Rush decided to grind his affirmative action axe at an inappropriate time. He may be right, McNabb might not be a great quarterback. I hope he stinks on ice this Sunday against the skins. But give the guy some credit. By saying that the man's past kudos were happenning because the press wants to promote a black quarterback is ludicrous. There have been plenty of black quarterbacks - like the skins own Doug Williams. Its not like anyone has to promote this idea. And Ill bet that the Eagles would trade McNabb if he wasnt cutting it, for someone who was black, yellow, white pink blue or plaid if he could win football games.
Rush's comments show the mindset of someone who thinks in racial terms, but what he said was not overtly racist. OTHER things that Rush has said demonstrate that he is a racist, and lets face it, there arent many blacks in his target audience. He does not need to pander to blacks
Rush is entitled to his opinion, but by expressing it in his anti-affirmative action context he sold McNabb short, BECAUSE McNabb is black. THat is the racist part. McNabb doesnt belong here but is anyway because he is black. The message was laid right out there. It was stupid and everyone got covered in the poo.
And I dont agree with you about the other panelists not even caring, they all jumped in to defend McNabb's plaing abilities. That ESPN show sucked anyway. Rush didnt fit in there.