Author Topic: Welcome to Angels High  (Read 412 times)

Offline AKMosby

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« on: September 23, 2000, 03:52:00 AM »
Yea the subject is a tad overkill.Heres some more overkill for ya.Lets remove the Shiner bottle cause it contributes to the consumption of alcohol-or how about that big pizza,it's gota go to cause it's a slap in the face to all the sorry lardassses out there on a diet.Oops I said lardass-on that note lets ban people from posting for a week on the BBS for swearing-it's seen by alot more people than the vulgarities used in the game.Ok this whole post was a farce.I personally don't use vulgarity on the open channel and try to limit it on the country channel.But on the other hand I have the mental capacity to squelch someone if I find them offensive.Oh but thankyou HTC for taking the burden off my shoulders.The only problem I have with this new oh so critical implementation is that it's on the squad channel also.I think squads are quite capable of policing themselves and the language used in private.A little more thought into implementing this wouldn't of hurt.

On a side note:an appology to all the bish whose six I could not call because I said (censorsed version-->dookie) on my squad channel.Have a wonderful weekend my fellow angels  

Offline AKDejaVu

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« Reply #1 on: September 23, 2000, 04:19:00 AM »
Sigh... learn to live with it Mosby.

The whiners have spoken.

Now it is safe to have your children sit on your knee as you pour hot lead into an enemy aircraft without feeling they are subject to bad influences.


[This message has been edited by AKDejaVu (edited 09-23-2000).]

Offline Creamo

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« Reply #2 on: September 23, 2000, 04:29:00 AM »
Well said man... sucks that HiTech will spend hours explaining simple toejam to RAM and puts in this silly "PG12" garbage.

The whiners have spoken... and they can KISS MY ASS.

Offline RAM

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« Reply #3 on: September 23, 2000, 06:50:00 AM »
Originally posted by Creamo:
Well said man... sucks that HiTech will spend hours explaining simple toejam to RAM and puts in this silly "PG12" garbage.

As allways you are a smart (wrong) prettythang.

My problems in MA have been complaining, and personal attacks against HO and Ack hugger dweebs, mainly. But I VERY rarely used "offensive language" other than "dweeb", "dweebish" and so.

Sure I have exploded 2 or 3 times with BIG words. 3 in 8 months. THere are much worse people on  MA.

Oh, BTW the long private talks with HT and Pyro happened. They were really wonderful for me and helpful,too.

But they never were about offensive language. ANd were nearly all in a friendly way , and allways full of respect.

So YOU can kiss my prettythang, Creamo. ONce again you show that you are a F"·$&% su%$&$.  

[This message has been edited by RAM (edited 09-23-2000).]

Offline Jekyll

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« Reply #4 on: September 23, 2000, 07:07:00 AM »
Now it is safe to have your children sit on your knee as you pour hot lead into an enemy aircraft without feeling they are subject to bad influences.

Which is just as it should be.  Hats off to HTC for implementing this .. its long overdue.

Offline RAM

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« Reply #5 on: September 23, 2000, 07:21:00 AM »
Jekyll, only curious.

You let your kids watch the TV?. If you do, you explose them much more than in AH to hear and see offensive things.

This post has nothing to do with HTC decision, the language filter was something that was going to happen sooner or later.

What I try to do is to point that closing one hole only to let other open is senseless. IMO.

But once again, what do I know?  with no kid experience here (I'm the younger brother of three).  

[This message has been edited by RAM (edited 09-23-2000).]

Offline Sunchaser

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« Reply #6 on: September 23, 2000, 07:29:00 AM »
What a crock of toejam!

Anyone may squelch anyone and the effort involved is almost nil so why should the lazy bastards who cannot type .squelch 1 or .squelch Sunchser have it done for them?

PC roadkill in my opinion.

What next, RW monitors so we cannot use what some consider improper language just in case someones kid might happen to hear it?

When did they put this thing in here and WTF is it for?

Offline -ammo-

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« Reply #7 on: September 23, 2000, 08:04:00 AM »
wrong, its nbow politacally correct. It is a good response from HTC. And its not about my 3 kids either. I, ME, MYSELF dont want to read it. It is offensive to me.

SALUTE HTC.  A great business and moral decision. I hope it sticks.

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Offline Toad

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« Reply #8 on: September 23, 2000, 08:17:00 AM »

If it was the same or less trouble, I'd have preferred a system that worked on the player's PC rather than the Host.

I feel no need to force my views on anyone else.

Nonetheless, I have no problem with the system as implemented. At least it's added a bit of creativity to the buffer.

Those who are upset about it are still free to shout those same words in the privacy of their home rather than type them into the buffer, are they not?

Oh? What's that? Your wife and kids don't let you do that?  

Thanks HTC!
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Offline skernsk

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« Reply #9 on: September 23, 2000, 08:31:00 AM »
Keep it --- get rid of it.....I don't care.

The point I want to get accross (AKmosby's) was to leave Squad channel alone.  Who ccares what's said on squad channel -- only a handful of my FRIENDS will see it.  

I was aso quite shocked when typin in "hi bastards" got me muted ---- but when I got a kill the text buffer had no problem saying "victory 1 by skernsk of Fat Drunk Bastards"

What I would like to see is the IDIOTS that continue to verbally abuse the MA get punted from Aces High for a week.  It is almost always teh samw pilots.  Everybody threatens to take a screenshot and e-mail Hitech.......well there is the proof......that pilot should be grounded or at least relegated to flying a C47 in slow lazy circles!

Fat Drunk Bastards

[This message has been edited by skernsk (edited 09-23-2000).]

Offline Udie

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« Reply #10 on: September 23, 2000, 08:32:00 AM »
 What do you think would happen if you were in a video arcade cussing like people do here?  Shout the F word out loud in any public place more than about 2 times and I bet your asked to leave. Judging by the reactions here some of you would then cuss the manager out for asking you to leave.

 I guess I can see this as a form of censorship, but I realy can't understand why some grown adults are getting agry with the fact that nobody will be able to see them use fowl language (that is the end result).  That just doesn't seem to me like it should be at the top of a "what pisses me off" list. Heck nobody even gripes about  CT anymore, and that realy effects the game.  

 Could it be that maybe this game is getting so good that everybody has to search for something to whine about?  


Offline Cobra

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« Reply #11 on: September 23, 2000, 08:38:00 AM »
Originally posted by AKDejaVu:

The whiners have spoken.


Talk about whining...there are 6 different threads going on right now about the filter, all with the obligatory "I Quit" posts sprinkled in (although JoeMud wins..he posted I Quit in all 6 threads).  

The filter kind of shows you how stupid some of this  really is.  But as they say, you can't legislate against stupidity.  I think HTC looked at this and thought, man, these guys can't even control themselves enough to make the game enjoyable for all, so here's some controls.

Man, this whole thing is unbelievable, on both sides.  Just fly the game guys.  Show respect as you would if the person were sitting there beside you.  How hard is that??  

Strike that last question.....the answer is in these threads.

Cobra (Can't believe this is all folks have to worry about with their time, and now that includes me...YIKES!)

Offline Jekyll

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« Reply #12 on: September 23, 2000, 09:08:00 AM »
You let your kids watch the TV?. If you do, you explose them much more than in AH to hear and see offensive things.

Yes RAM, I do let my kids watch the TV.  Sorry but I fail to see how Cartoon Network, Discovery Channel or Fox Kids is "much more" offensive than some dweeb on Ch 1 telling all and sundry to 'f%$# off'.  Remember the difference RAM; with TV you can turn the sucker off if the program is offensive.  Why should I be forced not to play AH simply because a very vocal minority cannot control their language?  Sure, I can squelch them, but only after they've had their '4-lettered say'.

It's a bit late by then  

Man, this whole thing is unbelievable, on both sides. Just fly the game guys. Show respect as you would if the person were sitting there beside you. How hard is that??

Well said Cobra <S>

[This message has been edited by Jekyll (edited 09-23-2000).]


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« Reply #13 on: September 23, 2000, 09:09:00 AM »
Count me in with the whiners then.

Why blame the filter on those who were offended and irritated by the ones who chose to type profanity into the radio buffer at every opportunity? They are the ones who forced this issue and are the ones who provoked the filter issue in the first place.

Had there not been so much profanity, the "whiners" would have been just that. However, the "whiners" had a real point and there was all too much evidence to back it up. That is why there is now a filter. It isn't the "whiner's" fault. It's the fault of those who chose to cuss at every chance.

I think the filter is a good thing. What? You guys are upset that now you can't cuss and show off on the radio?

Offline jedi

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« Reply #14 on: September 23, 2000, 09:56:00 AM »
Unbelievable.  How is this even an issue worth complaining about, let alone quitting over?  People who think they have blanket "freedom" to offend anyone they choose, and that its the "fault" of the offended, just don't get it.  You're in a "community," guys.  Presumably you WANT to be in that community.  Rule #1 of being in a community is RESPECT for the other people there.  How you can reconcile respect for other people with being able to spew offensive garbage into their text buffers is beyond me.

And gee, isn't this supposed to be a FLIGHT SIM?  You can't get enough enjoyment out of flying and fighting?  You HAVE to be able to TYPE offensive language into the text buffer too?  Hey, I curse all the time.  At home. To myself.  Not at the people I'm flying with.  Not at people I don't even know who just happen to be on the same channel.  Try using your "freedom of speech" to curse at the tower controller in real life, and see how long you get to fly, kiddies.

Bravo HTC.
