Asus A7N8X NforceII motherboard
AMD XP3000+ cpu
Kingston HyperX PC3500 DDR ram
Soundstorm onboard sound
Radeon 9800 Pro w/Catalyst 3.8 driver
Latest direct X update
Windows XP Home,with all critical security updates
I tried various settings,but it seemed that I lost no framerate at 1600 x 1200 as compared to 1280x1024 and 1024x768,so I left it there.I have 4x AA enabled,and no AF on.Refresh is set to 75,what my moniter supports at 1600x1200.
Also,any changes I made to video settings,either in the game or with the video card didn't take effect until I rebooted.
HQ w/cb 47
HQ wo/cb 56
Runway w/CB 28
Runway wo/cb 32
Inflight on deck heading away from field 50,drops to 20 when shooting
Inflight at 10k heading away from the field,65drops to 18 when shooting.
Some weirdness to this-when I reverse back to the field(even though I can't see it),my framerate drops to about 34,but jumps right back to 65 if I head away from the field again.This is at 10k,and the field isn't visible.
Shooting at P51-framerate drops to 13-14
I had one CTD-I augered the plane,and got kicked to desktop.This happened only once,and I haven't been able to duplicate it.
Hope this helped.