Author Topic: P-51D Graphic Bugs  (Read 995 times)

Offline Midnight

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P-51D Graphic Bugs
« on: October 15, 2003, 06:18:49 PM »
The P51D shows the gear doors closed at all times, including when the gear is down.

The Rear gear door shows ok when gear down, but looks like an empty wheel well when the gear is up and the doors disappear.

No prop is visable with the engine off. Prop is only slightly visable with engine on (not like AH original)

Muzzle flashes are only visble on the left inside MG. The muzzle flash is skewed.

When using pan from the outside view, the fueslage has a few gaps near the wing root.

Dell Dimension 4300
PIII 1.6 GHz
128M Radeon 9600