out how that dried up piece of cord got him 5-10 miles from work.   we never did tell him.

Offline mora

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whats your favorite joke to play on coworkers
« Reply #10 on: July 01, 2003, 03:55:43 AM »
Originally posted by AKIron
I did a screen capture of a coworkers windows desktop and made it his background. Then I turned off all the icons and drug his "start" bar down. He reset the computer 3 times before I told him what I'd done.

Just rigged my co workers computer, he should be back in 20 mins...


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whats your favorite joke to play on coworkers
« Reply #11 on: July 01, 2003, 04:03:27 AM »
Originally posted by hblair
A few years ago I lived out in the country and we had the possums that would come up every night to my back door and sniff around the trash can. It got to the point that they would turn it over and make a mess. I'd go out there and they wouldn't even leave. They were getting pretty bold.

One of our employees was getting pretty bold at that time too. Stupid kid greased the door handle on my truck one day. Guess he thought it was a practical joke. It wasn't even funny.

Well, one night I boxed up the two possums in some television box I had laying around. They didn't go willingly. Possums are kinda like racoons. They make this hideous sound and show ya all their teeth when cornered. :) I taped the box up real good so the fellas wouldn't be trying to escape and took it to work. I put the box in the bothersome employees truck and told him I had an extra television from home that I didn't need so I put it in his truck.
Well, quitting time comes and he just couldn't hold back his excitement. He had to check out the "tv" out in the parking lot. He got the box open and the two possums lunged at him with agawdawful ferocious snarl, nasty teeth and all. The reaction from this guy was storybook. Oh the reaction. He honestly thought his life was over there for a few seconds. ;)

What a neat gag. :cool:

Well there goes your PETA membership hblair... :)

Offline gofaster

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Re: whats your favorite joke to play on coworkers
« Reply #12 on: July 01, 2003, 03:06:01 PM »
Originally posted by bigsky
my favorite was a joke was one they played on new guys at this company i worked for. the company built barns and other large commercial buildings. it had a high turnover rate, hire twelve guys to get three that stay, so nobody cared too much about there feelings, they were mostly just college boys and convics on work release. so the setup, the boss or a crew forman would be mean to the new guy and treat him kinda bad. then one of the old hands (like me) would play the good guy and gain his trust by being nice. then the good guy would say "the boss is all right, you just have to get to know him better". "why dont you strike up a conversation with him, go ask him how his sisters swimming lessons are going". then he would go ask the boss how his sisters swimming lessons are going. then the boss would give him an evil look and say "MY SISTER DROWNED!". the looks on those poor suckers faces as they looked at the crew laughing at them was priceless.:D

Nothing unique there.  We did the same thing in junior high school, except instead of the sister drowning, we'd tell a kid to go tell Butch that he'd seen Butch's dad skateboarding the previous day.  Butch would reply "My daddy ain't got no legs!" and scare the piss out of the kid.

Now that I'm an adult and work with adults, and am imbedded in the corporate culture which frowns on practical jokes, we don't do anything that would put our jobs, mortgages, carpayments, and pensions at risk.


A few years ago when our company was thriving and telecom was hot, we were working our buttocks off to meet deadlines and complete sales transactions.  But we had this one older worker who came in at 5am and was done by 3, so in the afternoon he'd wander around the halls and pester those of us trying to get things wrapped up so we could go home by 6.  He was nice and friendly, but we really didn't have time to socialize.

Being the highly intelligent work force that we were, we took practical joke-playing to a new level.

The way our office building was constructed, there was a security guard's desk with camera monitors running, placed by the main door where employees had to badge in.  One of us told the security guard of our plan and he agreed to go along with it.

That afternoon, as soon as Elderly Worker started making his rounds, one of us casually mentioned "you know, they installed a camera on this floor that points down the hall.  The security tape is catching all of the traffic on this floor."  

Think about that for a second.  A security camera is watching you.  Is watching everything you do in that hall.  Including wandering from office to office, standing in the hall gabbing for 2 or 3 hours until people start packing up to go home.  And management can get a copy of that.

Soon after, as Elderly Worker did the usual work stuff that required him to leave the office, he started looking down the hall, up at the ceiling tiles, trying to figure out where the camera could be.  It was fun to watch him just sort of casually glance around as he went to and from his office.  And we noticed something else: he stopped making the rounds to our offices.  If he had something to say, he didn't stand in the hall where he could address 2 or 3 offices at a time (and be seen by this imaginary camera).  Instead, he'd walk all the way into our office and keep the visit short.

After a couple days of this, one of us happened to be chatting to the security guard and he mentioned that on a few occassions he could see Elderly Worker trying to look across the guard's desk to see where the cameras were pointing, but the guard nonchalantly would place a package, or some flowers, or himself in Elderly Worker's line of sight.

We eventually moved into a new building and Elderly Worker retired soon after.  I don't think Elderly Worker ever found out.

Offline midnight Target

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whats your favorite joke to play on coworkers
« Reply #13 on: July 01, 2003, 03:13:25 PM »
Well this was school daze but it was a helluva gag.

We ordered 5000 live crickets from a mail order bait company. We then divvied up the rascals into lunch bags and synchronized our watches. There were about 10 of us in on the joke, but at exactly the same time we all threw our bags into the air and into the cafeteria.

The bedlam was classic.

Offline snafu

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whats your favorite joke to play on coworkers
« Reply #14 on: July 02, 2003, 04:43:24 PM »
LOL AKIron, Gotta try that :)

I once worked with someone who had 2 phones on their desk, Don't know why, guess it made them feel important.

Anyway, one day we switched the handsets over so the handset on the left phone belonged to the right hand phone and vice versa, Left phone rings, pick up handset (Which is attached to the other phone). well, you work it out, Hours of endless fun :D
