Author Topic: Aces High $19.95 Special Offer  (Read 3379 times)

Offline Pyro

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Aces High $19.95 Special Offer
« Reply #30 on: October 24, 2000, 09:05:00 PM »
Renfield, just to make sure I got this straight.  You would have been fine as a customer if we didn't bother to explore cheaper pricing for our customers?

Doug "Pyro" Balmos
HiTech Creations

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« Reply #31 on: October 24, 2000, 09:09:00 PM »
No one worried about 29.95 before. I just hope the price doesn't go up. If new blood is needed to help push AH to new hieghts, they can give it away. More power to hitech and pyro for any inovation that improves our game.<S>

Offline Gadfly

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« Reply #32 on: October 24, 2000, 09:12:00 PM »
Hey, it got me back within 5 minutes of the Email.

Offline lakc

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« Reply #33 on: October 24, 2000, 09:17:00 PM »
I hope Badger didnt check the "E-mail me when  replied" button when he posted this. :)

48FG Checkertails
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« Reply #34 on: October 24, 2000, 09:17:00 PM »
Lizking, you signed up?

I had a witty reply to Renfield.(well in my mind anyway) But my conditioning prevents me from posting it.

Offline Cobra

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« Reply #35 on: October 24, 2000, 09:22:00 PM »
Originally posted by Staga:
First I thought I should quit sending money across the Atlantic but now I think I'll stay a while and look where this leads.

(wondering who leaked this out and what could happen IF the leak wouldn't happen?)

Given from what I've seen from this and the WB would have leaked out, no problem...the proof is in this thread.

Hell, let them explore the options and then lower the price.


Offline Sundog

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« Reply #36 on: October 24, 2000, 09:24:00 PM »
Thanks for the pricing `test' HTC! Some of the memebrs of my Squad will now fly here because of the lower price (Yes, it does make a difference..and hopefully a big enough difference to lower it for everyone.)

As to how you implemented this, I sure can't knock it. The bottom line has to be in the black, and if you can increase your customer base first, then lower the price to keep everything running well, more power to ya!

I thank you guys for at least exploring this avenue in the hope of benefiting everyone, the players and HTC.



Offline Gadfly

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« Reply #37 on: October 24, 2000, 09:28:00 PM »
Damn straight.  I canceled my EQ accounts and signed right up.  Now if it would let me into the arenas, I would give it a whirl.



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Aces High $19.95 Special Offer
« Reply #38 on: October 24, 2000, 09:35:00 PM »
Originally posted by Pyro:
You would have been fine as a customer if we didn't bother to explore cheaper pricing for our customers?

Yep. I signed up at $29.95 and helped support the development of the sim - along with the rest of your current customers. To learn that you guys are giving people who didn't support your company a 33% discount is, well, a slap in the face.

Certainly I wish HTC the best and hope that you guys can recruit many customers. However, I think that to give the newbies a permanent rate of $19.95 while not doing the same for your existing customers is an insult. Experiment or no.

You are right - $30 was fine... fine until I found out that there were different rates for newbies for the exact same account.

If you went to a car dealership knowing that someone just bought a Super Coupe for $XX,XXX.XX, you be willing to pay 50% more for the exact same car? I don't think so. We are (were) paying 50% more than the new guys.

Introductory pricing is one thing, but a guaranteed permanent lower rate is entirely different. In my opinion it's bad business to treat existing customers like this. If you guys are going to lower the price for some, you should lower it for all.

This is just my choice. Anyone who wants to keep paying $30 per month is certainly free to do so. I am not calling for anyone else to follow suit. I am just stating that I am unwilling to pay more than those who decided not to pony up and support the sim earlier. Nothing more. Nothing less.

Offline Pappy

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« Reply #39 on: October 24, 2000, 09:41:00 PM »
I know 19.95 a month will bring more over from Air Warrior and some of the other cheap arcadish fighter sims, no testing needed.

[This message has been edited by Pappy (edited 10-24-2000).]

Offline Gadfly

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« Reply #40 on: October 24, 2000, 09:51:00 PM »
Actually, Reinfield, speaking for myself, I have flown it since day one(ish) of beta and maintained a paid account for 3 months when it went pay.  This offer did not go to Newbies, I don't think; it went to previous paid account holders.


Offline Maverick

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« Reply #41 on: October 24, 2000, 10:02:00 PM »
Originally posted by Pyro:
This is not intended as a marketing ploy to just bring us new customers, it's to gain information about pricing and some other things.  It's something that you as a consumer are subjected to everyday whether you realize it or not.  We've selected a group of people based on a number of factors and have used them to test out different price points.  We can take that information and crunch the numbers and have a good idea whether a different price point would make more sense for us.  If we find that to be the case, then everyone benefits.  We didnt' put a limit on the duration of the rate because it's the information that we're after and to do that would taint the results.  

We know that it seems exclusionary to our core supporters and that's been our chief concern in doing this, but given the choice of not exploring this or going about it in a reckless manner, we think that this is the best option.  The goal is not to have multiple price points, it's to have the best price point.  If things work out the way we want them to, we'll all benefit.


Just a point here and for what it's worth I happen to agree with Renfield.

You already have a defacto price differential. You have promised a non expiring price of $19.95 for a select few.

HiTech Creations, creator of Aces High, is conducting a survey to collect valuable information for our marketing efforts and product development. As part of this effort we have developed a limited time offer for you to join our game online. We've made arrangements for you to join the ranks of massively multiplayer flying for only $19.95 per month, unlimited months, unlimited flying until you delete this account. That means unlimited flying at a savings of $10.00 per month just for answering our survey.

The scope of the target group is obvious. They are the ones who played for free and left. That is how you had their e-mails and names to form a set fixed number of low price permanent members.

Common sense would tell you that the main factor in not gaining a paid account after the free trial is the price versus the competition. They are similar products and in competition for the same market. Granted there are differences in scope and quality but it is still a fight for the air combat gamer. The competition happens to be setting lower prices than you are.

If you had examined it, looking at the price the competition charges (ie WB and  AW3), you can tell what their price levels are and the amount of player support they have. Heck even going so far as to have an AH employee with an account in each of those business' and examining the influx of newbies would tell you if that was a success or not. Checking the various game bbs threads would do that as well.

Frankly I find it hard to believe that this is a price exploration. Doing what you have, setting up 2 pricing groups, is insulting to those who have been playing and paying the higher price.

This brings it to a head. You have stated you will give a $19.95 price for unlimited play to your "test" group. There is no expiration date on this offer.  That means they have the preferential customer price as long as they want or until the game goes away or falls under new management.

That leaves you as a company only two choices. Maintain a tiered pricing structure where early (and later) customers and supporters get to pay a higher price or set the price the same for them all. You already have a price guarantee to one group now. Is it going to be the same to us all or are we not worthy of the same consideration?

IMO setting the $19.95 as unlimited time offer was a bad mistake. Doing it for 6 months would have told you the same thing.

Performaing a standard exit survey of players not starting a paid account could have gotten you a similar result. Do you really think the answers would be any more valid with a "price break" incentive versus an opinion without the "gimme"? By throwing in the incentive you have tainted the results.

Any polster who pays for "opinions" is only buying what they want to hear.


[This message has been edited by Maverick (edited 10-24-2000).]
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Offline Pyro

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« Reply #42 on: October 24, 2000, 10:05:00 PM »
Renfield, so in order to remain faithful to our customers, we should not look at offering them a cheaper rate?  This rate is not for new customers, it's a test sample that we've chosen to explore new pricing options, the results of which can effect everybody.  I guess I don't see how sitting tight and maintaining the status quo is better for the consumer than exploring cheaper pricing.

Doug "Pyro" Balmos
HiTech Creations

Offline Pyro

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« Reply #43 on: October 24, 2000, 10:15:00 PM »
Maverick, we undertook this with the understanding that people like yourself and Renfield would get bent out of shape over it and doubt our motivations.  Because of that and other obvious things, this is not something that we went about for giggles, it is valuable information that we aren't garnering for the good of the industry and therefore aren't going to give you all the juicy details about what our sample market is and what the results are.  

What I would like to know is what would you do to find the best price point?  A- Leave it be and don't worry about it.  B- Throw the dice, make the change and hope it works.

Doug "Pyro" Balmos
HiTech Creations

LJK Raubvogel

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Aces High $19.95 Special Offer
« Reply #44 on: October 24, 2000, 10:19:00 PM »
My squad has only been in AH for about 3 months. I'll pay the 29.95 if I HAVE to because I think AH is worth it. On the other hand, we left half our squad in "another sim" solely because of price. I agree with Mav; a simple poll would have yielded the same results. If someone offered me the same product for less money than others are paying, who wouldn't take advantage?

I hope the strategy works, because I think AH is already an excellent product, and will surely evolve into even more. However, I think a simple poll would have yielded the same results with less friction. Just my .02
