Author Topic: cv crash to desktop  (Read 833 times)

Offline bockko

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cv crash to desktop
« on: October 17, 2003, 10:27:41 PM »
when changing between tower and hanger on cv's i crashed to desktop repeatedly.  

Also, noticed that in the select joystick screen the page with the in-game axis names opens off the left side of the monitor; not sure you care about that yet.

frame rate ok, 30 in hanger, 46 in tower, 44 shooting drones. fr buzzing low over city up in 60s.

p4 2.4c;
512 meg pc3200 ram;
win xp home oem;
ti4200 64meg Driver Version: 6.13.0010.4109
sb audigy gamer sound card, Driver Version: 5.12.0001.0252 (English)

1024x768 32bit, unlimited frame rate

Offline mjolnir

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cv crash to desktop
« Reply #1 on: October 17, 2003, 11:16:52 PM »
Having similar problems with the CVs.  The first time I tried clicking on the ship gunner position, CTD.  The second time I managed to get into a gun (no option yet, just whatever gun it went to), but when I went back to hangar and clicked on a Spit V (greyed out, just wanted to see what would happen), CTD.  Perhaps the CV hangar hasn't been modelled yet, so it crashes trying to show your plane choice?

edit:  Sorry, specs in many other threads, but the Cliff Notes version:

Athalon 2600
512 RAM
Radeon 9500 Pro
Win XP Pro
Running 1600x1200x32