Author Topic: Ignorance  (Read 549 times)

Offline Hamish

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« Reply #30 on: August 07, 2000, 07:35:00 PM »
First of all: Glad to hear he's gonna be okay Rip    

Second of all: Wolf, 1776 go somewher else to yap back and forth at each other. If you want to compare the relative value of child protective services, this isn't your thread  

Third: Funnier note, i had a similar experience with my oldest boy when he was 10 months old (precocious kid, he's almost 4 now and i dread what he's gonna do next) He's just started learning how to walk, and from there he learns how to climb up on things. My wife is in the kitchen doing the dishes, i am out at sea. Chris figures out that he can climb up on the couch using his Duplo blocks box. After he gets up on the couch, it's sloped enough that he can get on top of the Back of the couch. This is where he comes in view of my wife, where she sees him promptly learn the theory of gravity the hard way. "what goes up, must come down" The little guy broke his arm and had a cast at 10 months old. Wild kid, once he got his balance adjusted to the cast, he kept on trying to climb up on the couch! didn't slow him down an inch. This is where i look up into the sky, raise my hands and say "What am i in for next?" Naturally, my loving mother says, "Yep, he sounds Just Like You"


[This message has been edited by Hamish (edited 08-07-2000).]

[This message has been edited by Hamish (edited 08-07-2000).]

Offline SC-GreyBeard

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« Reply #31 on: August 08, 2000, 03:47:00 AM »
Oh things like at age 9 1/2, on his bike,, riding down a STEEP hill at an extreme angle and the front wheel collapses..  14 stiches, in three lacerations...

or riding his skateboard around a service station, and "kicking out" to avoid the car that damn near hit him.. 4 stitches, and a 1,650.00 repair and repaint to the mercedes where the skateboard hit the door....

or standing next to his little sister at age 7, (she was 3) taking a full swing with a baseball bat, not realizing that sis was in range of the followthru..     10 stitches in side of sis's head....

sis at age five taking header off of top step of porch, (there are 9 steps) I caught her at next to last step.. 10 stitches..

sis running down hall as I kick door of office closed, (arms were loaded, couldn't see her).. 3 stitches..

So girls are NOT immune in the least.

And yes, on occassions, you should call home to check on them..  tell them you love them often,, then some more.

They might not be around when you really want to tell them "later"

I lost my son at 17...

You can never tell em enuff.

and you'll always shake.  even when ya know it's not that bad... (at least later, I always had the shakes)

(and people wonder why I'm called "GreyBeard")

GreyBeard, Squadron Leader
Commander, "E" Flight, Aces High
Senior Staff Council
"The Skeleton Crew"
"Fly with Honor"[/i]
"Keepin' the Faith"

[This message has been edited by SC-GreyBeard (edited 08-08-2000).]

Offline Ripsnort

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« Reply #32 on: August 08, 2000, 07:29:00 AM »
My Mom just told me that before  I was hatched, my sister bit her tongue all the way  thru, and half way across her tongue, that's how Mom earned her "ER badge"...OUCH!!!  

Offline pzvg

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« Reply #33 on: August 08, 2000, 12:03:00 PM »
Owch rip, whatta way ta learn about "relative
density" (how hard your kids heads are) my 8 year old seems to fall apart if she stubs her toe,but her 10 month old sister moves the coffee table with her head (gospel, having girls is no protection)  
Me, I think I made my folks prematurely old, since my sister and I managed to become regulars at the ER (Sis once broke my nose,but got her arm broke,parents, do NOT let your kids study Tae Kwan Do together,trust me)

pzvg- "5 years and I still can't shoot"

Offline hblair

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« Reply #34 on: August 08, 2000, 04:30:00 PM »
Glad your kids are ok ripsnort.

On the subject of childhood injuries, my two brothers and I hold the local record for broken bones...

My younger brother phil is in 3rd place with only one broken bone, a leg (ouch)
at the age of four (i pushed him off the piano stool)

I had a broken arm at the age of 10, then at 12 I recieved my crowning achievement, a broken back! ( *#%(#*&!!!! ) actually I cracked several vertebrates falling out of a treehouse, ambulance ride, weeks in hospital, months with that uncool kneckbrace.  

Then, there was my brother brian, the grand poopa of broken bones. He broke 12 (count 'em 12) bones before he was 17 years old. Yes, he is the king of bone breakers. He broke both legs and 1 arm twice.

I won't even talk about stitches.  

Offline Mathman

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« Reply #35 on: August 08, 2000, 09:13:00 PM »
That's nothing... I split my head open at least once a month.  It sucks being tall.

Seriously though, glad to hear they are ok.


"Why did I paint Mickey Mouse on my plane?  I liked Mickey Mouse."
-Adolph Galland