Author Topic: Bombers in the CT  (Read 1318 times)

Offline wolf05

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Bombers in the CT
« Reply #30 on: October 22, 2003, 07:10:03 PM »
Well, we have the MA, CT, TA, DA, and special events arenas. Why not start the WA (whiners arena) or the CA (crybaby arena).
In these arenas if one did not like what the other side had going for them, all they would have to to is whine or cry to the staff members, and poof... they would have their own way.

Of course you would have to have several staff members on hand to accomodate the overload of complaints from whiners and criers, as I am sure both arenas would have to be reset constantly from the changes brought about by the whiners and criers. Gee... sounds like work, but after all... the staff of AH have nothing better to do than to placate a few tards that want the world to go their way. Would this work? Probably not!

I am sure that if you gave everyone what they wanted we would still hear the annoying whines like... you have to take the sun out of here because it gets in my eyes and I cannot see the enemy planes, or we need to take the clouds out because the enemy is using them to hide behind, or make the water white in color so I can see the low flying enemy sneaking up on us and I can find the fleets better, or can we put a window in the floor of my airplane, cause I cannot see who is sneaking up from below me.

Yeah, I know it sounds very childish and immature, and GAWD I hope we never have to listen to anything like that, but I am beginning to wonder

Yes, there are a few problems with the aspect of realism in AH as well as the CT, but it is what we have to work with. When I heard about AH and what it offered to the combat gaming community I was extremely elated, as I had never been involved in such a venture. I checked it out and was actually having the time of my life. I mean after all, here was a game that boasted in giving the player a real life Combat experience with fighters, bombers, ground vehicles, ships, and fixed gun positions all from your own computer, and for only 15 dollars a month. WOW!

I do not know about the rest of you, but I have a lot of fun in AH, with emphasis on the CT. I can come in and fly with my squadmates and have one hell of a good time. I have also made some very good friends in here from both sides, to the point of feeling like they are family (there goes the neighborhood).

I do notice however that there is a small faction of individuals that love to do their fighting on the text buffer, and have also noticed that these are the premier whiners. They will never be satified unless they are successfully screwing it up for everyone else. They complain and whine about everything they can, and it seems that they will never be satisfied no matter what the game has to offer. I just look at these few as I would a handfull of anti gun opponants at an NRA convention. Yeah, they can cry all they want to, but bottom line they are outnumbered hundreds to one.

I wonder what would happen if all the whiners got together and started their own flight sim company... Maybe call it Arses Cry or something along those lines. Then they could charge maybe 20 dollars a month and set up many arenas for their paying customers to play in. There would be no bombers, no GV's, No fleets, and absolutely no fun! Who would do the whining then?

Sorry, just my long winded 2 cents.

Offline Arlo

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Bombers in the CT
« Reply #31 on: October 22, 2003, 07:58:37 PM »
Ahhh, 2-dogs .... I see you read the first post and quickly formulated a wall of text. :D

Offline kesolei

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Bombers in the CT
« Reply #32 on: October 22, 2003, 09:03:20 PM »
This thread brings about valid ways to make people happy beneath the top layer whine. At least the first post does (maybe not stated in a friendly, open for discussion manner.. but its in there); the whole thread kind of dwindled down into an all-out whine fest. But oh well, its a given here on Aces that that'll happen anymore.

Having manable ack helps defend the field against bombers when all else fails; I think I heard a CT Staffer say that its a map problem on this map, so we don't get the manned ack, not an option to active/deactivate... So, mapmakers of the future; remember to put in manned ack, it does get used and is greatly appreciated. I also think that shortening FH downtimes would be beneficial because... you still get the historical accuracy of people porking the field if and when they choose to do it.. but it isn't going to intterupt the flow of game play for as long a time. It wont make people happy, but it'll make them happier. Hopefully.

That's just my two cents there, and an attempt to get the thread back on topic.. maybe. If people can be serious and actually try to address the problem and come up with constructive solutions to fix it, rather than whine and wait for someone else to do so.

Offline wolf05

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Bombers in the CT
« Reply #33 on: October 22, 2003, 09:07:55 PM »
Gee Arlo Do I not have the right to be rediculous too, lol.
I guess I like to poke fun at the whimsical whiners we have flourishing amongst us. It is also quite humorous to see the backlash of the many thread replies that abound from one individuals inept view of the game. It is all in fun brother... And I am having a blast:rofl

Offline Arlo

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Bombers in the CT
« Reply #34 on: October 22, 2003, 11:25:57 PM »
Originally posted by kesolei
If people can be serious and actually try to address the problem and come up with constructive solutions to fix it, rather than whine and wait for someone else to do so.


Every setup has it's own unique problems. And what's one player's solution is another player's problem. Compromises seldom are recognized and even less seldom universally applied.

Case in point: My suggestion that, in this particular terrain and setup (as it is) porkers and landgrabbers simply leave the a2/a3 fight alone and let the players there that only want a close AvA fight have their fun. It's lost in a thread where each side is reading every other word of every other post and coming out of it with an "accurate picture" of the "other side's" shortcomings. ;)

Funny thing is, I already saw that coming. :D

*It is to laugh. :rofl

Offline Arlo

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Bombers in the CT
« Reply #35 on: October 22, 2003, 11:27:39 PM »
2 Dogs.

Heh .... every damn one here is a ruttin' whiner. ;)