Author Topic: Your most embarrassing moment...  (Read 504 times)

Offline GrimCO

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Your most embarrassing moment...
« on: July 26, 2003, 09:16:39 AM »
I was reading a thread about the "Star Wars Kid" and wondered why he can't laugh along with people about it. I know he's only 15, but hey, it's something he's going to have to learn to succeed in life. We've all been embarrassed (albeit probably not in front of millions of internet viewers) at one time or another. Anyway, here's just one "foot in mouth" moment that happened to me. Feel free to share yours :)

I had been a police for four years at the time, in a very bad area of town here in Florida. I was on the midnight shift for all four of my first years as an officer. I finally had enough seniority to bid for the day shift and was looking forward to seeing normal people during the daytime instead of the constant stream of drug dealers, gangbangers, and other assorted scumbags that come out at night. I got assigned to patrol the business district, and decided I'd be officer friendly and stop into a few of the businesses to let them know I was patrolling their area, and introduce myself.

My first stop was an auto-body shop. I walked in the office door and was met by a very attractive receptionist. We struck up a conversation and I was quite proud of myself at how quickly I had removed her reservations about having a normal conversation with a police officer. I find that people are somewhat aloof when you're in uniform, and have difficulty accepting you as just a normal person who happens to be a cop. So I felt good that she had begun laughing and talking with me so quickly.

I looked around the office, and it was a typical mechanic's shop type atmosphere. Calendars with girls in bikinis hanging on the wall, etc... She noticed me looking at one of the calendars and said "do you like that one?". Trying to be humorous, I told her "well, there's worse things on the eyes than a bunch of girls in bikinis". She laughed, took the calendar off the wall, handed it to me, and said "look at the July girl". I found the month of July and low and behold, it was her! What a body too! I was recently divorced, so now I'm thinking hey, we're getting along great, this has some potential for a date!

After giving her some flattering comments on her figure, etc... I began looking at a few of the other girls in the calendar. Then it happened...  There was a girl (I forget which month it was) who was just plain hideous. I'm talking overweight, with absolutely no business wearing a bikini. Her face could scare buzzards off a manure wagon. You get the picture...

Me, being the type that pretty much says what's on my mind, made the comment: "Who in the hell would put a girl like this in a bikini calendar. Good God she's ugly!". The receptionist then stands up and says "HEY!!!!!!!!  THAT'S MY SISTER!"

I mean what are the odds???? Apparently, the owner of the shop had this calandar made up using girls he knew.

Having absolutely no way to bail myself out, I just walked out of the shop, got in my car, and drove off. It was pretty embarrassing.

Offline StSanta

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Your most embarrassing moment...
« Reply #1 on: July 26, 2003, 09:56:47 AM »
LOL, wtg dude!

There's a rule somewhere; never say negative things about other chicks when near an attractive one - and you experienced the very reason why :D.

Embarrasing; landing in a tree after your first skydive.
More embarrasing: due to force of winds and too loose shorts/underwear, having your 'equipment' hanging fully visible and landing 10 meters from a lot of female spectators.

I still cringe thinking about it.

Offline Nash

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« Reply #2 on: July 26, 2003, 10:02:48 AM »
"I was reading a thread about the "Star Wars Kid" and wondered why he can't laugh along with people about it."

Grim... is there a thread somewhere where that Star Wars light saber kid gets all tweaked about the whole thing? I would love to see it.

Offline Trikky

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« Reply #3 on: July 26, 2003, 05:38:54 PM »
The most embarrassing moment for me, one that didn't involve alcohol anyway, was during a medical examination for a job. Before it got going, they asked for a urine sample so gave me a plastic cup and directions to the toilet.

After filling the cup, I turned the tap on at the basin to wash up but the combination of a shallow basin and water pressure you could de-flesh a hippo with, sent about a gallon over my crotch and down my inside leg.

I was still fully dressed at this point and had to head back across reception, holding my own piss, with a classic stain around my crotch. I tried to explain it, laugh it off, but I could see it in their eyes. I was fcuking mortified.
« Last Edit: July 26, 2003, 05:46:22 PM by Trikky »

Offline Replicant

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Your most embarrassing moment...
« Reply #4 on: July 26, 2003, 07:55:53 PM »
Originally posted by Nash
"I was reading a thread about the "Star Wars Kid" and wondered why he can't laugh along with people about it."

Grim... is there a thread somewhere where that Star Wars light saber kid gets all tweaked about the whole thing? I would love to see it.

Nash, if no one posts a link then let me know your email and I'll send you the original & the modified ones.

Offline Bodhi

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« Reply #5 on: July 26, 2003, 08:03:21 PM »
Replicant, can u send it to me too?

I regret doing business with TD Computer Systems.

Offline T0J0

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« Reply #6 on: July 26, 2003, 08:16:51 PM »
That poor kid is either gonna be screwed up for the rest of his life or handle it well.... I read he is now in therapy over the video's and some really mean comments that have been flying around the net about him..
 Reality is that he is just like the rest of us at 15 when Star wars first came out.  maybe a tad more enthusiastic...

Most embarassing moment..
   accidently hit page on the work phone, the page that speakers the whole building.. And while on page I was cursing like a trucker in a potatohouse about someone... kept thinking afterward how I just want to take a long vacation...


Offline Bodhi

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« Reply #7 on: July 26, 2003, 08:19:18 PM »
On the flip side, I think one of my most embarassing, sober moments had to be when I was in flight school at college. Anyways, I was taking a course on aerodynamics, and the class had a lab where you flew the CAP-10B aircraft for roughly 40 hours. Anyways, I was all excited the first day I got to solo the CAP, and rushed through everything to get her ready. My instructor at the time had been watching, and had mentioned that, "Maybe you should just slow down a bit..." and I brushed it aside as meaning nothing. Anyways, got the preflight all done. Strapped my chute on and climbed in, and got my checklist out, went through it, and initiated the start up. She came up quick, waited a few mins for the operating temps, and proceeded to taxi away. Well, for some odd reason the aircraft would not taxi forward. Applied more power and still no movement. About this time, I notic3ed that the as I tried to move forward, the aircraft on my left hand in the tie down, lurched back everytime I applied power.... hmmm, looked towards that aircraft's tail, and noticed the tail tie down getting pulled real hard.... at that moment the realisation of what had happened hit me full on, and as I pulled the power back, and looked forward, I was mortified.

Imagine a 300 foot long small terminal building for the school, with LARGE plate glass windows facing the ramp, and the unsuspecting idiot sitting in the CAP10 trying to power away from the tie down with the tail STILL ATTACHED to it's mooring wire.

Add to this about a 100 students, instructors, and profs, all watching said idiot and getting quite a thrill at the expense of me... Well, I shut her down, climbed out, and looked up, at the small control tower on the building, and the FAA guys where actually standing up in the glass and applauding me. So much for being the student to solo the CAP in the shortest amount of time on record! I never lived it down, and it was almost 14 years ago, and old college buddies STILL bring it up when I talk to them!

Learned to really slow down my preflight is about the best thing I can say I learned out of that experiece!

Christ, I do not think I have ever been as red faced as that day...

I regret doing business with TD Computer Systems.

Offline Replicant

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« Reply #8 on: July 26, 2003, 08:26:14 PM »
Bodhi, check your email.

My most embarrassing moment was with an ex in my bedroom.  We didn't notice the window cleaner at the window.... :eek:

Offline Animal

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« Reply #9 on: July 26, 2003, 08:33:13 PM »
so i was at saddam's yatch, chillin out drinking piña coladas and talking about how nice it would be to have access to wmd, then we were grinding the harem girls when I got seasick and  puked on Comical Ali!! he was not pleased but Saddam said "yo ali, chill" and then we got into the oil jacuzzi and had the 15 year old slaves massage our backs

Offline StSanta

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« Reply #10 on: July 27, 2003, 07:46:22 AM »
Animal, you gotta pick yer dictators more carefully. Latin American chicks are hotter than Iraqi ones, you should know that.

Gonna find me a dictator.

Offline CyranoAH

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« Reply #11 on: July 27, 2003, 04:29:39 PM »
Heh Bodhi, mine was also related with a CAP10B... I also rushed the preflight on my aerobatic solo... the fuel cap was not closed all the way and it fell off right after the first roll...

Boy was I embarrassed... had to declare urgency just in case but nothing happened. Lucky for me the area where we do aerobatics is unpopulated.


Offline JB73

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« Reply #12 on: July 27, 2003, 05:20:23 PM »
just found the official site of the 'star wars kid" SWK for short LOL

this is too funny to make up.

my embarrasing story:

was a HS senior @ a early graduation party at a students home. a bunch of us were goofing off in the pool (one of those above ground ones. and it got a bit childish... splash fights and carp.

im on top of an inner tube chilling out and somone out of the pool says "dave .... look down"





swim suit has ripped and my junk is hanging out completely visible to all 100+ people @ the party as i lay back legs spread on the inner tube relaxing :eek: (for how long who knows :( :eek: )
I don't know what to put here yet.

Offline Ozark

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Your most embarrassing moment...
« Reply #13 on: July 27, 2003, 05:54:58 PM »
My most embarrassing moment?
Hell, I really can’t say… the day’s not over yet.