Author Topic: About the Panzer IV.  (Read 713 times)

Offline Urchin

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About the Panzer IV.
« on: July 12, 2003, 09:49:37 AM »
Look, I understand there is no intention to model the GVs accurately.  A 37mm manned ack that can knock out a tank by shooting HE shells?  Never happen.  Especially not at the 3K plus ranges that our handy dandy super 37mm weapon can kill panzers at.  That said... since you all have no intention of modelling the Panzer IV correctly vis a vis a 37mm HE shell, could you at least make the tank die quicker?  It gets extraordinarily tiresome to lose the turret in 2 hits, then the engine with the next 2, then the treads with the next few.  Just make the first hit instant kill the tank.  Presto, in one fell swoop you'll please your new found "who-gives-a-****-about-any-kind-of-historical-accuracy" fans and it won't take something that shouldn't be able to scratch the ****ing paint on a panzer so long to kill it.

Offline Chairboy

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About the Panzer IV.
« Reply #1 on: July 12, 2003, 10:22:18 AM »
(scribble, scribble)

"Thank you sir, your whine has been recorded.  Be advised that top men will be working on your issue as soon as possible."

"Top men."
"When fascism comes to America it will be wrapped in the flag and carrying a cross." - Sinclair Lewis

Offline Urchin

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About the Panzer IV.
« Reply #2 on: July 12, 2003, 10:26:38 AM »
Thanks for the quick response numb****.  Perhaps if you'd pull your head out of HT's ass, you'd see that GVs have been broken for well over two years, and despite constant "whining" have never been fixed.  Therefore, I'm making a suggestion to make it a little less tiresome, at the cost of some half-assed modelling 'accuracy'.

Offline whels

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Re: About the Panzer IV.
« Reply #3 on: July 12, 2003, 10:31:42 AM »
Originally posted by Urchin
Look, I understand there is no intention to model the GVs accurately.  A 37mm manned ack that can knock out a tank by shooting HE shells?  Never happen.  Especially not at the 3K plus ranges that our handy dandy super 37mm weapon can kill panzers at.  That said... since you all have no intention of modelling the Panzer IV correctly vis a vis a 37mm HE shell, could you at least make the tank die quicker?  It gets extraordinarily tiresome to lose the turret in 2 hits, then the engine with the next 2, then the treads with the next few.  Just make the first hit instant kill the tank.  Presto, in one fell swoop you'll please your new found "who-gives-a-****-about-any-kind-of-historical-accuracy" fans and it won't take something that shouldn't be able to scratch the ****ing paint on a panzer so long to kill it.


as u have been told before. the 37mm mannable AA gun is a duel
purpose gun, it has HE(planes) and AP(GVs) ammo. if i remember correctly, when the mannable AA guns were put in, 1 of the main reasons
was to give the field a Anti Tank weapon besides the VH.

they should be upped to 88mm duel purpose.


Offline Urchin

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About the Panzer IV.
« Reply #4 on: July 12, 2003, 10:35:11 AM »
Ok, and I'm sure as you've been told before, a 37mm round isn't going to knock out a tank at 1,000 yards.  Or 2,000 yards.  Or 3,000+ yards like it can now.  It is gamey bull****.  And since there is absolutely no intention of modelling it accurately, lets just give the gamey bull**** lever another pull and make it so it can kill a Panzer IV with one hit at any range.  Hell, it already knocks off all the pieces at any range, but then you have to sit there for a minute or two until the guy can get lucky and land a round that 'kills' you.  Just do away with all that bull****, lets make it easer on everyone involved.

Offline whels

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About the Panzer IV.
« Reply #5 on: July 12, 2003, 10:43:34 AM »
Originally posted by Urchin
Ok, and I'm sure as you've been told before, a 37mm round isn't going to knock out a tank at 1,000 yards.  Or 2,000 yards.  Or 3,000+ yards like it can now.  It is gamey bull****.  And since there is absolutely no intention of modelling it accurately, lets just give the gamey bull**** lever another pull and make it so it can kill a Panzer IV with one hit at any range.  Hell, it already knocks off all the pieces at any range, but then you have to sit there for a minute or two until the guy can get lucky and land a round that 'kills' you.  Just do away with all that bull****, lets make it easer on everyone involved.

lol there are other things in AH just as gamey, and wont be changed.

Offline Urchin

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About the Panzer IV.
« Reply #6 on: July 12, 2003, 10:47:40 AM »
Lets see, for the four-hundreth million time.. here is the armor specs for a Panzer IV H


Front: 80mm/ 14 degree slope (bottom), 10 degree slope (top)
Side: 30mm / 0 slope
Rear: 20mm/ 11 degree slope (bottom), 8 degree slope (top)
Top: 10-12mm/ 85-90 degree slope.


Front:  50mm/ 10 degree slope
Sides:  30mm/ 30 degree slope
Rear:  30mm/ 15 degree slope
Top:  10mm/ 90 degree slope


Now granted, if our 37mm "duel purpose" gun was a mortar, I might be able to see it knocking out tanks by going through the top armor.  However, as far as I know it is a direct-fire weapon, not a mortar.

If you can find me a "duel purpose" 37mm gun capable of penetrating 50mm at 1,000+ yards, then I'm wrong.

Offline vorticon

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About the Panzer IV.
« Reply #7 on: July 12, 2003, 10:57:00 AM »
if you can find another game with a better damage model (that hasnt been specificly made for tank battling) then you can stop whining...

sure the 37mm shouldent be able to but if it didnt then why would anyone need to take out the ack before any tanks rolled into the place???

tank battling in this game is the most fun (and "realistic" feeling [exept for damage model...]) that i have ever seen...of course then again the only purpose built tank games i have seen are from the modern era...

Offline Chairboy

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About the Panzer IV.
« Reply #8 on: July 12, 2003, 11:05:42 AM »
Calm down, fella, you're getting spit all over everything.  The reason I classified your spluttering post as a whine is because of lines like the following:


I understand there is no intention to model the GVs accurately


That said... since you all have no intention of modelling the Panzer IV correctly


Presto, in one fell swoop you'll please your new found "who-gives-a-****-about-any-kind-of-historical-accuracy" fans

As you can see, the above italics show what is clearly a whinus urchinicus, also known as a 'whine'.

If, on the other hand, you had said:  "I don't think the 37mm field guns should be able to kill Panzers, historical specs on the Panzer armor suggest that HE rounds would be unable to penetrate anywhere." then I wouldn't be able to call 'whine' on your post.  I agree that the 37mms killing tanks is kinda strange, it seems like there should be really narrow points of failure that they could exploit, like the engine compartment or tread, but I don't get why the turret goes so quickly.
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Offline john9001

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About the Panzer IV.
« Reply #9 on: July 12, 2003, 11:15:08 AM »
WAAAA i was in a XXXXX and i got killed by a XXXXXx, this game is stupd,i am eleet, i canot die, fix this stupd game or i'm going to quit.

Offline BlkKnit

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About the Panzer IV.
« Reply #10 on: July 12, 2003, 11:40:32 AM »
THe truth is 37mm was a pretty common anti-tank round in the early war.   Not as effective against midwar tanks and useless against late war armour, but still......there is historical precedence.

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Offline Urchin

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About the Panzer IV.
« Reply #11 on: July 12, 2003, 11:52:47 AM »
Originally posted by john9001
WAAAA i was in a XXXXX and i got killed by a XXXXXx, this game is stupd,i am eleet, i canot die, fix this stupd game or i'm going to quit.

Who is this?  I've never heard of you before.

Offline midnight Target

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About the Panzer IV.
« Reply #12 on: July 12, 2003, 11:54:58 AM »
Originally posted by Urchin
Who is this?  I've never heard of you before.

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Offline AHGOD

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About the Panzer IV.
« Reply #13 on: July 12, 2003, 11:55:39 AM »
Sorry but when germany invaded france, the 37mm was prevalent.  And was found inadaquate for killing even the frnech tanks which at the time were heavily armored.  PB range was the only likely way of killing a tank and I mean PB range.  Even against a mark IV you would need to be within 2-300 yards to kill a panzer in the butt.  I find it funy u can hit a mark Iv with a tiger under 100 and it will live yet the manned ack can kill it out to 3k.  It is gamey and frustrating too.  I think if tracers were turned on it would help some.

Offline Urchin

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About the Panzer IV.
« Reply #14 on: July 12, 2003, 11:58:44 AM »
Originally posted by Chairboy
Calm down, fella, you're getting spit all over everything.  The reason I classified your spluttering post as a whine is because of lines like the following:

As you can see, the above italics show what is clearly a whinus urchinicus, also known as a 'whine'.

If, on the other hand, you had said:  "I don't think the 37mm field guns should be able to kill Panzers, historical specs on the Panzer armor suggest that HE rounds would be unable to penetrate anywhere." then I wouldn't be able to call 'whine' on your post.  I agree that the 37mms killing tanks is kinda strange, it seems like there should be really narrow points of failure that they could exploit, like the engine compartment or tread, but I don't get why the turret goes so quickly.

Actually, what your italics showed are statements.  They could also be called facts .  Now, I understand many fanboys can't stand to see such things said about their beloved leader and game, but a fact is a fact.  The GVs are broken in this game.  They have been broken for as long as I've been here.  HTC has absolutely no intention of fixing said broken GVs.  I understand you need to spring to their defense and shout WHINER!  WHINER!  BURN THE WHINER!  But, as one plays this game and tries the different aspects, one becomes rather disillusioned with the accuracy of the modelling when 20mm Hispanos can kill tanks, when 37mm "AP" rounds can kill a tank at ranges that positively boggle the mind, and when certain tanks go into epileptic seizures when the tracks are knocked out.  This is in addition to tanks listing 30 degrees to the side like a torpedoed ship if just one track gets knocked out.  Oh, I forgot to mention that not only can you SEE GVs through buildings... you can SHOOT them through buildings too.  This is a known bug, at least it used to be a known bug, again it was never fixed.  There are more "whines" I could go into, but I'm tired of "whining".  Do a search, I'm sure you'll be able to find plenty of other "whines" about ground vehicles.