Author Topic: Where were you on the morning of Sept. 11, 2001?  (Read 2329 times)

Offline udet

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Where were you on the morning of Sept. 11, 2001?
« Reply #60 on: September 11, 2003, 02:30:31 PM »
Wind Tunnel lab for the aerodynamics class I was taking.
Now, same day, 2 years later, I am in the same room after having tought the Wind Tunnel lab. Weird coincidences....

Offline icemaw

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Where were you on the morning of Sept. 11, 2001?
« Reply #61 on: September 11, 2003, 02:35:48 PM »
Originally posted by cpxxx
Don't worry icemaw, MI5, the CIA and the rest have their addresses. They can't take a p*** without being monitored.

 Oh I am not worried I just want to send them a christmas card!
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Offline Munkii

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Where were you on the morning of Sept. 11, 2001?
« Reply #62 on: September 11, 2003, 02:37:41 PM »
I remember it vividly, I was in my Law and Justice class for high school.  I was taking all the easy classes as it was my Senior year.  We were having a discussion on civic liberties and oddly enough we were discussing Palestine and Isreal because one of the students in the class was Islamic.  We never knew what happened until we got to our second hour, just in time to see the first building collapse.  We spent all second hour, which was Government just watching CNN and commenting.

My friend made the comment that G.W. was going to go riding into whereever it was with a pickup and a shotgun.  It was a weird metaphor, but it somehow fit at the time.  

After 2nd hour was lunch so everything went smoothly.  Then when we got back to school the bomb threat's started.  We had 7 threat's in 5 day's.  We didn't have any real classes until almost 2 weeks later.  The Islamic guy in the class, dropped out of High School, got his G.E.D. the next day and joined up in the Marine's.  I believe he's over in Iraq right now.

Offline Jack55

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Where were you on the morning of Sept. 11, 2001?
« Reply #63 on: September 11, 2003, 02:48:23 PM »
I called in sick that day and went back to sleep.  At about 1130 that morning, I woke and went on-line.  My home page was a news site.  I read, "Both World Trade Center Towers leveled by terrorist."  I did a three stooges double-take, rubbed my eyes and read it again, same thing.  That woke me up completely.  It was like I was trapped in an episode of the twilight zone.  It couldn't be real.  I ran to my TV and cursed it for taking a few seconds to warm-up.  The rest of the day I spend switching from channel to channel in an effort to get every bit of information that I could.  Most of the 100+ cable channels were 24 hour news that day.

Offline Octavius

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Where were you on the morning of Sept. 11, 2001?
« Reply #64 on: September 11, 2003, 02:54:46 PM »
I was finishing up a calculus class around 8:40 am CST (9:40 est).  Another professor wandered in and told us about it.  I skipped the rest of my classes for that day and went straight home... sat infront of the TV all day and night.

After two days, I couldn't watch anymore and forced myself outside.  Didn't turn on the tube for about a week after that... I was emotionally exhausted.
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Offline boxboy28

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Where were you on the morning of Sept. 11, 2001?
« Reply #65 on: September 11, 2003, 03:01:00 PM »
Oh ya and while i was delivering the Duct work they mentioned that one of the WTC AC was a UNITED AC ...... My brother flies for UNITED out of Chicago i was very very worried till i found out he never got off the ground that day for his flight to the east coast.
He live in Louiville and commutes to Chicago where hes stastioned.:eek:
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Offline midnight Target

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Where were you on the morning of Sept. 11, 2001?
« Reply #66 on: September 11, 2003, 03:01:33 PM »
I'm gonna go play my tape today. What I remember most is the uncertainty. We didn't know what happened in Pennsylvania, or how many planes were highjacked or ... anything for sure. Was there another plane headed for Washington? Did the F-16's shoot one down?
Very surreal day.

Offline popeye

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Where were you on the morning of Sept. 11, 2001?
« Reply #67 on: September 11, 2003, 03:10:38 PM »
I was at work, where I noticed a couple of people watching a television, and stopped to see the first tower on fire.  Then the second tower...then the rest.

I was struck by how well people treated each other that day, and for a couple of days following.  Even rush hour traffic felt "nicer".  I remember all the flags.

I also remember going outside at night, figuring it would be the only time I would ever see a night sky without airplanes.  There were two fighters making a big loop  around Detroit.

I remember how soon the whole event was packaged for televison, complete with logo, theme music, and catchy titles.

I remember how soon the whole thing was exploited and distorted by politicians to further their agendas.

Where is Major Kong?!?

Offline Replicant

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Where were you on the morning of Sept. 11, 2001?
« Reply #68 on: September 11, 2003, 03:31:48 PM »
I had the day off work and was playing AH.  I heard from someone online that they'd been an accident and a plane had crashed into one of the towers.  I switched on Sky News and began flicking between Sky News and CNN.  Still talking to everyone else online about it and how some people in NYC could see the smoke.  Then whilst watching on live TV I saw the other aircraft impact and then everyone realised it wasn't an accident.  US people online began worrying bigtime about friends and family in NY and quickly disappeared.  News of more hijacks made the atmosphere even more unbelievable.  I don't think I've ever seen anything so spectacular yet tragic in my life - far worse than what I found the worst before, the IRA bombing Rememberance Sunday, Eniskilen.
« Last Edit: September 11, 2003, 03:33:59 PM by Replicant »

Offline JB73

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Where were you on the morning of Sept. 11, 2001?
« Reply #69 on: September 11, 2003, 03:39:08 PM »
I was at work listening to sports on the radio. the local morning show was really funny and all of a sudden they got REAL serious. every day they have a guy named Steve Czaban call in from D.C.

none of them could figure out what was happening then the second plane hit.

"Sports is over"
"yeah i gotto go"
"alright stay safe"

the radio station immediatly cut to some national news feed.

my co-worker and i went outside to look up at the biggest building here in Milwaukee that was 5 short blocks away.

i tried to call my dad in atlanta since i know he had been spending about 50% of his time the last few months in NYC for a business deal.

he was home in Atlanta planing on going to the trade center for a meeting the next day.

14 of his employees were lost in the terrorist act. over 50 people he knew personally died.

i cried.
I don't know what to put here yet.

Offline Skyfoxx

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Where were you on the morning of Sept. 11, 2001?
« Reply #70 on: September 11, 2003, 03:41:33 PM »
Working. Just delivered a bid to a local municipality when I noticed all the city workers glued to the TV. Needless to say I stayed and watched as long as I could. No words were needed, a look of shock was on everyone's face.
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Offline MwXX

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Where were you on the morning of Sept. 11, 2001?
« Reply #71 on: September 11, 2003, 03:50:51 PM »
My best friend who works Crisis Management for the city called me to turn on the news immediatly about a plane hitting the World Trade Center.....

As I turned it on, not 3mins later the second one hit...........

The feeling of "WTF" is going on sent a rage through me that I have never felt before in my life. The only thing I could immediatly think of was that this is no accident. And whats about to happen the rest of the day.

My wife got locked down in her school with her kids, our port where I work shut down, and then one thing after the other started shutting down in our town.

Of course the worst of all things is going through my wife is pregnant and due in 5mos, and what world is my child going to be born in..........

Like many others I know, I watched the news for the next 48-72 hours without sleeping.......wanting to know whats going to happen next......

God Bless our patriots today......and God Speed

Offline davidpt40

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Where were you on the morning of Sept. 11, 2001?
« Reply #72 on: September 11, 2003, 04:20:40 PM »
I was sleeping in my bed after a long night of work.  My mom kept banging on my door trying to wake me up. I flipped on the tv, saw some smoking buildings then dozed back off.  My mom knocked on my door again, waking me up and I said "I dont care if they drop an atomic bomb on DC, quit waking me up!".  

I finally decided to get up and get some coffee and see what was going on.  The only real emotion I felt watching it unfold was excitement.

Offline Udie

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Where were you on the morning of Sept. 11, 2001?
« Reply #73 on: September 11, 2003, 04:36:07 PM »
Originally posted by midnight Target
I'm gonna go play my tape today. What I remember most is the uncertainty. We didn't know what happened in Pennsylvania, or how many planes were highjacked or ... anything for sure. Was there another plane headed for Washington? Did the F-16's shoot one down?
Very surreal day.

 I had forgotten about that.  The uncertainty of the whole day.  I kept thinking what's next?  NY or LA going to fall under a big mushroom cloud sometime today?  It was the first time I ever felt vulnerable and the first time I realized that there are people out there that want me (all of us) dead.

 For a short time, maybe a couple of months, I felt complete unity with EVERYBODY in my nation and will most around the world.  I can remember the weeks following that I was wondering how long it would last.  I also wondered how Bush could go to 90% aproval rating over night, before any response.

 I will never forget the pictures of the palestinians dancing in the streets when they got the news, may they all rot in Hell.  That started the anger.  Better stop now before I go off the deep end again.

Offline Saurdaukar

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Where were you on the morning of Sept. 11, 2001?
« Reply #74 on: September 11, 2003, 04:50:52 PM »
Some of you sparked other memories - details more than anything,

I can remember having multiple TV on (had 4 in the house IIRC) different news channels - I was really taken back by the confusion displayed.

I think at one point, one of the major networks (NBC, CBS, ABC, etc) reported that there were 10-15 airliners not responding to radio coms.

Of course after the Pentagon was hit and the plane crashed in Pennsylvania everyone was speculating that many more planes were still up, unaccounted for, and heading to their targets.  Target guesses ranged from The White House in DC to the Liberty Bell in Philly.

Around the time the first tower fell, we started to see the first military aircraft in the sky - odd considering our then location in NE PA isnt close to any airbases I know of.  Two pairs of F18's  went over our area roughly 5 minutes apart - I suppose they might have come from Willow Grove NAS - but thats almost 60 miles south from where we were - and we're not a straight shot to anywhere.

Took the time to strip and oil the 1911 in some futile gesture to convince myself that I could do something... dunno - guess I felt as though I was sitting on my bellybutton when I should have been helping - having returned from OCS not a month before the attacks - I was rather restless.