"It's not like we were doing anything illegal," said Torres.
Stealing is illegal.
Frogm4n: They need to be accountable for pushing nothing but crappy music on us for close to a decade.
How exactly did thay push anything on you that you did not want to buy?
Plenty of people are upset that firms are not selling them quality music at prices they would find acceptable as a justification of their stealing.
Of course those people are all idiots, because the same accusation can be issued against anyone and everyone.
For instance, why does Ford persist in making cars I would never consider buying instead of producing good cheap music. As a matte of fact, why do you (whichever one complaining) persist in doing whatever job you do instead of going into the music business and setting it straight. Existing companies may be too incompetent to see a way to sell good cheap music profitably but you surely do, so why don't you start your own music empire?