Author Topic: AH2 Beta 1.991  (Read 4162 times)

Offline Pyro

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AH2 Beta 1.991
« on: October 20, 2003, 05:00:56 PM »
A new beta version is now available for download.  There is no patch available.  You can get it here:

Aces High II Version 1.991 Open Beta

This second version of the beta includes a number of optimizations.  The initial
start-up should be much faster and frame-rate was improved.

With this version we're primarily looking for performance feedback from a series
of tests.  Each test should be performed as follows:

1- Startup the game and stay in the default airfield tower.
2- Minimize the clipboard.
3- Record framerate, VidMem and VidMem Used once it has stabilized.
4- Change video settings for next test, click apply, repeat steps 2 and 3.

Common Video Settings-  The following video settings should be set as follows
for all the tests.

Resolution - 1024 x 768
Color Depth - 32 bit
Frame-rate - Unlimited
Gamma - 1.0
Disable Palettized Textures - Unchecked
Horizon - Checked

View range set to max (SHIFT F1)

Video Memory Test

This test is to make sure that AH2 does not use more video memory than is
available on your video card.  If memory usage exceeds the capacity of
your video card, your frame-rate will be severely impacted.  If you have
128 MB of video memory on your video card, you can skip this test.


Max Texture Size - Unlimited
Bump Mapping - Checked
Transitions - Checked
Displayed Object Size - Slider full left

1- Note Frame Rate
2- Change Max Texture Size to 128, click apply, minimize clipboard and check
frame-rate.  If your frame-rate does not go up, set Max Texture Size back to
unlimited and leave it there for all further tests.  If your frame-rate does
increase, keep incrementing the Max Texture Size until your frame-rate drops
and then set it back to the highest setting that still runs at the faster
frame-rate.  Use this Max Texture Size setting for all the tests.

Test 1

Bump Mapping - Checked
Transitions - Checked
Displayed Object Size - Slider full left

Record frame-rate, VidMem, and VidMem Used in the tower with clipboard minimized.

Test 2

Bump Mapping - Unchecked
Transitions - Checked
Displayed Object Size - Slider full left

Record frame-rate, VidMem, and VidMem Used in the tower with clipboard minimized.

Test 3

Bump Mapping - Unchecked
Transitions - Unchecked
Displayed Object Size - Slider full left

Record frame-rate, VidMem, and VidMem Used in the tower with clipboard minimized.

Test 4

Bump Mapping - Unchecked
Transitions - Unchecked
Displayed Object Size - Slider full right

Record frame-rate, VidMem, and VidMem Used in the tower with clipboard minimized.

Report your results in the AH2 beta forum in the frame-rate test thread.
Please include your system CPU, memory, video card specs, and the
Max Texture Size setting you used to perform the tests.
Aces High II Version 1.99 Open Beta

The Beta version of AH2 will install in a separate directory and can be launched
from Start/Program Files/HTC/Aces High II.  Installation of the Beta will not
affect your existing Aces High install.  The beta only supports offline play.

The purpose of this limited open beta version is to test core level functionality
and performance across a wide spectrum of hardware configurations.  We're
interested in lockups, crashes, major rendering errors, and frame-rate.  Please
make your reports in the AH2 Beta bug forum on our message board.  Please refrain
from reporting minor bugs (like tracers or some gauges not displaying correctly)
at this time.  We'll be soliciting reports for those and gameplay issues in subsequent
versions of the beta.  When making reports please include your system specs.

We're only interested in the tower frame-rates for now.  We'll address flying
frame-rates in future beta releases.  

We are also looking for any bugs involving moving the clipboard around.  The
clipboard can no longer be placed off screen.  Please report any bugs related
to this.

Thanks for your help in testing this.