Author Topic: why does everyone whine about being HOed?  (Read 1067 times)

Offline MetaTron

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why does everyone whine about being HOed?
« Reply #30 on: September 06, 2003, 11:49:03 PM »
If you have a good turning plane and you ho then you are not doing things right. If you have an energy fighter and you are fighting a turn fighter and you ho then you used your shooting skill against your enemies and that sounds like a pretty fair fight compared to giving him no chance at all. He doesnt have to agree to ho. If you want to ho me go ahead I love it and I will ho you back everytime.

Offline B17Skull12

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Re: Re: Re: Re: why does everyone whine about being HOed?
« Reply #31 on: September 07, 2003, 12:05:33 AM »
Originally posted by Karnak
You REALLY need to read up on your WWII aviation history.

Yes, HOs against the Japanese aircraft were reasonably common.  No, the Japanese aircraft were not made out of anything abnormaly weak.  Actually the Japanese aluminium alloy was stronger pound for pound than what we were using.
I DID NOT HAVE 4 YEARS OF COLLEGE ON WW2 LIKE ALL OF YOU DID! so i do not quite know everything!

Offline GunnerCAF

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why does everyone whine about being HOed?
« Reply #32 on: September 07, 2003, 01:53:44 AM »
If there is an AW connection to the 'whining" I think it has to do with how it was hammered home again and again about what a classless move it was to head on shoot in that game.

Guppy,  I think your right.  AH had no collisions, so headons were a problem.  It was solved by eliminating HO shots, and shaming people when they do it.  I still have that hesitation to shoot.  In this game, when the enemy is in front of the guns, shoot.  I think this is carried over by the old AW crowd, myself included.  

A headon merge in AH was a safe move.  There was no chance of collision, little chance of getting shot (except for centerline guns).  In AH a headon pass will kill you.  It adds another factor to the game, and I like it.

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Offline Gixer

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why does everyone whine about being HOed?
« Reply #33 on: September 07, 2003, 05:46:35 AM »
Atleast when they go for the HO on initial merge no matter what other options may be available to them. It immediately tells you, your not up against anyone with any skill.

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Offline Creamo

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why does everyone whine about being HOed?
« Reply #34 on: September 07, 2003, 06:39:58 AM »
A HO in AH is simply impossible unless 2 pilots agree on it. Fact.

Don't hate me because I'm right, just sack the next fool in the BBS that doesn't know better. Eventually it will die out like chute killing whines. (kinda miss those)

Offline stegor

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why does everyone whine about being HOed?
« Reply #35 on: September 07, 2003, 08:05:50 AM »
I don't think HO were so common in ww2, .... its a 50% lottery on your life pilots were avoiding them....

If you had a 5 min stop flying, in AH , every time you are dead, would you still use HOs as you say??:D
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Offline Max

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Re: Re: Re: why does everyone whine about being HOed?
« Reply #36 on: September 07, 2003, 09:08:41 AM »
Originally posted by B17Skull12
to my understanging in pacific theater during the early stage of the war it was a perfectly valid tatic to HO and ram!

Tell ya what Skull, next time yer flying a Spit14, go a-rammin' and a ho-n'. Post the results :)

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Offline Pei

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Re: Re: Re: Re: why does everyone whine about being HOed?
« Reply #37 on: September 07, 2003, 09:14:44 AM »
Originally posted by DMax
Tell ya what Skull, next time yer flying a Spit14, go a-rammin' and a ho-n'. Post the results :)

Damned MKXX

Max is leading you astray here: the Me262 is much better at ramming: it has that sharp, sharklike nose and no prop to get in the way.

Offline Boozer

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why does everyone whine about being HOed?
« Reply #38 on: September 07, 2003, 09:18:53 AM »
Originally posted by Creamo
A HO in AH is simply impossible unless 2 pilots agree on it. Fact.

 Hmmm yeah, cause if I evade your wild spraying HO attempt you get to call it a high deflection shot if you get a  lucky hit! lol, takes 2, right

Offline AtmkRstr

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why does everyone whine about being HOed?
« Reply #39 on: September 07, 2003, 10:25:02 AM »
Originally posted by SOB
A H.O. is the finest act a fighter pile-it can perform next to killing a guy in his chute.  Anyone who disagrees is a communist.


Where does vultching a P-40 in a 262 while there's 10 other targets in the air to engage?

Offline AtmkRstr

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why does everyone whine about being HOed?
« Reply #40 on: September 07, 2003, 10:36:18 AM »
It takes 2 to HO and if you think any different, you're a crappy pilot.

I died from a HO once about a month ago and before that it was several months before I died in a HO.  That's about 1 deadth from a HO in a few hundred hours in a fighter.  Plus, the time I got shot down I could have avoided it without loosing much E so it was my fault.

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Offline Ack-Ack

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why does everyone whine about being HOed?
« Reply #41 on: September 08, 2003, 12:21:34 AM »
Originally posted by Nilsen10
Do you ever visit H2H arenas Ack-Ack ?

I figure since I pay to play, I might as well get my moneys worth instead of hanging out with free loaders.

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Offline Tilt

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why does everyone whine about being HOed?
« Reply #42 on: September 08, 2003, 04:38:43 AM »
IMO it does take two to HO..........and it is a lottery as to which one survives (if either).

Quite often what is a HO to one can be a forward canopy shot to another (even was so in AW).

If your disadvantaged in an angles fight you are constantly trying to reduce separation whilst causing your opponent to make more e sapping manouvers than you.

This means you are constantly crossing his plain of flight.

The less skilled of us (and I count myself amongst them) lose the 3D picture and fight in 2D........... (because the wrong diagonal manouver puts him on your hi/low 6 instead of 12) 2D he ends up merging dead 12 and the HO is risked.

This infact mirrors WWII very well.

IL-16's on the Russian front were totally out classed by the 109E and 109F..........

They could always turn inside the messers but never gain separation or disengage............hence to survive they were forced into a maniacal combat of chicken or be shot down trying to escape.

There are many stories of 109's disengaging from IL-16's thru fear of being rammed head on.

In particular during the initial battles for the Crimea the LW pilots were concerned over the apparantly suicidal tactics of their poorly equiped VVS adversaries.

They had been acustomed to total dominance of the battle and suddenly found that some VVS were willing to trade lives 1 for 1.
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Offline Rude

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why does everyone whine about being HOed?
« Reply #43 on: September 08, 2003, 09:06:53 AM »
I used to never HO....nowdays, folks won't stay and fight, sooo....

Offline gofaster

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why does everyone whine about being HOed?
« Reply #44 on: September 08, 2003, 12:00:16 PM »
After engaging in a number of daytime players (names witheld but the tactics should sound familiar), I've developed an interpretation of their dicta, simply by being shot in the face by them as I make my downhill attack run.  Think of it as the Hand Dicta because it has five points, just like the fingers of your hand:

Dicta One: Always select a N1K2.  It is the only Japanese airplane with four 20mm cannons and a good turn radius.

Dicta Two: Always press for the head-on assault. It is much preferable to aim with your guns than with your tail.  If the enemy comes at you from any other direction than straight ahead, you should reduce your throttle and turn sharply into his attack so that you can use your four 20mm to outgun him.  You do not need skill for this attack, so it is easy to learn.

Dicta Three: Do not engage in high-speed escapes.  It is much better to follow Dicta Two instead.

Dicta Four: To engage attacks against ground vehicle, add bombs to your N1K2 and drop them on your target first, then you can strafe with your four 20mm cannons if you miss with your bombs.

Dicta Five:  Play for the country with the greatest number of players and always patrol with at least 4 other players so that they can assist you by being the bait for the enemy attacks.  Then, they can cover your escape while you land your victories.  Do not worry about your teammates.  You can get new ones.  That is why you play for the country with the greatest number of players.  Your wingmen are expendable.