Author Topic: Avoiding an arena full of the same planes....  (Read 1674 times)

Offline hazed-

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Avoiding an arena full of the same planes....
« on: July 02, 2003, 05:25:48 PM »
I wonder if HTC would consider something.

Would they consider making it so anyone on a 2 week trial is banned from flying the top 4 most used aircraft?

Now before you fly off the handle saying the newbies need the top 4 planes and other crap like that consider this

1.The arenas have filled up with too many of the same types of planes lately and someone has to give ground concerning it or AH will loose more customers.Subscribers have PAID for the privelige of flying whilst 2 week triallers pay nothing.

2. when i(and id guess most people) were new to this game it was longer than 2 weeks before i learned which planes were good for whatever jon and i enjoyed AH no less and eventually subscribed.If at the beginning some were unavailable I wouldnt have demanded i fly them now!, Id have just flown something else and if i really wanted to fly one that was not available Id have subscribed.

2. I would hazard a guess 80% of people joining have never heard of any but the most famous aircraft like b17s spitfires p51s P47s 109s etc and wouldnt know a D model from an E or A etc they would probably certainly never heard of LA7s or N1Ks which are 2 major culprits at the moment for over use.I'd say only a few people would know the ins and outs of all the planes and these people are likely to be subscribers anyhow, they wont leave, they will just subscribe earlier.

3.  When we play a game and certain elements are unavailable we do not stop playing the game.Generally we want to play so that we CAN earn a right to fly them.Its part of the point of games.rewards etc for playing the game well and winning.make AH the same.

4. if all the 2 weekers in an arena of say 500 peopel adds up to 50 or more (wouldnt you say? I have no idea how many are in an arena at any one time but its probably pretty high) thats 50 Less people flying the top 4 overused planes.That will surely make some difference to the rest of us.

5. If you are a subscriber it wont effect you so really theres no reason to complain.If you are on a 2 week trial and you dont agree then what gives you the right to demand free use of all planes? if you pay you can play.(fact of life :)) there really isnt a reason other than new players need to fly the easier to use aircraft so they can kill. Well this is where I have to point something out. IF people use niks spits P51d's or La7s all the time they are using the most poular planes in the game.They know they are, It therefore will be THEIR fault that these planes are banned from use for a 2 weeker newb. If we all use a more diverse choice in what we fly we can eventually get the likes of LA7s or N1ks off the top 4 to be replaced by others so if you REALLY want to help the poor newbies you can STOP FLYING the easy rides all the time.If you arent prepared to do that, then claiming newbies need these planes is horsesh8t. :)

6. Most aircraft in the game that are likely to be effected, ie P51D,109G10,LA7,N1K2 and SPITIX, all have a second or even 3rd models of their type. we have the spit5/1 if the spit9 gets in the top 4, we have the 109g6/2 if the 109g10 is on it, we have the P51B if the P51D is on the top 4. LA5s instead of La7s.Only the n1k2 or P38 have no other versions and i doubt the p38 will ever be in the top 4 most commonly used aircraft.(Hell i know for one thing i'd like to play in an arena where P38s got the most popular!!!).Result: fans of each type of plane will 99% of the time have at least one version of their plane to fly for free.We will see some more of the rare types around.

Ok thats all im gonna say, theres a hundred other reasons I could think of but the most compelling for me is the fact Im paying for a game where im getting sick of seeing the same fighters over and over.The guys on 2 weeks free trials arent paying and so at the moment are not contributing to the game in terms of money yet they can still can fly those very same aircraft we all seem to be sick of fighting.Im getting pissed off and thinking of quiting for a while whereas the two weeker probably isnt even aware its annoying people when they use some types over and over.

IF there is a lot of 2 weekers online at any one time this idea will work. If the number is very low then its not worth it but who knows? HTC? is this a viable idea? I hope it is.

Offline NoBaddy

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Avoiding an arena full of the same planes....
« Reply #1 on: July 02, 2003, 05:30:29 PM »'s deja vu all over again!!! :D
NoBaddy (NB)

Flying since before there was virtual durt!!
"Ego is the anesthetic that dulls the pain of stupidity."

Offline Furious

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Avoiding an arena full of the same planes....
« Reply #2 on: July 02, 2003, 05:35:30 PM »

Come on man, does it really matter that much?

Folks fly those planes because they are very good planes in the MA setting.  If the plane gives someone the impression that it gives them an edge, and they are willing to mix it up, its a good thing.

Offline Batz

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Avoiding an arena full of the same planes....
« Reply #3 on: July 02, 2003, 05:40:22 PM »
25 min for a double post to pop up :p

Offline Montezuma

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Avoiding an arena full of the same planes....
« Reply #4 on: July 02, 2003, 06:19:19 PM »
Great idea, punish the newbies.

Offline hazed-

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Avoiding an arena full of the same planes....
« Reply #5 on: July 02, 2003, 06:33:23 PM »
Originally posted by Furious

Come on man, does it really matter that much?

Folks fly those planes because they are very good planes in the MA setting.  If the plane gives someone the impression that it gives them an edge, and they are willing to mix it up, its a good thing.

furious I dont care what people fly or for what reasons they fly it.All im bothered about is the kind of enviroment i am to fly in.

I love AH but I see too many of the same planes every night and i often try to make unusual missions in order to force some new different kinds of fights. Now maybe you dont think it matters that much but Im a customer who is enjoying this game less and less but generally only because its getting repetative NOT because its never fun. Im not going to appoogise for being sick of fighting La7s or any other type if they happen to be all i ever see.

Ive been actively seeking fights with any aircraft BUT the top 4 lately but eventually you realise thats all there is!. The odd p47 or p38 to liven things up but then its a nik or an la7 and away we go again. YAWN

Im not out to persecute anyone and i feel i gave good reasons why this idea would work and doesnt affect anyone who already pays to play.
Id really like to know why you feel I should try to ignore the fact im getting bored by the repetative engagements.This request if im not mistaken would make absolutely no difference to you as you subscribe.Who knows maybe we might get to see more 205s and earlier 109s with P51b's instead of P51d's being the favourite of the 2 weekers. They can fly Spit5's instead of 9's Ki61's instead of niks and la5s instead of La7s. whats so terrible about that? they havent got to pay for it yet we do so in effect im paying for these two weekers to bore me!! :) hehe.

Offline hazed-

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Avoiding an arena full of the same planes....
« Reply #6 on: July 02, 2003, 06:35:24 PM »
it all boils down to how many 2 week trial customers are online at any one time.

If the numbers are very high then it will work.
If its just a few then we can forget the idea.

Offline hazed-

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Avoiding an arena full of the same planes....
« Reply #7 on: July 02, 2003, 06:36:04 PM »
Originally posted by Montezuma
Great idea, punish the newbies.

punish them how exactly? and what about how we are all getting punished by having to fight endless hordes of the same planes?

also consider this. IF the numbers of 2 week trial customers online at any one time is very high and this number were unable to fly the top 4 of the present moment they will all be forced to try some of the others.The nik la7 spit9 and p51d will, by the end of the tour fall from the top spots due to the high numbers unable to use them. Another 4 will replace the top 4.La7s and niks would return for a while.Then it would change again as their usage rises again and so on and so forth and BINGO we have an EVER CHANGING ARENA.

This would even mean there would be no need to think about perking these planes. PAYING customers would at no point be unable to fly them or any of the top 4 types.
« Last Edit: July 02, 2003, 06:43:43 PM by hazed- »

Offline Montezuma

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Avoiding an arena full of the same planes....
« Reply #8 on: July 02, 2003, 06:44:26 PM »
Originally posted by hazed-
punish them how exactly? and what about how we are all getting punished by having to fight endless hordes of the same planes?

Newbie reads about the P51-D, he joins AH because he wants to fly it.  But because some whiner is unhappy about the mix of planes in the arena, he can't.

Bad idea, not going to happen.

Offline rshubert

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A counter suggestion
« Reply #9 on: July 02, 2003, 06:49:24 PM »
(patent medicine salesman mode ON)

Hazed, you're a damned good stick, and obviously are at or near the peak of your abilities.  Now dissatisfaction sets in, a yearning for new experience, and you wonder if there isn't something more.  

I'm here to tell you there is, my friend.

Have you tried special events?   There is more fun to be had there than you can shake a stick at.  Correctly matched aircraft, simulations of actual events, dozens of pilots going after the same goals.

Planning.  Discussing and developing tactics.  Seeing your ideas become plans become victory, or seeing your plan destroyed by a clever opponent.  The various command teams are ALWAYS looking--hell they're BEGGING--for more planners and leaders.

Not always "hair on fire"  (gawd, i hate that term) action.  But a new way to enjoy the game.

Come in to the SEA for the snapshot tonight, or the one tomorrow, or the CAP event on Saturday.  We're having a ball.

(used car salesman mode OFF)

Offline bustr

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Avoiding an arena full of the same planes....
« Reply #10 on: July 02, 2003, 06:58:12 PM »
I always thought that overcoming adversity and winning was the essence of Air Combat. Isnt the point of this game essentially killing everything thats not green? Why does their ride really matter?

I'm here to fight the driver, not the ride. It's the drivers mind and skill that make's this game refreshing and new everytime I saddle up and head out. I don't remember the Germans ever calling up the 8th AirForce and saying, " Guys it's been really interesting up to this point with the B17, P51, P47, P38, Spitfires and such. But could you maybe spice it up for us, we are getting very bored and think that's not fair for the quality of our Combat experience."

If a 2 week person wants to fly a Lavachka or a Stang, whats the problem? It gets them in the door on the off chance some will stay and help keep our beloved HTC in rubels and us able to indulge our ACM addiction. Just kill the little crum crunchers and go back for more. Life is too short for this much drama dredged up over one of the finest Air Combat Sim's on the Planet.:D

bustr - POTW 1st Wing

This is like the old joke that voters are harsher to their beer brewer if he has an outage, than their politicians after raising their taxes. Death and taxes are certain but, fun and sex is only now.

Offline Halo

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Avoiding an arena full of the same planes....
« Reply #11 on: July 02, 2003, 07:15:18 PM »
Bravo, bustr!  It's no fun having a couple planes dominate an arena, but it's also no fun worrying about perks all the time, especially when the best players earn the most perks and thus, at least theoretically, increase their potential at the expense of the new and the average cyber sticks.  

For awhile wouldn't it  be interesting to perk only the two that consistently prove genuinly imbalancing:  the Me-262 and the F4U-1C.   Ultimately only the jet might deserve the offset.  

Combat Theater often offers no perks on the alleged uber rides.  In my amateur experience there, only the 262 really is in a separate class.  The Me 163 is just a limited duration hotrod, especially when based at only a few fields, and the uber props are not bulletproof.  

Aces High reflects most audiences, large and small: it is impossible to please everyone, so when in doubt, continue to offer the most choices possible, not the fewest.  New players in particular will balk at anything that seems needlessly complicated or discriminatory, and few will explore the bulletin board rationale.
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Practice random acts of kindness and senseless beauty. (Anne Herbert, 1982, Sausalito, CA)
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Offline ccvi

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Avoiding an arena full of the same planes....
« Reply #12 on: July 02, 2003, 07:31:48 PM »
Give them two weekers everthing completely free of perks except 262s.

Online Tumor

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Avoiding an arena full of the same planes....
« Reply #13 on: July 02, 2003, 07:55:11 PM »
No offense Hazed but IMHO perking training wheels, if only a little, would accomplish your objective with much less work involved.

Just perk'em high enough that any decent pilot would never "really" have to worry about having enough perks to get thier plane, and just low enough that the newbies could fairly easily get enough to fly with training wheels.
"Dogfighting is useless"  :Erich Hartmann

Offline Urchin

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Avoiding an arena full of the same planes....
« Reply #14 on: July 02, 2003, 10:17:34 PM »
As unbelievable as it may sound... last month is the most 'diverse' tour that I've ever worked out the numbers on.  Top 4 only had ~36% of the kills and deaths.