I can't get the cloud editor to put clouds at the alts I specify. I always get clouds way above and below the alt limits. And so far, tweaking variables 1 at a time to try to isolate their effects has been unsuccessful. There seems to be no rhym or reason to where the clouds appear between 1 setting and the next. I'm sure part of the problem is that I don't know from which part of the cloud the alt is measured. Is it the top, the bottom, or the middle? Also, cloud type and size seem to affect the final alt of the cloud, but in ways I haven't been able to figure out.
What I want to do is make like a decent day for gliding. I want long, parallel rows of big cumulous. The bottom of each cloud needs to be about 7k ASL, each cloud needs to be about 3-5 miles in diameter, and I want 5-10 miles between clouds. I can do all of this except I can't get the altitude right. I end up with individual cloud bases scattered from below sea level to 20k. If anybody can tell me the editor settings needed to make what I want, please let me know.
In the meantime, I'm thinking that something in the system introduces more randomness into cloud placement and size than what you specify in the editor. I'm hoping that somehow gets built into the .awa file, so I can edit that directly to solve the problem. Anybody know if that'll work?
And does anybody know what each number in the .awa file means? Here's an example from the file I'm working on now:
Editor settings:
Start time: 0.01
Downtime: 0.01
Speed: 300 (so I can watch them move across the big map)
Min Alt: 15k
Max Alt: 15k
Min Size: 15k
Max Size: 15k
Min Type: 2
Max Type: 2
Clouds per Row: 30
Number of Rows: 10
This results in the following line in the .awa file:
In this, I figure I can spot the times, the speed, the type, and 3 of the 4x15ks I entered. I'm pretty sure some of the big numbers are the X and Y coords of the corners of the front. But what are all the zeros in there, and where is the 4th 15k I entered?