Author Topic: Star Wars Kid video prompts lawsuit  (Read 420 times)

Offline 10Bears

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Star Wars Kid video prompts lawsuit
« on: July 26, 2003, 01:59:03 AM »
I remember somebody posted this about a month ago.

A Canadian teenager has launched legal action against classmates who put a video of him online, saying that the publicity has left him mentally scarred.
Ghyslain Raza became known as the "Star Wars Kid" after a video of him using a golf ball retriever to emulate the light sabre slinging tricks of Darth Maul was posted on the net.

The video was hugely popular and some people even added effects to make the golf ball retriever look and sound like a light sabre


BBC News

If you missed it the first time, here's thelink to the original video.

Offline SunKing

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Star Wars Kid video prompts lawsuit
« Reply #1 on: July 26, 2003, 02:09:50 AM »
anything for a he will sell the rights to the video.

Offline StSanta

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Star Wars Kid video prompts lawsuit
« Reply #2 on: July 26, 2003, 06:44:44 AM »
If the kid has just some brains he'd make the best out of the situation.

He'd laugh at himself or with himself and others. Sure it is embarrasing but taking it seriously only makes it worse. When I find myself in embarrasing situations (like landing in a tree in front of the entire club) it has always taken away the power of the ridicule if I've managed to see the humour of it.

The guy is well known for his little stunt. I know he's young but this publicity could really open doors for him. And he has (or had til he started suing) the entire geek/nerd community behind him, for they too have been in similar situations, although it might not have been caught on film.

Stupid. Some people even collected money for him. All that goodwill destroyed. He's opting for a few dollars in a suit instead of a lot of open doors and an additional 15 minutes of fame.

Offline GrimCO

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Star Wars Kid video prompts lawsuit
« Reply #3 on: July 26, 2003, 08:44:49 AM »
The kid is now famous. He should capitalize upon it instead of being embarrassed by it.

I realize he's only 15 and probably has no concept of life yet, but he'd be smart to make the best of the situation. It has HUGE potential for him to make money from it in ways other than a lawsuit. Inability to laugh at oneself burns a lot of bridges. God knows I've had to laugh at myself on countless occasions.

Offline StSanta

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Star Wars Kid video prompts lawsuit
« Reply #4 on: July 26, 2003, 12:07:05 PM »

vv that bro :D

Offline -tronski-

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Star Wars Kid video prompts lawsuit
« Reply #5 on: July 27, 2003, 02:57:24 AM »
My wife sent me this from her work:

"The parents of Ghyslain Raza, the Quebec teenager who became a celebrity this spring after classmates posted on the Internet a video of him mimicking a Star Wars character, allege that their son was so humiliated by the experience that he had to get psychiatric care. The revelation is made in a lawsuit his parents have filed against the families of four classmates they accuse of maliciously turning their son into an object of mockery. The video of Ghyslain, a portly 15-year-old pretending he is wielding a double-bladed light sabre, has been downloaded millions of times from several Web sites, which dubbed him Star Wars Kid. ... the Razas say that Ghyslain was so widely mocked at his private high school that he dropped out. ... Ghyslain 'will be under psychiatric care for an indefinite amount of time."

No link to where it came from.....
will be under psychiatric care for an indefinite amount of time...what bollocks!

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