Author Topic: CT group forming...not a squadron  (Read 2624 times)

Offline Slash27

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CT group forming...not a squadron
« Reply #15 on: September 25, 2003, 05:55:53 PM »
Key I like your ideas. Except no mannable ack guns on the west coast. Didnt you see "1941" ?  sheesh:D

Offline keyapaha

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« Reply #16 on: September 25, 2003, 09:11:56 PM »
lol slash thats where I got the idea from,I wonder if you can set up the HOLLYWOOD  sign on a hillside,I guess the allies could have mannabe ack but it will blow up you own bldgs whan fired.:)

Offline 1Duke1

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« Reply #17 on: September 26, 2003, 02:00:50 AM »
Wasn't NUTTZ working on a Pearl map awhile back?

Offline brady

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« Reply #18 on: September 26, 2003, 02:14:29 AM »
Yes I am in, had a long day:)

Offline Slash27

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« Reply #19 on: September 26, 2003, 06:04:35 AM »


Im in Reschke. <>

Offline Batz

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« Reply #20 on: September 26, 2003, 11:28:38 AM »
Heres New Guinea, New Britain, New Ireland and Bourganville (sp?) Its 256 x 256 and a good size for the ct. I have a 512 x 512 as well. It needs to be cleaned up a bit to get the land masses to better match rl but its good enough for the moment. Running through the center of New Guinea is a mountain range. I should adjusted the sun so you could see the shadows but oh well.

I dont have time to research all the field placements but heres a map with some info. If someone can research air field/base locations and mark them on the map above it would be helpful.

Also to get the field laid out historically we need some one to research pictures of the airfileds and bases. This way we can create custom fields.

We will need good jungle/pac tiles as well. I just dont have the time to really get into it so if anyone has good tiles or if some one can make some it would be great.

Offline Sakai

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CT group forming...not a squadron
« Reply #21 on: September 26, 2003, 11:35:36 AM »
Originally posted by Slash27


Im in Reschke. <>


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Offline keyapaha

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« Reply #22 on: September 26, 2003, 11:45:04 AM »
how do you get the actual map to show up on the TE,or do you just look at a map and copy it in to the grid,it looks as if you can copy a map to the grid field.

 My conclusion is that the TE looks to be difficult at best to do at least for me,but ill poke around in the TE forum and see what I can find out.

  to the map makers

Offline Dux

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« Reply #23 on: September 26, 2003, 12:26:25 PM »
there's no hocus-pocus involved... It's simple once you've done it once or twice. :)

Batz, I've experimented with some jungle tiles, but haven't made a complete set. I'll post a pic later to see what you guys think of it.

By the way, I have access to an extensive DTED library, so we can make some very accurate maps.
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Offline daddog

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« Reply #24 on: September 26, 2003, 12:38:39 PM »
Wasn't NUTTZ working on a Pearl map awhile back?
Yes he was. Something I requested. He was just about done then had to leave for some reason or another.
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Offline Arlo

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« Reply #25 on: September 26, 2003, 12:42:08 PM »
I'm almost hesitant to say .... no .... no ... I'm not ... so I'll just say it.

First thing's first. Are we, in reality, a camp divided or united in this venture? After all, there are two distinct beliefs in this party. One that believes that the F4U unbalances any setup with the IJ aircraft set as is (even with the N1K2J available without restriction) and one that doesn't believe that the F4U unbalances anything whatsoever in a setup that has all of the IJ aircraft in it(with the possible exception of the F4U-4).

Are we to address this before we get too deeply into this or not? I mean, this is a project that was suggested to get an acceptable enviroment for the F4U to be regularly featured without the restrictions placed on it currently. If the two "sub-groups" within the whole group approach things from distinctly different mindsets, I can't see us avoiding disputes later that would threaten the entire project.

We're talking about trying to create a terrain (or terrains), skins for substituting in order to fill in the IJ aircraft set gaps, etc. But there really is a reasonable limit we need to agree on to help make this idea a practical reality that appeals to all players. Is the LA-7 or Spit IX actually the best choices for subbing the Ki-84 (fast, maneuverable plane - post war testing showed the Ki84 to be faster at 20K than either the P51 or the P47 according to some sources)? Would Allied players be just as put off about facing hordes of "Japanese Lalas and Spitties" as IJ players are apparently put off about facing F4Us? Are we going to simulate the Ki-84 problems with production and maintenance with perkies or other methods? If that's the case, what will we do to "balance" the Allies?

Unfortunately, I still believe that some within this group believe and promote some mistaken ideals and platforms. I'm sure they feel the same about me and my fellow F4U proponents who dispute their claims.

Maybe we can first come up with a reasonable way to put our differing beliefs to the test? A way to convince one group or the other (or even reach some middle ground) that their belief about what is truly balanced and what is not holds merit?

Najdorf and I discussed the other night about running some group-wide tests dealing with speed, acceleration, handling, tactics, etc. with all the various models of Pacific planes that we plan to use (even potential subs). F4U proponents can fly opposition birds, those convinced the F4U unbalances things can fly it. The groups can switch back and forth. And once we've reached what we all comfortably agree is common ground in what is and isn't balanced ... then we can actually design something that we all can support whole-heartedly. Then if players wish to challenge it, we can provide exacting and specific data that applies to these planes WITHIN the AH enviroment.

Just sayin'. I don't want anyone (self included) to invest alot of thier valuable time in a project only to throw up their hands somewhere along the line in frustration and quit.
« Last Edit: September 26, 2003, 12:48:57 PM by Arlo »

Offline Dux

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« Reply #26 on: September 26, 2003, 01:19:16 PM »
If you want my 2-cents worth...?

I don't think it's any one plane set or another that unbalances things, it's the majority's desire to fly Allied all the time that does the worst bit of unbalancing. Any plane 1v1 is going to be a relatively balanced fight, each plane using its strengths. But 3 F4Us against even an N1K is a hopeless match.

Now there is a handful of hardcore Axis pilots, a handful (incl. myself) that will look at the numbers and go to the weaker side (always the Axis), but the rest seem to pick Allied no matter what.

That, IMO, is the biggest factor in CT unbalance.

okay, maybe that's 3-cents.
Rogue Squadron, CO
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Offline Batz

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« Reply #27 on: September 26, 2003, 01:49:39 PM »
Thats it Dux,

There just arent many axis guys who will just fly to end up as "cannon fodder". Its just not that fun.

But regardless, Arlo is most likely referring to Brady and myself.

The best thing to do is develop a few terrains and develop various plane match ups. Take for example the New Guinea. What I would do first is list all the aircraft involved in the different "battles" around the area. Then go through and see how many of those we have, then look at what planes we have available as substitutes.

This will form an OOB. Then you start a "gameplay" discussion. Outline what it is you want to achieve or represent. Not every one will agree, thats a given. But Reschke can be a "team leader" and have the final descision. Then build the map based on that.

Then after the map, the write up and the skins are done he presents it to a CT CM or Scenario CM (what  ever the case maybe). He may have to work with the CM to get everything how he wants it (Take kanttori's example with his work on the Finrus maps). Once thats done it gets run.

Brady certainly didnt say he run any 'ole thing, or that he would run it all. He said he would help develop certain set ups along with the rest of us. Just dont expect him just to run exactly what ever we come up with. That wont happen.


are full time CT CMs


are retired/part time.

Brady isnt the only guy and the buck doesnt stop with him. He has said that when he does his set ups he uses his judgement. Other CMs have their own approach.

Right now its best to come up with what it is this group wants to do 1st. Then layout it out.

We can do an island hoping thing where we take a single map and add wake is, midway and various other island and go that way. We can do a new Phillipine map or New Guinea or Fantasy Alutian/Alaska, West cast US, Panama Canal  or Formos/Mainland China etc......

Offline Reschke

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CT group forming...not a squadron
« Reply #28 on: September 26, 2003, 03:09:10 PM »
Lets hope this is the last post in this thread about the Corsair. I truly did not want this discussion to devolve into a "Anti/Pro Corsair" argument as others have in the recent past. So please guys keep this thread on track and lets get together on setups and not just one plane.

From my point of view this group we are putting together is only about furthering the expansion of Pacific region player friendly setups within the CT. It not only includes making the Corsair part of future CT setups but I also believe that we have an opportunity to present to HTC grounds for adding more aircraft than just US, Brit and German. I really wouldn't care if the CT setup was for the Banana Wars in Central America where we had P-51's flying against F4U's.

Do I love to fly the Corsair? YES! If I wouldn't have liked it so much I seriously doubt I would have started VF-17 within Ace's High and recruited guys who like flying the Hwag as much if not more than me.

Now do I think it unbalances the CT setups? I'll have to take a middle of the road stance. On one hand I think that has a chance to unbalance the arena due to players in general. While on the other hand I think it is the players who are the detriment to putting it in because many guys who are just now coming into the flight sim scene only want to fly for the "winning side" historically that is.  

The Corsair was a great aircraft in real life. Can it be an unbalancing force within an arena? Probably if left unchecked by limitations of some sort. Can it be added without making it a detrimental aircraft? Absolutely; the CM's can limit it to certain bases and carriers but it shouldn't matter if a group of guys want to fly the thing 75+ miles on a map just to get to the fight. They want to fly their bird just as much as anyone else. If perking the bird at front line areas to make it available but still limit it is needed then so be it.

Now lets move on and get this thing going down the right road so we don't spend all our time arguing a point that right now in this thread is moot.
« Last Edit: September 26, 2003, 03:11:57 PM by Reschke »
Reschke from March 2001 till tour 146
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« Reply #29 on: September 26, 2003, 03:41:11 PM »

If you guys want me to head up the group I will do so. I can ask Skuzzy for forum space here or someone else may have already brought this to his attention and gotten the ball rolling for us. Either way we need a place to start talking over future setups and ideas other than this thread and email. Maybe we can get Skuzzy to move this thread to that forum once it gets started as well.

If I missed someone please let me know. I am at work and have a few email addresses at home from guys who emailed me through my profile. I will be sending out an email from work with to the ones I have here. Then tonight I will add all the others at home on that list.

Thanks guys for responding to the call.  [Crisp ! and tilt of the old bottle of scotch]
Reschke from March 2001 till tour 146
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