Thus, your wing will fall off everytime they hit you.
Say's who?
The Ballistics Gods?
There is a huge leap with ballistics modeling that says if I'm shot then I die. This is simply not true.
Every object that is shot is not completely destroyed no matter what kind of round or rounds hits (except maybe 88MM). Objects of varying degrees of hardness in real life and have amazing degree of durability, even those that seem fragile.
I can produce a million stories and pictures of A/C that have had parts shot off or through that have no earthly business flying.
Also at 300+yards (well within the killing range of all cannons in AH) on a maneuvering target how hard would it be to but multiple rounds in a small enough area to cause catosrophic damage IRL? Then you make the assumption that the cannon hit or hits have done enough damage to destroy the vehicle. This is not true.
I would say that most A/C that are hit are not hit in an area that is
1. Critical- Such as a main spar, gas tank or pilot.
2. Most hits do not kill the pilot.
3. Even if the engine is hit it does not destroy the structure of the airplane or even stop the engine.
4. Most hits do not occur in optimal range IE less than 200 yards.
Then from that point where the aircraft is hit you have to sustain some amount of damage. This is where I disagree with the current AH model.
I believe the occurance of complete explosions is way to high. And the occurance of catostrophic damage is way to high based on a over calculation of damage sustained for each round.
Remember we have the same damage model that allowed Panzers to be destroyed by .50 cal. The damage hardness was changed in the vehicals but was not in the A/C (to my knowledge).
What makes you think that having your wing fall off after 1 or 2 cannon hits is anymore realistic than a tank being destroyed by heavy MG fire?