My first car was a 1971 VW Super Beetle, with the "Shift O'matic" transmission. I bought it in 1982, having just aquired my license.
Within the first five minutes of owning it, I allowed the car to roll backwards down a driveway while shifting, and promptly jammed the transmission in reverse!
So, with my father leading the way in his truck on back country roads, I drove the thing 6 miles, all backwards, to a repair shop.
Still can't believe I survived through high school driving this car. There was no motorized fan in the thing, so the faster you drove, the more heat you got out of it in winter! And don't even think about air conditioning, that didn't exist.
I was lucky never to get into an accident with that car, as the only protection for me besides my seat belt in front, was the gas tank! That's right, the gas tank was up front. Wonder what genious engineer dreamed up that configuration!