Author Topic: AH Scenario: Operation Iceberg  (Read 718 times)

Offline Batz

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AH Scenario: Operation Iceberg
« on: July 19, 2003, 12:54:43 PM »
Registration opens today at 4pm eastern US.

There is a new registration page

If you plan on registering please read through the new reg page so you know what to do. You have the option of selecting whether or not you wish to be a flight/section leader.

Heres the write up for the event

Each player will have up to 4 lives (1 life per plane/vehicle) plus there numerous field guns sbs and ship guns to man.

The event will use Kanttori's Okinawa map

The Axis must defend against round eye invaders

The US will have 10 cvs (2 4 cv fleets and 2 single cv fleets plus 2 4 cruiser task groups) 6 fleets total

Allied planes

F4U-1 (FAA 10 planes 1 group)


F4U-1C (10 planes 1 group)

F4U-4 (10 planes 1 group)



p47-D30 (two frames after Ie Shima is completely secured 10 planes 1 group)


B17s (available after front is 2 bases past Yontan; 10 planes 1 group)






The axis will have 1 cruiser fleet and all but 2 groups will be based at okinawa.

The Japanese



NIK2 (50 = 5 groups)




LVTA2 (available only from Japanese Task Force)

Ostwind (simulates Japanese 47mm guns) (20 2 groups)

Panzer (simulates Japanese 320 mm mortar)(20 2 groups defensive only)




I am (Batz) Coing this one and Bradys5 in my xo for the Axis

Shubie and Puck and a whole bunch of others are leading the allies.

This event will be one of the most focused a2a battles ever in an ah event. With 10 carrier (4 fleets) and the confined nature of the axis defensive area (okinawa) there should be some excellent a2a fights. There will also be the land grab/building battling aspect as well as ship to shore and possibly ship to ship action.

There as also a reasonably level of "hate" that hasnt been a part of an ah event since big week. :D

With the number of Navy and Marine squads in AH us Axis expect a brawl.

Where else would the chog, f4u-4 and f4u-1 be in one event? Then we will have our nikis ki 61s and a6m5s. :)

Everyone is welcome but the slots are limited and based on first come 1st serve.

Admiral Minoru "Batz" Ota

Loyal Subject of the Emperor and Defender of Okinawa.
« Last Edit: July 19, 2003, 01:03:57 PM by Batz »

Offline Batz

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AH Scenario: Operation Iceberg
« Reply #1 on: July 19, 2003, 12:56:15 PM »
Operation ICEBERG, as the plan for the Okinawa campaign was officially called, marked the entrance of the United States upon an advanced stage in the long execution of its strategy in the Pacific. Some 4,000 miles of ocean, and more than three years of war, separated Okinawa from Pearl Harbor. In 1942 and 1943 the Americans had contained the enemy and thrown him back; in 1944 their attack gathered momentum, and a series of fierce island campaigns carried them toward the Japanese inner stronghold in great strides. The Allied advance followed two main axes, one through the islands of the Central Pacific, the other through the South and Southwest Pacific. Navy task forces and some other elements operated on both fronts as needed. The result was "unremitting pressure" against Japanese military and naval might, a major objective of American strategy. Near the close of 1943, a thrust at the Gilbert Islands from the Central Pacific, in which Tarawa, Makin, and Apamama were seized, paved the way for the assault on the Marshalls on 31 January 1944. American forces captured Kwajalein, Majuro, and Eniwetok, and their fleet and air arms moved forward. At the same time, American carriers heavily attacked Truk, and that formidable enemy naval base in the Carolines was thenceforth immobilized. Saipan, Tinian, and Guam in the Marianas fell to American arms in the summer of 1944, and, in the First Battle of the Philippine Sea, the
U. S. Navy administered a crushing defeat to the Japanese fleet that tried to interfere with the American push westward. In September and October the Americans occupied Ulithi in the western Carolines for use as an anchorage and advanced fleet base, and took Angaur and Peleliu in the Palau Islands, situated close to the Philippines.

Meanwhile, American forces in the South and Southwest Pacific were approaching Mindanao, southernmost of the Philippine Islands, by advances through the Solomons and New Guinea in which Japanese armies were neu_tralized and isolated on Bougainville, New Ireland, and New Britain. The capture of Wakde on the northeastern coast of New Guinea in May 1944 was followed by the seizure of Biak and Noemfoor. During the summer a Japanese army attempting to break out from Wewak in Australian New Guinea was subdued. The invasion of Morotai in September placed American forces within 300 miles of Mindanao.

The ultimate goal of American operations in the Pacific was the industrial heart of Japan, along the southern shores of Honshu between the Tokyo plain and Shimonoseki. American strategy aimed to reach this objective by successive steps and to take advantage, on the way, of Japan's extreme vulnerability to submarine blockade and air bombardment. Throughout most of 1944 Army and Navy staffs in the Pacific Ocean Areas had been planning for the invasion of Formosa (Operation CAUSEWAY) in the spring of 1945. On the basis of the Joint Chiefs of Staff directive of March 1944, the general concept of this operation had been outlined, the availability of troops considered and reviewed many times, and the assignment of task force commanders announced. On 23 August, a joint staff study for CAUSEWAY had been published. It was clear that Admiral Chester W. Nimitz, Commander in Chief, U. S. Pacific Fleet and Pacific Ocean Areas, intended to invade Formosa after Southwest Pacific forces had established positions in the Central and Southern Philippines; CAUSEWAY, in turn, was to be followed by operations against the Ryukyus and Bonins, or against the China coast. Either course would lead eventually to assault on the Japanese home islands.

On 15 September the Joint Chiefs directed Gen. Douglas MacArthur to seize Leyte on 20 October, instead of 20 December as planned, and to bypass Mindanao. At the same time, Admiral Nimitz was instructed to bypass Yap. On the next day Admiral Nimitz reconsidered the Formosa operation. He believed that the early advance into the Central Philippines, with the opportunity of acquiring the desired fleet anchorages there, opened up the possibility of a direct advance northward through the Ryukyus and Bonins rather than through Formosa and the China coast. He reviewed the objectives of CAUSEWAY _the establishment of air bases from which to bomb Japan, support China, and cut off the home islands from resources to the south with reference to the new possibility and in a letter to his Army commanders requested their opinions on the subject.

Lt. Gen. Robert C. Richardson, Jr., Commanding General, U. S. Army Forces, Pacific Ocean Areas, replied that only those steps should be taken which would lead to the early accomplishment of the ultimate objective - the invasion of Japan proper. From this point of view the occupation of Formosa as a stepping stone to an advance on Japan via the China coast did not, in his opinion, offer advantages commensurate with the time and enormous effort involved. He proposed instead, as a more economical course, a dual advance along the Luzon - Ryukyus and the Marianas - Bonins axes. He fully agreed with General MacArthur's plan to seize Luzon after Leyte. The seizure of Luzon would provide air and naval bases in the Philippines from which enemy shipping lanes in the China Sea could be blocked and, at the same time, Formosa effectively neutralized. From the ample bases in Luzon, it would be possible and desirable to seize positions in the Ryukyus for the prosecution of air operations against Kyushu and Honshu. The occupation of bases in the Bonins would open another route from the Marianas for bomber operations against Japan. The air assaults on Japan would culminate in landings on the enemy's home islands.

Lt. Gen. Millard F. Harmon, Commanding General, U. S. Army Air Forces, Pacific Ocean Areas, in his reply to Admiral Nimitz referred to a previous letter which he had written to the Admiral, recommending, as an alternative to the invasion of Formosa and the China coast, the seizure of islands in the Ryukyu chain, for development as air bases from which to bomb Japan. He restated these views and emphasized his opinion that if the objective of CAUSEWAY was the acquisition of air bases it could be achieved with the least cost in men and materiel by the capture of positions in the Ryukyus.

On 3 October 1944 American forces in the Pacific Ocean Areas received a directive to seize positions in the Ryukyu Islands (Nansei Shoto). Okinawa is the most important island of the Ryukyu Group, the threshold of the four main islands of Japan. The decision to invade the Ryukyus signalized the readiness of the United States to penetrate the inner ring of Japanese defenses. For the enemy, failure on Okinawa meant that he must prepare to resist an early invasion of the homeland or surrender.

Offline Nefarious

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AH Scenario: Operation Iceberg
« Reply #2 on: July 19, 2003, 03:07:38 PM »
Just registered! see ya there!
There must also be a flyable computer available for Nefarious to do FSO. So he doesn't keep talking about it for eight and a half hours on Friday night!

Offline Hajo

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AH Scenario: Operation Iceberg
« Reply #3 on: July 19, 2003, 04:04:56 PM »
Registered.........Hellkitty squadron
- The Flying Circus -

Offline Batz

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AH Scenario: Operation Iceberg
« Reply #4 on: July 19, 2003, 04:20:39 PM »
Great :)

Offline culero

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AH Scenario: Operation Iceberg
« Reply #5 on: July 19, 2003, 07:26:39 PM »
Originally posted by Hajo
Registered.........Hellkitty squadron

Me too me too!


“Before we're done with them, the Japanese language will be spoken only in Hell!” - Adm. William F. "Bull" Halsey

Offline Hajo

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AH Scenario: Operation Iceberg
« Reply #6 on: July 19, 2003, 07:56:10 PM »
Batz! (Wotan) haven't seen you in the MA recently.....whatcha been upto? :D

Culero.......cya when the shooting starts  :D
- The Flying Circus -

Offline Batz

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AH Scenario: Operation Iceberg
« Reply #7 on: July 19, 2003, 09:15:45 PM »
Hajo I still hang around but dont fly much.

I fly mostly over in HL doing the FB thing.

I am waiting for ah2:ToD the main just doesnt have much fun in it for me.

Hellkitty eh :p

Offline gofaster

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AH Scenario: Operation Iceberg
« Reply #8 on: July 21, 2003, 09:16:26 AM »
Sounds like a fun event.  I'm in.  I registered for a Ki-61 squadron just to embarass the F4U-4 players.  Fear the clown-tailed Ki!  Feeearr it!

On the downside, this event highlights the need for the Ki-84 in Aces High.  I predict all 10 of us Axis pilots will have get 0wn3d by the 250 Allied pilots.
« Last Edit: July 21, 2003, 09:24:46 AM by gofaster »

Offline WestyAH

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AH Scenario: Operation Iceberg
« Reply #9 on: July 21, 2003, 09:25:50 AM »
Maybe they can sub the LA7 for the KI-84 ;)

Offline Hajo

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AH Scenario: Operation Iceberg
« Reply #10 on: July 21, 2003, 04:29:32 PM »
Westy........don't give'em any ideas  :eek:
- The Flying Circus -

Offline Batz

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AH Scenario: Operation Iceberg
« Reply #11 on: July 25, 2003, 03:05:53 AM »

If there are any good Ki-61s pilots out there the Emperor needs you.

I am kinda getting worried that we cant even get 100 axis pilots for an event. Dont let me down :p

I am unsure of the US numbers but if you are interested please sign up.

Offline fullback

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AH Scenario: Operation Iceberg
« Reply #12 on: July 25, 2003, 04:05:07 AM »
You could sure get alot of Japanese (or others living in asia) on for this event (and others) if they were held at a reasonable hour.

(Please disregard - I have no idea what came over me to say such a ridiculous thing.)

Offline mipoikel

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AH Scenario: Operation Iceberg
« Reply #13 on: July 25, 2003, 06:22:41 AM »
Originally posted by Batz

If there are any good Ki-61s pilots out there the Emperor needs you.

I am kinda getting worried that we cant even get 100 axis pilots for an event. Dont let me down :p

I am unsure of the US numbers but if you are interested please sign up.

I'm sure you get about 20 or even more finnish pilots in service.
I am a spy!

Offline Zanth

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AH Scenario: Operation Iceberg
« Reply #14 on: July 25, 2003, 08:07:20 AM »
Originally posted by fullback
You could sure get alot of Japanese (or others living in asia) on for this event (and others) if they were held at a reasonable hour.

(Please disregard - I have no idea what came over me to say such a ridiculous thing.)

Always wondered what would happen if they ran 8 frames instead of 4 with 1/2 of frames offset 12 hours then average the results out.   Would require command staff to be a team wuth a +12 hour counter part, but then everyone would get to participate in the big event.

Wonder what kind of extra numbers we would be talking about?