Author Topic: Video Driver Non-horror Story  (Read 195 times)

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Video Driver Non-horror Story
« on: August 21, 2003, 06:43:11 PM »
I'm using an ATI Radeon 8500LE 128MB DDR video in a 1.7+ AMD, 512 DDR RAM system running 98SE.

I've been using the ATI for about 9 months and have been happy with the ATI performance but game clouds would give me a few problems. I hate fooling with a system that isn't really broken, but I decided to take the plunge and install latest DirectX 9.0b and the latest ATI video driver.

As a former GeForce user, I was sure I was about to step into tweaking hell and would forever regret the decision.

Updating the ATI drivers was as easy as a windows update install. A truly painless video driver update.

The end result is a much smoother AH cloud experience. AH runs great at 1028 x 1024 and looks great too. My frame rates rarely fall below video refresh rate, even in a smoking, on-the-deck furball.

I really recommend you check out the ATI Radeon line if you're tired of spending half your life installing , uninstalling and tweaking GeForce cards and a video upgrade is on your list of things to do.