Author Topic: Tracers start behind aircraft  (Read 1925 times)

Offline F4UDOA

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Tracers start behind aircraft
« on: October 16, 2003, 02:14:30 PM »

I noticed in the external view the tracers seem to originate somewhere behind the airplane.

Having said that I like the tracer effects.

Also there are no muzzle flashes either. They may be behind the airplane with the tracers??

BTW I was testing in the P-51D.

Offline ZDS1486

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Tracers start behind aircraft
« Reply #1 on: October 16, 2003, 04:43:09 PM »
I noticed there were no gun flashes either..

For that matter there were no flashes of any sort. No explosions at all.


Offline loser

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Tracers start behind aircraft
« Reply #2 on: October 16, 2003, 05:02:27 PM »
Yup, right you are.

I believe they did in AH1 too.  But now they seem to originate much further behind and much further ABOVE the plane. This especially in the spit 5.

Offline F4UDOA

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Tracers start behind aircraft
« Reply #3 on: October 17, 2003, 11:51:06 AM »

Anybody else notice this?


Could we get a check mark or something to let us know if you have acknowledged our post or something?

Offline SlapShot

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Tracers start behind aircraft
« Reply #4 on: October 17, 2003, 12:09:56 PM »
I noticed this too and took a real good look from the F3 position.

If you think about ....

The aiplane is going 300+ mph and the instant you fire the guns, the smoke trail is initiated at that instant in space ... so ... if you are going 300+ mph (how many feet per second is that ?) it would be optically logical to assume that the tracer trails are starting behind you when they really aren't. What I don't think that HT has taken in account (or hasn't enabled it yet) is that the airwash effect on the tracer smoke trails ... the trails should dissapate very quickly with the air being deflected from airframe.

As far as the tracers showing higher than the AC, I have to agree that some work needs to be done there. If you watch closely, the origin of the gun flashes are starting inside the wing and also don't seem to originate exactly where the guns are located.
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Offline 1Duke1

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Tracers start behind aircraft
« Reply #5 on: October 17, 2003, 01:00:09 PM »
Agree with Slapshot...

If you sit on the runway, or hangar and fire the guns, the tracers are coming out of barrels as advertised.   When fired while moving through the air, your basically flying through the tracer tracks (can't figure out how to say it any better)

Also, muzzle flash was only visible from left side guns.  I am sure these are items that are really on the back burner.  One of the biggest probs I see right now is the HUGE framerate hit taken when you fire the guns.  I went from 60-70s down to low teens and single digits in all views.

Basic specs: P4 2.53, 512m ram, ATI 9700 pro 128.

Offline icemaw

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Tracers start behind aircraft
« Reply #6 on: October 17, 2003, 03:26:13 PM »
BTW they are not looking for minor bugs like tracers etc. At this time they are only interested in major stuff like CTD's page faults big holes in the terrain ETC ETC ETC.
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Offline mrblack

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Tracers start behind aircraft
« Reply #7 on: October 17, 2003, 03:34:19 PM »
Yes there is a FPS hit when firing the guns.

Offline hitech

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Tracers start behind aircraft
« Reply #8 on: October 17, 2003, 03:35:28 PM »
Btw the effects you are describing are all correct. If you are shoting while pulling g's the tracer trail will apear to move up and back down. Whats realy going on is your plane is moving away from the trail and then back threw it as you fly in a circle. This is because you are not shooting in the direction your plane is headed. (i.e. Angle of attack)

As to them shooting behind your, that effect is do to a frame draw. You must understand that you are seeing a strobe effect when dealing with a screen. Bullets arn't always shot right at a video frame, but can be launched mid way between frames. This causes the effect of bulletes looking like they are launched behind you.


Offline mrblack

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Tracers start behind aircraft
« Reply #9 on: October 17, 2003, 03:39:21 PM »
uhhmm makes sense:aok

Offline empty

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Tracers start behind aircraft
« Reply #10 on: October 18, 2003, 12:22:58 AM »
Though not stricty on the top of bugs...

If you have ever seen aircraft guns being'd see a little puffs (smoke from muzzles) behind the a/c.  An obvious visual clue that the a/c if firing guns.  Of course if you were on the ground in the right place (maybe) you be hit with the falling cases. :D

I don't care for the look of the new tracers, I do like the latent smoke effect.  I know that these changes would be a refinement and this is not germane to the beta test goals.

Offline aac

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tracers spirialing
« Reply #11 on: October 18, 2003, 02:25:42 AM »
In my years of the military and police work I have fired thousands of tracers, and never have I seen any that spirial away like they do in the game.  I have a few dozen right now if anyone is in east texas and wants to come shoot, they make for quite a show at night over the water especially.