Originally posted by Tarmac
Lol Muck, whose side are you on here anyways?
This may throw you off, but I'm on the side of...well, uh..keeping an open mind and being honest.
My honest assessment?
I think the guys who want the full auto's and semi-auto's and nickel plated thingy don't want to impress the deer. I'm guessing their repressed military guys who still want to play army. Hell, I like paintball, dressing up in camo and looking like a schmuck, too.
The gun nuts are not expecting the black helo's to land, or Al quaida to invade. Those that do are paranoid, and scare me.
Hunting is a cop out. You don't need a bazooka to take out a Mallard. Let's be real here.
But that being said, I'd bet if you look at the records, aside from a fre sensationalized cases, most crimes are committed by handguns. Why? Easy to conceal, easy to operate, easy to get. I'd bet coming in second would be shot guns. Why? Easy to get.
So keep the Auto gun laws as is. The law-abiding folks will fill out the paperwork, go through the waiting period, and then go blow Daffy and Bambi to kingdom come.
Your trying to regulate people by regulating their tools. I'd wager, if you outlawed every firearm in the world..I mean tool them all away, there's be some guy knocking over a liquor store with a butter knife. And you can't outlaw those. What would we spread marmalade with?
The crooks ain't buying their guns at Wal-mart folks.