My point was that its quite useless to make statements like "I hate airstarts... I'll never play it again", but never state your preferences to the developers. This goes for any game
No feedback from the players = no improvements. It would be like AH2 coming out, and making statements like the above statement on the WB3 BBS. If Hitech and Pyro dont' hear your feedback, they can't make it any better.
For me Targetware is about being able to make your own Mods, and about the jets. I highly respect the hard work the Target Rabaul guys have done, but the theater and the side mismatches just aren't for me. Not to say I won't play it here and there though
As was stated, I'm working on a Vietnam era mod, called Target Hanoi, "Going Downtown". Lately, I have as much fun creating as I do flying.
For me its about the bigger possibilities of air combat outside of WWII. Korea, Arab-Israeli conflicts, Vietnam. The Spanish Civil war, Target Flanders, or even a fantasy WWII 1946-1947.
In other words, its not about replacing Aces High, definitely not. Its about adding another dish, with a different spice, to the menu of online air combat.